Wigstock: The Movie

1995 "A Celebration of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Big Hair!"
6.9| 1h25m| R| en

The three-decade-old annual Manhattan gathering of drag queens and their fans is portrayed in this colorful documentary. The film concentrates on the spectacle of the event, providing abundant examples of the elaborate costumes, flamboyant wigs, and campy musical performances that characterize the event.


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ada the leading man is my tpye
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
ScoobyWell Great visuals, story delivers no surprises
Asad Almond A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Tiggers1087 This movie was so awesome. I totally loved it, I watched it on LOGO! The guy above me who commented saying it was the worst movie.. yeah.. Totally a homophobe. He would probably say that to any movie with a gay guy in it. I loved all the dragqueens that came out on stage and sang, it's so unbelievable how awesome they look and perform. Very entertaining. Makes me kind of want to do drag. xD I loved Alexis Arquette. She looked so good in her outfit.. or he. whichever. xD You rocked too Mistress Formika! Who else.. So many but I forget their names.. It's very interesting to watch this movie and see a whole new world.. a world of dragqueens.. They're really just normal people.. It's not just entertaining, it's also educational somewhat. It's all very good. :)
bob_bear I first saw Wigstock in an Art-house cinema in Berlin amidst an audience largely made up of glamorous and extremely vocal German drag queens. And let me tell you, it was one of the most fun experiences in my life. Talk about audience participation? It was a riot! I've since bought first the video and now the DVD and watch it again and again - whenever I need a pick me up - whenever I need to remind myself that, as The Lady Bunny says: "We can all get it together and have a great time!" I have only two criticisms of this movie. 1. At a running time of approx 85 mins, it is not long enough! And 2. I really don't like Leigh Bowery's performance at all. Otherwise, it's all good. The audience are every bit as fabulous as the performers on stage and backstage.A couple of my fellow posters have complained about the lipsynching. Why? It's a given in drag culture. And Girlina and the like are awesome exponents. Got a complaint? You try lipsynching in those heels, honey! This film somehow manages to be both a celebration of diversity and community. I am totally in awe. My thanks to all concerned.
gftbiloxi From ancient Greek drama to Chinese opera, from the era of Shakespeare to the reign of the Italian castrati, throughout the world and for most of history women did not appear on stage. This gave rise to a revered theatrical tradition of what might best be called "female illusionists"--male artists who specialized in the performance of female roles and who were capable of making an audience believe a woman stood on stage before them. Such artists are still very much with us today. But you won't find any of them in WIGSTOCK: THE MOVIE.The high-end performers here are RuPaul and Lypsinka. RuPaul is essentially an entertainer who plays with gender and racial iconography to create an enjoyable stage persona, and as such is very well known to mainstream audiences; although lesser known, Lypsinka is the more talented artist, creating considerably more subtle and wickedly camp caricatures. Both are very enjoyable--but the vast majority of the performers on stage might best be described as "tacky barroom drag queens." Some of these are very, very good at what they do, with "Lady Bunny" a case in point, but most are of a type: toying with a mix of 1950s-1960s-1970s female fashion brought up to a ludicrously "glamorous" degree and mixed with 1990s punk-and-funk styles, these are the drag queens you might find on stage in any mid-size city's gay bar of note. But because they are so common, viewers familiar with the drag world will be unimpressed: we've seen it again and again and again. They aren't particularly original, and therefore they aren't any more interesting on stage than the acts you've seen a hundred times before.On the other hand, they are VERY interesting off-stage, and this documentary works best when it contrasts the preparations of the performers and their on-stage performances--giving us glimpses into the lives, motivations, and complicated preparations of the performers. And the audience itself is fascinating, a huge array of gay, straight, costumed, and (sometimes considerably) uncostumed people who are all bent on having a good time and don't mind showing that in front of the camera. Unfortunately, these backstage glimpses and audience shots are too few to make WIGSTOCK: THE MOVIE more than merely tantalizing, and the film in general eschews the "politics of drag" (for drag has always been to some degree a political statement) in favor of a "happy party" tone that wears thin well before the film comes to an end. Recommended, but primarily for those who know absolutely nothing about drag queens, their performing styles, and their backstage lives.Gary F. Taylor, aka GFT, Amazon Reviewer
TaoTeChing I'll never forget this movie because whenever someone asks me "what's the worst movie you've ever seen?" I always have a quick answer (although no one has ever seen this apart from the one friend of mine who was also duped into seeing this). This is like a cruel hell being forced to watch this movie, every new person that comes on the screen annoys you to new levels. Simply the worst time I've ever had or hope to have watching a movie.