World's End

2010 "Every action has a downstream effect."
3.6| 1h41m| en

Wes Keller is a young man living in a world where oil has collapsed, the food supply has been wiped out, and cancer rates for women have skyrocketed, depleting the female population. In a barbaric environment where bio fuel, batteries, bullets and people are currency and marauders roam free, Wes tries to escape to a mythical world run on cold fusion "Plutopia", a place that may only exist in the mind. THE BILL IS DUE. 'Downstream' is a view of the not so distant future. We follow a young man (everyone's son) as he pays the price for society's decadence.


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RyothChatty ridiculous rating
Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Borgarkeri A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
MixerBOS Being a big fan of post-apocalyptic movies ever since my childhood I watched many of those and this one is one of the good ones. World runs out of oil cause for the apocalypse is not impressive enough reason for the wold to become a wasteland and the movie isn't original. It's pretty much A Boy and His Dog mixed with Mad Max but for a B movie it does very good job in showing very realistically an aftermath wasteland and the barbaric world setup. Main actors do a decent acting job and the dog does his part very good. Action scenes are done surprisingly good. All in all the movie is one the best post-apocalyptic B movies that you can find. If you liked A Boy and his Dog and Mad Max 2 than this one is a must see.
ChaoticNoize The whole post apocalyptic wasteland has been done various times before but I am always excited to discover new films of this style. As I knew nothing about the film I decided to read a few reviews beforehand which nearly put me off watching it but I am glad that I decided to watch it anyway, I've seen it a few times now. This is not a bad film but nor is it a consistently good either, there are parts that require tweaking/re-shooting/removing in my opinion. There is a story but im undecided on whether it is strong enough to carry the film for 140 mins. Having said that, 'the road' doesn't contain much of a story other than that of survival and the relationship but that's a good film none the less.Some of the negatives; The engine noise used on Wes' car - I understand the engines have been modified so would sound different but the noise just doesn't fit, it sounds more like a kamikaze plane dive bombing or ww2 propeller driven siren. Some really poor editing - For example there is a scene that shows a long road and to avoid an overly long scene it is sped up but then abruptly returns to regular speed which looks like someone has fast forwarded a VCR. The fact Wes can 'talk' to his dog - I just think the concept is silly and is too gimmicky and it doesn't really add anything which makes it pointless. - The ending - What the f is all I have to say about that! Some of the positives; Some interesting characters - One of my favourites has to be Edward played by Billy Drago, sadly he doesn't get much screen time but the acting was great. Some interesting editing - In contrast to the poor editing there are some nice edits such as the split screen comic book style shots. Some REALLY cool action scenes - I LOVE the scene where Wes takes out those would be rapists, when I first saw that I was in awe of how amazing I thought it was. The music, the angles, the edits and the brutality made it memorable. I would love to have seen more like this. The sound - I really enjoyed the sound and music with only one exception of the song used when he goes into the town (about 16 mins in), I think it would have worked better without vocals.In summery - for a low budget film I would say this is a good effort that could've turned out worse but didn't achieve its potential either. I enjoyed the film and have watched it several times now but I think more time spent planning the story direction and some different post production choices would've improved the film substantially. I would suggest that anyone who is a fan of this genre (or the fallout game series) should watch this in its entirety. You may not enjoy it all but I believe you should give everything at least one chance.
jadfox Many reviews stated to have been 'disappointed' by this film.I wonder what they expected, another nonsense-story of 'big' motives like 'Book of Eli'? This film is realistic to an almost unbearable degree, none of that 'superhero' crap ppl are used to see, none of that 'bible' crap either. What has been falsely called 'civilisation' isn't as solid as it seems, that's where the realism begins, people are NOT 'civilized' most of them act on animal desires, the 'system' manipulates them into a semblance of being civilized..What if all that 'manipulation' collapses due to lack of energy ( , is there an alternative energy source? (yes) And will those who use it be of any help to the abandoned masses? The only answer that makes sense is a big NO and they will protect their 'privileged' city like those 'gods' of old protected theirs! Remember Gilgamesh? He had to fight against a 'mechanical-metallic monster' (as he neared the city of gods) that had a 'death ray-sword' attached & revolving, cutting everything down that moved. (thats no sci-fi script but exactly what the Gilgamesh epic tells us) Gilgamesh survived with the help of some gods (his relatives) but the poor Wes didn't, he was shot down by a 'mechanical monster' that patrolled the area around the city. All That makes it apparent that those who wrote the script were more than just realistic; if such a breakdown of everything occurs, those who'd run a 'Cold Fusion-city' would have all that planned for long, & they would keep the outsiders out..& just wait for the masses to exterminate each other or die of diseases.A cancer virus that affects women more is a sure way to keep the population down, by the way thats what the film is hinting at..Population reduction by removing resources and energy & by killing women..The ending was unexpected but adds value to the film, those who expected a 'happy ending' or even a 'helping hand' are..well..unrealistic :) In my opinion one of the best films made in the genre, many don't seem to understand its value because they are used to Hollywood-crap.
Nathan Bridger This is Phillip Kim's very first screenplay. If there is any justice in the world it will be his last.I wasted 101 minutes on this turkey. Don't make the same mistake.Two-dollar budget, one-dollar characters, confused, contradictory and abysmal script and a director who couldn't direct traffic on a Sunday morning. Not an original idea in it. Either the investors didn't read the script, or they *read* the script and figured it was a great tax write-off.The movie has two, flawed, premises: The world will soon run out of oil--which proves typist Phillip Kim, (can't truthfully call him a writer), spends too much time reading comic books instead of scientific journals--and that a world-wide cancer wiped out the female population, (Frank Herbert did that far, far better in "The White Plague"). The fact that there are a number of females in the film--most of whom say and do nothing and don't really need to be there--shows that the typist couldn't stay on track with his own inept plot.Skip Downstream--better yet, *toss* it downstream--and watch the better post-apocalyptic movies this disgrace has ripped off: A Boy and his Dog. Logan's Run. Mad Max. The Postman. Even Waterworld is a far better film.Did I mention this movie is bad?

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