WWE In Your House 15: A Cold Day in Hell

1997 "There's gonna be a whole lotta whoop-ass goin' on!"
6.2| 1h46m| NR| en

A Cold Day In Hell features Hunter Hearst-Helmsley vs. Flash Funk, The Rock vs. Mankind and The Nation Of Domination vs. Ahmed Johnson. The Undertaker defends the WWE Championship against Stone Cold Steve Austin. Plus, Vader faces Ken Shamrock in a No Holds Barred match and more!


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World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)


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ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
SlyGuy21 1st Match: HHH vs 2 Cold Scorpio. They were still trying to show how intimidating Chyna could be, so she interferes a bit here. The match is pretty good, mostly thanks to Scorpio's aerial work. Hunter also does a good job, and the match is an alright start to the show. Rating: 3/52nd Match: The Rock vs Mankind. Rock had just lost the IC Title, most likely to keep him from being shoved down the crowd's throat as a babyface. He shows some heel tendencies here, like hitting a Rock Bottom on Foley to the steel entry ramp. I also liked the finish, with Foley rolling through the crossbody into the mandible claw. A good way of helping Rock get over, even in a defeat like that. Rating: 3/53rd Match: Ahmed Johnson vs The Nation of Domination, Gauntlet match. So the rules are, when one member of the Nation is defeated, another one comes down. The three members are Crush, Savio Vega, and Faarooq. Crush and Ahmed do an alright job for both being so big. Savio gets himself DQd, softening Johnson up with a few chair shots. Faarooq's segment is a little weird. The moves are alright, and it might have been an angle, but Johnson just kind of runs out of steam, allowing Faarooq to win. The match is entertaining, and flows well, but the ending is kind of weird. Rating: 3/54th Match: Ken Shamrock vs Vader. No Holds Barred match where the only way to win is KO or Submission. This is Shamrock's debut match, so it makes sense they'd make him look strong. The match is good, kind of a cash-in on what UFC was doing, but given Shamrock's background, it makes sense. Vader gets his nose busted, and actually puts out some good technical moves. Shamrock makes him tap, which I imagine was unheard of at the time, but Vader did a good job himself. Rating: 3.5/55th Match: Undertaker vs Stone Cold Steve Austin, WWF Championship. The Hart Foundation's at ringside, what could that possibly mean? This would've been a WrestleMania dream match nowadays. Both guys rock, and the crowd has a hard time picking which one to cheer for. There's also some good moments with Austin flipping off the Harts, flipping off the ref behind his back, and the ref doing the same to him. As Austin's about to win, Pillman rings the bell early, distracting everyone and allowing Taker to get the win. Afterwords, the Harts rush the ring and beat on both guys before Austin gets one of Bret's crutches and clears the ring. An entertaining brawl, even the ending makes sense in terms of furthering Hart's feud with Austin. Rating: 4/5Final Rating: 7 out of 10. Even is the ending is a little messy, the show is a lot better than their previous one. Every match is at least good, and the final match is a nice brawl.
amanwhorocks 1. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Flash Funk 6.5/10 2. Mankind Vs. Rocky Maivia - This match contains nice Rock Bottom on entrance ramp! And nice Mankind's got victory! 9/10 3. Ahmed Johnson Vs. Crush/Savio Vega/Faarooq - That part with Faarooq was quite exciting. Faarooq clearly won. 7/10 4. Vader Vs. Ken Shamrock - I like Shamrock's victory, but I hate Vader to job at almost every PPV :/ 7/10 5. WWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Stone Cold Vs. Champ-The Undertaker - Nice finish! Until the last moment I believed that Stone Cold finally gets the belt, then the Stunner on Taker, Austin had to solve thing, that the bell rings from Brian Pillman. Taker suddenly set in Tombstone, Austin once again bridges the catches him and also to Tombstone, but Taker covers a second time and it takes off powerfully. Retains, end, and I do have to give 9/10
bh_tafe3 In our House 15, the penultimate two hour WWE PPV, was a fine wrestling show. Developing the successful Hart Foundation/ Steve Austin rivalry through a decent main event match and also giving the likes of Rocky Maivia and Ken Shamrock a chance to shine.The night started off with Hunter Hearst Helmsley getting a routine victory over Flash Funk in a passable opener. Funk didn't enjoy great success in the WWE, but there are plenty of worse workers with less crowd support who've wrestled for three years or far longer.Next saw the first chapter in what would become a major rivalry as Mankind defeated Rocky Maivia in an average match with the mandible claw. Mankind was building up to a face turn at this stage and would team up with Steve Austin to win the Tag Titles later in the year. Rocky in the mean time was not far off becoming the Rock and then joining the Nation of Domination. Within two years they would be two of the top three singles stars in the company.The next match, the worst thing on the card, but not terrible saw the Nation of Domination defeat Ahmed Johnson in a three on one gauntlet match. Johnson was able to power his way though Crush, but was hit with a big chair shot by Savio Vega who was then disqualified. Nation leader Farooq took advantage, hitting a dominator to pin Johnson.Next match saw the continuation of Vader's fall from grace and Ken Shamrock's first PPV victory as Vader tapped out to the ankle lock in a decent match.This brings us to the main event, and entertaining brawl in which the Undertaker defeated Steve Austin to retain the WWE Championship. Bret Hart, supposedly injured, sat at ringside with his Hart Foundation cronies and interfered in the match. Instead of a double DQ we got Undertaker winning and then saving Austin from a beat down. Undertaker and Austin stand tall as the PPV ends.A Cold Day in Hell was an entertaining show, with every match, aside form the opener, advancing a meaningful storyline. It left the few people who bought it (this PPV happened at the same time WCW had one of the most successful angles in wrestling history happening with Sting taunting the NWO from the rafters) wanting to see the next chapter and these events would culminate with the WWE setting up the superstars who would lead them to unprecedented mainstream success (their superior financial years in 2005-2009 were due to conquering a number of international niche markets, not through growing market recognition in North America) in 1998-2001.
Big Movie Fan The In Your House events were always rather average-the same can not be said for this one which provided enjoyment throughout.The hugely popular Ahmed Johnson battled three members of the Nation of Domination in heated brawls. Risings stars Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Rocky Maivia had great matches with their respective opponents, Flash Funk and Makind. The main event pitted the Undertaker against Steve Austin. It wasn't their greatest match but it was decent enough.The best match of the night was two top wrestlers Ken Shamrock and Vader battling each other in one of 1997's best matches. It was unpredictable and action-packed. Check it out.