Why We Fight

2005 "It Is Nowhere Written That The American Empire Goes On Forever"
8| 1h38m| PG-13| en

Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy? Has the military become too important in American life? Jarecki's shrewd and intelligent polemic would seem to give an affirmative answer to each of these questions.


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Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
scottshogs Many on this site call this movie propaganda...obviously that is correct, but to be fair ever single book or movie or media in general is propaganda. We all have agendas and (hopefully researched) opinions for every single action of our lives. This movie is human nature and so clearly propaganda.The problem I have is that this movie pretends that imperialism & money only became connected with war since WWII. Lets not be naive...every single war in the history of the world has been motivated by power and money. From ancient Greece to the crusades to our current wars. EVERY SINGLE WAR EVER IS ABOUT $$$$$$$$$$$$$!
lastliberal President Dwight Eisenhower warned us that we must be vigilant against the military-industrial complex taking over our country. Why We Fight, a film that won the 2005 Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival, shows the price we are now paying for failing to watch over our leaders.Eisenhower warned that we would suffer disastrous consequences if a non-military man became President. We not only have that, but we also have a contractor in the Vice-President's office.The military -industrial complex has corrupted Congress to the point that they are willing accomplices. In addition, Think Tanks are now setting policy for the government. The American people were carefully mislead into a war that serves no purpose other than filling the coffers of American business and we will suffer for years because of it.It is not only the wasted money and wasted lives, but also the loss of our status as a Great Nation. We are heading down the path of Rome and, like Britain, France, and the Soviet Union before us, we will fall.I hope it is not to late to repair the damage, but I fear it is.
pookey56 i watched this superlative documentary months ago and am surprised i didn't write a review, which is more like a letter of gratitude. There are no spoilers here. just accolades from a grateful viewer. this montage of famed politicians, historians, people of courage and amazing intelligence is enough to recommend this documentary, if only to see a piece of history put together in such brilliant fashion, and with such a clear, unabridged message. There isn't any preaching, finger wagging, lecturing...none of that. Only pure, clear-minded analysis on an aspect of human nature which we need to expose, and understand. Hind sight is easy. Seeing the future path becoming wider is a different matter. humanity needs more films like this one. It has a way of exonerating our blackest characteristics, not by making excuses, but by making it clear that the Why of fighting is understood. If we can disseminate, expose, and understand, we can stop. kudos to Eugene Jarecki.
CelluloidRehab This is an appropriately titled documentary (ironic also) that delves into what Eisenhower called the "military-industrial complex", in his farewell address. While George Washington's farewell address involved warnings about political polarization of the country, the avoidance of entanglements with foreign nations and the idea that morality in government is required; Eisenhower warned about the ever increasing of power of the complex relationship between the military, the Congress and the military private sector, and the problems associated with having and supporting a standing army. He warned about the ever increasing resource allocation in the face of no visible or clearly defined enemy. A self perpetuation cycle that takes all other expenditures with it. This process seems to have started with WWII and even with Eisenhower's warning, has continued unabated for the past 50+ years, culminating in the current situation we are in (Iraq). During this time the expenditure was justified by the giant, looming Soviet threat (which collapsed of its own bloated weight). Since 1991, the military-industrial complex has been searching for a new "nemesis". They tried Panama, Iraq I, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq II. The current war is proof enough of the intentions of the this complex : to get more money appropriated by the Congress (for more expensive, newer, and "better" weapons), by "proving" to their constituents (through fear and misinformation) that they is a phantom danger which requires more money for defense. It is nearly impossible to tell the head from the tail of this unit. All the elements have almost fused into a giant entity.It is funny to think that WWII signaled the start of this entity, while also going against Washington's warnings (US first becomes entangled in NATO in 1949) and leading towards our current polarized and unmoral political situation. The problem with this complex is that is does not what is best for the country, but what is best for itself. This is not moral. Senator Byrd made that point when the Congress voted to give the executive branch the right to invade a foreign nation without provocation; that there was no debate, no look at the consequences of their actions. There was only silence. It's interest leads the country into situations that allocated many, many resources that could be used internally (Eisenhower had a cost list of what he could do locally with funds allocated for bombers, tanks, missiles, etc). Senator Robert Byrd also made the point that the US military budget from a few years ago was larger than the other 18 members of NATO combined and China. This movie tries very hard not to be a one-sided story. It gets some of the constituents of this entity to speak in their own words. The movie does not point fingers at political parties but rather at institutions and individuals. I don't know how people cannot acknowledge the truth in this movie. Whether or not what this movie's message appeals to your political thought or not, you cannot deny the truth no matter how much it doesn't benefit one's situation. You can ignore it, pin it on a patsy, or try to deny it, but you cannot hide from it. It would seem the movie would end on an pessimistic tone, but this is not true at all. It is very encouraging. This complex should be responsible to us. They are working with public (tax) money and Congress is full of our elected representatives, responsible to the people who elected them. We don't like what is going on, then we must do something about it. Freedom is not sitting at home watching your ass get fatter while eating fast food and drinking a beer. We need to get off our asses and make them listen to us. If they are not satisfying us, we get ones who can. Oh, where is the next George Washington ?? That is exactly what we need right now. It is funny how much his name is used to justify things he wouldn't have supported (also see God). Oh well. History will record this time as the end of the Republic and the rise of the American Empire. Sic semper tyrannis.-Celluloid Rehab