Who Is Lydia Loveless?

8.4| 1h48m| en

Who is Lydia Loveless? Singer/songwriter, alt-country queen, cow punk, hard rocker? The second coming of Hank Williams or Patti Smith? Or just a bubbling cauldron of hormones and emotions holding steadfast to the ideal of keeping rock & roll alive?


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Also starring Lydia Loveless


Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Pluskylang Great Film overall
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
robin7716 This movie rocks. No, really it literally rocks. Lydia's amazing talent is reason enough to see this movie but the behind the scenes look into an upcoming star is fascinating, funny and moving. Gorman does an excellent job of showing how this unlikely cast of characters came together to make some truly inspirational music. Lydia's talent is clearly the driving force behind the band but it is very interesting to see each members roll and how they have become a family. The concert footage is some of the best I have ever seen. It Makes you want to jump in a car and follow Lydia around. There is also some great comic relief from the band mates and animation. Bottom line, Lydia is a bad ass and this movie is a must see for all music lovers.
jaloeb I caught this movie as part of the Boston Independent a Film Festival this year (2016). There are documentaries that make you think about the subject for the few hours after you see it, there are documentaries that are well done but don't inspire discussion, and then there are documentaries that force you to immerse yourself in the subject at hand. Gorman Bechard's latest rock doc falls into the last category. At least once a day I find myself thinking back to some part of this movie. The story focuses on the lifeblood of a working musician-recording and touring. Excellent interviews with Lydia and her band throughout give us the answer to this question. Like most subjects there is not just one answer you will come away from the movie with an appreciation for the challenges it takes to be an artist in a world which appears to put less value on art.
Ron Scott I'll be honest – I attended the screening in Raleigh for the solo performance after the movie. At live shows, Lydia's amazing vocals are often overwhelmed by the mix of her band, so eight hours of travel was well worth hearing her solo. I was initially skeptical of a movie about her – at just 25 years old, exactly how do you fill almost two hours of screen time??? But I came away really impressed. The movie is extremely well constructed, with artifices and devices that move the story in an interesting way. The scrapbook motif was brilliant, although the "super heroes" could have been left on the cutting room floor. Even if you have no idea who Lydia Loveless is (your loss), this movie is put together in a way that will draw you in.
Brian Caught this at a film festival in Columbus Ohio. An in depth interview/visceral dissection of a brilliant songwriter climbing through the growth and successes of her rock band. Very real life with insightful questions and behind the scene stories of a rise to success. Part history of the band, part commentary on what it means to be true to your art, and along the way you learn that Lydia has surrounded herself with an incredibly talented team. You will enjoy this not only for the outstanding sound and music, but also because you can't watch this and not be captivated by her talents. She refuses to be categorized to one genre, and you walk away thinking she doesn't write or perform because she wants to, it's because she NEEDS to. If you love interesting dialogue and laughing at the joys of real life, you will really enjoy this unique documentary. It kicks ass, like Lydia does.

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