Please don't spend money on this.
In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
It took one movie, one single movie then the franchise returned to it's old formula. For a second I saw hope, but hope is thoroughly lost now.This ninth addition to the series see's the return of longtime lead Willy Spanner the warlock. Trouble is as per part sevens finale he's dead, and it'll take a hooker with a heart to help his ghost.Also returning is the ridiculous levels of t&a which here is beyond gratuitous! Sex scenes are fine but when they take up quarter of the film it becomes an issue.With no consistency with the previous film this is yet another mindless Witchcraft movie with a bad plot, ropey sfx and lots and lots of boobage.The Good:NopeThe Bad:Back to making all the same mistakes Things I Learnt From This Movie:Death causes immediate excessive hair growthThe creators should seriously consider a career shift to porn
BITTER FLESH is the ninth entry in the endless WITCHCRAFT series of straight-to-video sex horrors and undoubtedly the worst yet. The horror content of this story is particularly mild, with murders linked to an ancient Egyptian cult and a dead man whose spirit enters the body of a nubile young woman.The emphasis is very much on the sex content here, with an endless string of sexual situations which are anything but titillating. Instead they just go on and on, padding out the running time but achieving very little else. The actresses are all surgically enhanced but have no such artificial help when it comes to their acting ability, which is rock bottom. The dialogue is as crude as it gets and the production values non-existent. Yep, I hated it.
Witchcraft IX: Bitter Flesh (1997)* (out of 4) Detectives Lutz and Garner are investigating some strange murders, which seem to be influenced by Satan worshipers from Egypt (?). Meanwhile, the spirit of Will Spanner (David Byrnes) finds a hooker (Landon Hall) who has the ability to hear him and they team up for a good cause. WITCHCRAFT IX isn't going to be mistaken for the work of John Ford but then again it's not going to be mistaken for the work of Al Adamson so take that as you will. I'm really not sure why so many people kept renting these movies back in the day but I'm going to guess that it was 99% males just looking for some fast and cheap nudity while they drank beer with their buddies. Going through this series today I can't help but somewhat admire that the producers were ripping off Hollywood pictures more than a decade before The Asylum. This film here is basically PRETTY WOMAN meets GHOST, which in itself is pretty funny. The GHOST elements are oh-so-obvious but having the spirit team up with a hooker was just a good call. It's really too bad the film wasn't either better made or just played for laughs because this could have been something much better. Sadly, the entire thing is just downright boring, unerotic and quite confusing as well. There's so much dialogue that the characters are always talking about something new yet I must admit that I started tuning them out after a while. The plot never really makes much sense but then again it doesn't make much sense that this series was still going on at this point.
I don't know why I actually like some of the WITCHCRAFT entries, but I do. Anyway, this is probably the 3rd best of the low budget(And I mean low.)direct-to-video series behind 1 and 5. This time Will Spanner(From 1-7.)comes back to Earth as a ghost after the aftermath of part 7(Part 8 had nothing to do with the rest.)to find his killer. He seeks the help of a prostitute who is sick of her occupation, and his girlfriend Kelly. Plus there is a ritualistic killer who just happens to notice Spanner's friends and stalks them. Good story, and o.k acting, except for one of the bad guys who rapes the prostitute, what a terrible actor. *** out of *****.