WWE In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede

7.6| 1h48m| NR| en

In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede took place on July 6, 1997 at the Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta. The card of the event featured four matches. The main event was a ten-man tag team match featuring The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Owen Hart, British Bulldog and Brian Pillman) against Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock, Goldust and the Legion of Doom (Hawk and Animal). The featured matches on the undercard were The Undertaker versus Vader for the WWF Championship.


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World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)


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Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
amanwhorocks 1. The Godwinns Vs. The New BlackJacks - Average bout. 5/10 2. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Mankind - Mankind must hurt himself in every match. It isn't possible. He deserve great piece of respect. - Double Count out ending hurts me more than Mankind. 6.5/10 3. Taka Michinoku Vs. The Great Sasuke - Taka's PPV debut was fine. Nice moves. He lose either. 8/10 4. Vader Vs. The Undertaker - Rematch? I like that with Vader's victory better. 6.5/10 5. Steve Austin/Ken Shamrock/Goldust/Legion of Doom Vs. Hart Foundation/British Bulldog/Brian Pillman - That was best worked main event I've seen for a while. 9/10
tyhdavis None of the matches, except for the free-for-all, were below the 3/5 range. Mankind and Hunter Hearst Helmsley battled in the best brawl that they ever had (until, of course, Royal Rumble 2000), TAKA/Sasuke is the best high-flying, non-gimmick one-one-one match in the history of the company, and Vader and Undertaker put on an incredible big-man match. Oh, and, not to mention, THE BEST GIMMICK TAG-TEAM MATCH IN THE HISTORY OF WRESTLING. Respectively:Mankind and HHH's match was a downright fight. After the King Of The Ring a month earlier, these two had built up so much heat to their feud that it felt impossible to settle it in one match. Without spoiling it... well it's impossible to go further. SCORE: 3.75/5The Great Sasuke is one of the greatest light-weight Japanese wrestlers of all-time, maybe the best alongside Tiger Mask I. TAKA Michinoku is one of those wrestlers that, if given at least 10 minutes and a half-capable opponent, WILL produce a 4 star match. Needless to say, given the intro I gave them, they put on a clinic. SCORE: 4.5/5Undertaker and Vader: Now here's a story. Originally, Faarooq (Ron Simmons) was scheduled to face The Dead Man for the title on this evening. Due to an injury, a last minute substitute was issued, that being Big Van Vader, one of the all time great heavyweights in the industry. With little build and hardly any mic time given to the Rocky Mountain Monster, the two were left to simply wrestle in front of the lions. Without a doubt one of the Taker's best Title defenses of his career, and Vader's second best WWE match of his short tenure. SCORE:3.5/5Team America (Steve Austin, The Road Warriors, Goldust, Ken Shamrock) vs. The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart, Owen Hart, The British Bulldog, Brian Pillman, Jim Neidhart) is without a doubt the best non-traditional tag-team match in the history of pro wrestling. Building up to this event, The Hart Foundation was the most hated thing in pro-wrestling at the time, while Steve Austin was on his way to becoming THE professional wrestler of all time. Most all of WWF's shows and events were held in the U.S.. For this event was held in Calgary, the home of the famous Hart family, The Hart Foundation was treated as it's hometown heroes (of-course) and Team America was booed simply because they opposed Calgary's home team. The match was so phenomenal, however, that neither team received any heel heat from the Canadian crowd. In-ring, however, you had five of the best wrestlers of the nineties, those of which made up a good 75% of the ring time. Simply amazing, and a ridiculously overlooked classic. SCORE: 5/5
Big Movie Fan This wrestling event is still talked about today and many wrestling magazines over the world still rate this card as one of the best of the 1990's.It may have only had four matches but isn't it better to have four good matches on a card than dozens of meaningless and pointless matches?Rising star Hunter Hearst Helmsley had a wild brawl with the deranged Makind. Japanese stars Taka Michinoku and The Great Sasuke had a dazzling match. The Undertaker defended his WWF Title against Vader in a sensational match.The main event was fabulous. At the time the WWF were promoting a storyline featuring Canada VS The United States. On American soil the American wrestlers were the good guys (obviously) but this event took place in Calgary, Canada so paradoxically the good guys became the bad guys and vice versa. In Canada, Bret Hart and his team battled Steve Austin and his team in one of the best WWF matches ever. This match was amazing which was typical for the WWF of 1997.
Michael Stamp Take 5 Americans, 5 Canadians, put them in a Calgary Saddledome full of rabid Canadians and what do you get? The best WWF PPV ever.Even though this is only a four match event it still ranks among the best ever. The matches range from good to excellent and encompass a range of styles from crazy American brawling to Jap-Lucha to a typical US big man match. New fans who have been weaned on HHH and Stone Cold (yes I know they were both on the card) really out to check this out and see how good this is.