Excellent, a Must See
disgusting, overrated, pointless
Clarissa Mora
The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
I went into Hell In A Cell with very low expectations, booking lately has been considerably more miss than hit and I expected the same.You know what else I expected? It to be predictable, and it was. I guessed correctly on all but one match.I could break down each match but truth be told most of the segments really aren't worth going over.Hell In A Cell is just another mess of crap with the occasional gold nugget in there to make it almost watchable. Emphasis on almost.The Good: Shane McMahons shooting star press Corbin wins the US titleTag title match The Bad: Majority of matches Dolph just doesn't care anymore (And can you blame him?) Shane McMahons offence The Fashion Police Excessive advertising Things I Learnt From This Event: David Otunga must have something on the McMahons to still have a job Vince must think that groin thrusting is PG Hell In A Cell has lost its intimidating appeal Randy Orton is staler than 7yr old loaf of breadDoesn't matter what they do I just can't get behind Dillinger, to me he will always be superkicked Stan KFC is finger licking good.......I think........they only said it 50,000 times I'll never understand what makes the Fashion Police so popular, it's 9 shades of moronic Shane McMahon looking competitive damages the credibility of his opponentShane McMahons punches look weaker than Hornswoggles