Won't You Be My Neighbor?

2018 "A little kindness makes a world of difference."
8.3| 1h35m| PG-13| en

For more than thirty years, and through his television program, Fred Rogers (1928-2003), host, producer, writer and pianist, accompanied by his puppets and his many friends, spoke directly to young children about some of life's most important issues.


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Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
natashadelimaframinghamma I will see this more than 1 time. This man is peace, quality and so ahead of his time, he saved over 5 generations of kids that survived despite all of the democrats trying to break us, he was a voice of love and acceptance in our heads. Please watch this amazing movie. I remember scenes like it was yesterday.
Matt Greene "He was a minister...but he didn't wear a collar, he wore a sweater." I've heard it said that Fred Rogers must've been an angel, or even the second coming of Christ. This thinking is dangerous; it relieves us of our responsibility as humans. If he's a God, then we can just admire; if he's human, we must aspire. The movie is a cathartic blanket, and when Daniel the Tiger sings the duet with Lady Aberlin, the crying is constant from there on out. A soothing balm of sincerity and hope for scary and cynical times.
Hellmant 'WON'T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR': Four Stars (Out of Five)A documentary on the life and career of Fred Rogers, the host of 'MR ROGERS' NEIGHBORHOOD'. It was directed by Morgan Neville (a veteran director of documentary films). The movie has received nearly unanimous positive reviews from critics, and it's a huge hit at the Box Office as well (for a documentary that is). I enjoyed it.Morgan Neville examines the life, career, and philosophy of Fred Rogers (from the time he first started his classic TV show). Neville interviews Rogers, and many other celebrities who knew him, including former guests from his show. The film really depicts what Rogers was trying to do with his seemingly very simple and kid oriented TV show. His mission was always one of pure love and compassion, the film easily demonstrates. The movie is definitely really positive and sweet; pretty much everything you'd expect a documentary about Mr. Rogers to be like. It does go a little deeper into his philosophy (on why he did the things he did, and what he hoped to accomplish) than I had previously known before. I really respect the film for that, and I respect Fred Rogers a bit more than I previously did as well. The movie is very slow-paced though, and at times a little boring.
tallblondeandfun A vital part of several generations' childhood, I went in hoping to learn more about someone i had grown up watching. Instead i discovered he was even more of a great person than i realized. He truly cared about people and trying to make this a better world, which is rare! My boyfriend and i both were reaching for the Kleenex by the end.