Window Cleaners

6.9| 0h8m| NR| en

Donald is washing windows on a high-rise; Pluto is his assistant, hauling the rope for the platform and refilling buckets but mostly sleeping. And when things are finally going well, Donald makes the mistake of tormenting a bee.


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Walt Disney Productions


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Cortechba Overrated
Brightlyme i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
OllieSuave-007 Donald and Pluto team up once again in another hilarious cartoon short, where Donald is in charge of cleaning the windows of an apartment high-rise (brave of Donald doing so without any safety harness!), while Pluto attempts to help. Unfortunately, the lazy dog rather sleep, and Donald gets himself tangling with an angry bee.It's another beautifully animated short with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments; Donald was absolutely hilarious in this one, from him attempting to wake up Pluto with his cackling voice to him accidentally splashing a buckle of bolts onto a window instead of water.Donald's singing is sure to crack anybody up, and his little fight with the bee was pretty entertaining. It's just too bad Pluto wasn't of much help in this story.Funny stuff here! Grade A
crosswalkx I have seen this 1940 Donald Duck cartoon. It's funny and embarrassing at the same time.This short starts out with Donald Duck wearing a blue shirt and sailor hat but no pants or shoes, singing while standing on the roped platform being hoisted up by Pluto the dog.Things go wrong for Donald Duck while he's washing windows. First his hat and tail feathers gets clipped and Donald is annoyed by this. He also falls down and lands on a statue horse. He has trouble getting Pluto to wake up to get him a bucket of water. Then Pluto wakes up and Donald ends up hooking to a bucket of bolts and breaks the window.Donald tries to drown the bee in water as a joke. The bee gets mad at Donald and attacks Donald. Donald Duck fights the bee until he ends up getting his body tied up on the roped platform with his feathery rear end exposed for the bee to sting. Donald tries to blow at the bee to stop the bee from stinging him, but they both get tired out.The bee finally stung Donald Duck in the butt and it causes Donald to get untied and he falls head first into the drain pipe all the way down at the bottom pipe, where he calls Pluto for help. But Pluto ignores him and shoves his foot into Donald's head and goes back to sleep.I find it funny that Donald Duck gets his hat and tail feathers trimmed and he breaks the window. I also find it embarrassing that Donald Duck gets his rear end stung by a bee without any pants on. I also feel sorry that Donald Duck is stuck in the pipe. I hope someone can get him out. Hopefully the Disney company will extend the ending with Donald Duck getting out of the drain pipe.
TheLittleSongbird As a fan of Disney, Donald and Pluto I was all for seeing Window Cleaners. While not one of my favourites, it is very entertaining regardless. As ever I loved the crispness and colour of the animation and the energetic character that the music had. The gags, while slower to unfold, are well timed and very amusing, though there have been more hilarious gags in other Donald cartoons. The best ones were those when Donald shouts down the drain and the one with the bolts. The story is interesting and nimbly paced, but it is one particular sequence and what is done with Donald that makes Window Cleaners. Pluto's role is not very prominent, mainly to sleep actually, while the bee is a good foil. The sequence where the bee lifts his stinger up to get at Donald is beautifully animated and as a child I remembered in a way feeling inspired by it for some reason. Donald on the other hand is a sort of everyman person, but not one ordinary everyman. You see several sides of his character, first he is happy with not a care in the world, later on he is angrier and more easily frustrated, something I found very interesting to watch. Overall, a good cartoon if not a great one for me. 8/10 Bethany Cox
Shawn Watson This cartoon reminded me a lot of a previous Donald short called Clock Cleaners. The same high rise/vertigo gags are used but that doesn't stop it from being funny.Donald is washing windows while Pluto down on the ground sends up fresh buckets of water. But he's to busy napping and ignores Donald when prompted with a hook to the head. Instead Donald snares a bucket of bolts (why would a window washer have a bucket of bolts?) and smashes a huge pane of glass with it. But his troubles aren't over as a bee makes it his mission to sting Donald for soaking him.Despite some erection/impotence imagery at the end with the bee struggling to make a decent sting, it's amusing.