Wonderful character development!
n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Kaydan Christian
A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Matylda Swan
It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Witchfinder General 666
Man, I just love these Bud Spencer & Terence Hill flicks! I've been an enthusiastic Spencer/Hill fan since my childhood. I've seen every film the two made together multiple times, and their films still seem to get funnier and better with each viewing. Such as this "Chi trova un amico, trova un tresoro" ("Who Finds A Friend Finds A Treasure") of 1981. While this is not one of my favorite Spencer/Hill films, it is yet another hilarious flick with or favorite duo of manner-less proletarian drifters that entertains with a high dose of fistfights and the typical Spencer/Hill humor. Fleeing from his debtees, Alan (Terence Hill) hides in the boat owned by Charlie O'Brien (Bud Spencer), who is to be paid a big amount of money for a promotional cruise. The ruffian Charlie, of course, is furious when he discovers his blind passenger. Alan then manipulates Charlie's compass in order to travel to a remote island on which a treasure is supposed to be hidden... "Who Finds A Friend Finds A Treasure" is arguably one of the sillier films even for Spencer/ Hill standards, and they are not exactly avatars of subtlety. The film's silliness, however, is a delightful one, and for a Spencer/Hill fan, this is one of the funniest films to watch. Bud and Terrence entertain with their usual rowdy behavior, many fistfights and incomparably entertaining humor. As it is the case in most of their films, the clever Terence brings the short-tempered (and not so clever) Bud to outrage multiple times with his puns and tricks. "Who Finds A Friend Finds A Treasure" also introduces a bunch of eccentric and outrageously funny characters, such as the island tribe ruled by a chubby lady named 'Mama' who disciplines her son with heavy slaps on the head, or a Japanese soldier who hides out in a remote fort and doesn't realize that WW2 has been over for decades - a spoof on the real-life case of Hideo Onada, a Japanese soldier who was hiding out heavily armed on an island until 1974. This was directed by the great Sergio Corbucci, the director of Italian Western masterpieces such as "Django" (1966) and "The Great Silence" (1968). This film is not one of his masterpieces, of course, but it is a film that I personally enjoy more with each time I see it (and I've seen it at least 10 times). Overall, "Who Finds A Friend Finds A Treasure" is another highly entertaining and outrageously funny Spencer/Hill flick that no fan of the duo could possibly afford to miss!
As usual for Hill and Spencer movies, they are two self centered and greedy characters, who basically care only for themselves, but still manage to do the right thing when the time comes.Hill and Spencer could easily be the modern day equivalent of everymen. The only thing that has them motivated (in any of their movies) is greed for money, because they don't have it and are prepared to do many things to get it (although they would never really cross the border of the law).In this case there's an old uncle with a treasure map and his nephew (Hill), who doesn't really believe him, but once he gambled away all of the mafia's money, the treasure seems to be the only way out for him. So he hides away on a sailboat as a last possible way to get away from the pursuers. The captain (Spencer) is only doing this trip with the sailboat to get the money from the sponsor Puffin (making a product he hates himself). And after they loose the boat (as usual Hill dragged Spencer in the middle of it all) they have nothing left but the treasure to search for.As with other similar movies like "Go For It", "Crime Busters", "Double Trouble" or "Odds and Evens" Spencer is a grouchy leave-me-alone character and Hill the happy-go-lucky character. The first half an hour is a way to bring these two everymen in a situation where the slapstick comedy occurs. Although always shallow, the plot is plausible enough to let you settle in it and the opening part of the movie, when they are just getting to the point, is as always the funniest, for it doesn't rely on slaps and punches.After the landing on the island with the treasure the slapstick comedy gets on the way. So expect punches, kicks, slaps and many hurt bad guys. And as usual there is the reward to be had, so they find the treasure - still they can't get rich off it. It's never that easy, so just like the real modern everyman they are left more or less empty handed in the end.All in all a very amusing and simple movie, that would fall in the category of upbeat movies that will brighten your day, even though when you really think about it, you'll see it has a lot more to offer the it first seems.
The less you expect from this film, the more you are likely to enjoy it. It's filmed on pleasant locations and has a nice carefree spirit, but as a comedy it is anemic and rather leisurely paced - only mildly amusing BEFORE the starring duo gets to the "desert" island, and even less amusing when they DO get there. There are no outstanding scenes, and the dubbing of Bud Spencer's character is problematic. (**)
This is perhaps the Terence Hill/Bud Spencer movie that I´ve enjoyed the most. A solid plot, a superb reggae-style main title track and the two Italian friends in their very best shape ten years after their first world-wide success "My name is Trinity", make this movie most amusing and even unforgettable. Funny dialogues, funny gags, and of course, the essential punches and slaps. A movie to watch and to keep forever.