WWE Royal Rumble 1995

1995 "30 Men! One Winner! Somethin's Gotta Give!"
6.5| 2h42m| NR| en

The 1995 WWE Royal Rumble took place on January 22, 1995, in the USF Sun Dome located in Tampa, Florida. Superstars compete in the annual Royal Rumble Match, with the winner advancing to WrestleMania for an opportunity at the WWF Championship! Shawn Michaels, Lex Luger, The British Bulldog, and more compete in the over-the-top-rope elimination match. Diesel battles Bret Hart with the WWF Championship on the line.


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World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)


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Also starring Ron Harris


RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
zkonedog Usually, when reviewing old WWF wrestling events, one of my main complaints is that (at times) the technical wrestling is quite shoddy and the Royal Rumble platform is only used as a vehicle towards Wrestlemania. In the case of the '95 RR, however, that was not the case. The story lines were interesting, and the wrestling was decent, but still the company at that time lacked one key ingredient...a stable of stars to keep the card interesting from beginning to end.On this card, the Hart-Diesel confrontation is very exciting, The Undertaker (against I.R.S.) gives another nice performance, and the Rumble event itself may be one of the best ever just based on the last few minutes alone! Sadly, that's all the show has to offer. Besides Hart, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Razor Ramon (who in this tape is paired with the dreadful Jeff Jarrett), there is no one else to offer any excitement to the rest of the broadcast...just a bunch of fat guys and jobbers. While watching, I found myself thinking back to the RR's of the late 1980s and early 1990s, when it seemed like every single match brought the fans to their feat multiple times. Boy, how the mighty had fallen by '95, considering how the entrance of "Adam Bomb" (a very forgettable character) got the biggest charge out of the crowd all night. It was almost as if the fans were desperate to cheer for something, not being thrilled by the action put before them.One positive, though, is the commentary of Vince McMahon. Say what you want about his personal life and how he runs his company (and I would be the first to give him the "Stone Cold Salute"), but he sure is more exciting than having to sit through Bobby "The Brain" Heenan for three hours. Announcers are such a big part of professional wrestling (as they really help to inflame passions among viewers) that this is one of the few steps up from previous years.Overall, I would recommend heavy utilization of the "Fast Forward" button on your remote while watching this one. Watch Hart, 'Taker, and the end of the Rumble...everything else is pure dreck.
SlyGuy21 1st Match: Jeff Jarrett vs Razor Ramone, WWF Intercontinental Championship. A pretty good match to start with. The match originally ends in a countout, but Jarrett has the match continue. Didn't know wrestlers were allowed to do that, but whatever. The final ending is pretty weak, and I still can't stomach Jarrett winning very well, but the match is entertaining. Rating: 3.5/5 2nd Match: Undertaker vs IRS. Undertaker wins, nothing really special. Apparently this is the last PPV appearance of IRS, which is fine with me because his gimmick got old real fast. But I guess the match was good at setting up Taker and Bundy's match at Wrestlemania XI. Rating: 3/5 3rd Match: Diesel vs Bret Hart, WWF Championship. The best match of the night, and much better title match than the one at Survivor Series the previous year. Then again, almost any other match would be better than that one. The match is pretty overbooked, but it still has some great moments. If there wasn't so much interference, and the match didn't end in a draw as a result, this could've been a serious Match of the Year contender. Rating: 4.5/5 4th Match: Bob Holly & 1-2-3 Kid vs Tatanka & Bam Bam Bigelow, WWF Tag Team Championships. There are some great moments in this, some great spots and the good guys winning is always nice. The match I guess serves more as setting up the Bigelow/Lawrence Taylor match for Wrestlemania. Rating: 4/5 5th Match: Royal Rumble match. Time for the highlights! Shawn Michaels wins despite entering at Number 1, becoming only one of two men to do that, the other being Chris Benoit. There are a lot of jobbers/nobodies in this match. The only big names you have are Michaels, Davey Boy, Luger, and Owen, the rest are either tag team wrestlers, or people that couldn't win this match in a million years. That being said, Backlund and Owen getting eliminated almost immediately is nice, and Michaels hanging on for dear life at the end is a pretty famous scene. It's a better Rumble match compared to last years, but it needed bigger names like Bret, Taker, or Razor Ramone to make it have some suspense. Rating: 3.5/5 Final Rating: 7 out of 10. A much better start to the year than last time. Hopefully, the rest of WWF's shows are better as well.
Spawn Devil In a lot of ways, the Royal Rumble match is all about luck. As good as you are, drawing an early number can always come back to haunt you. Entering the match early on ensures you at least half an hour to an hour of work before you even have a chance to capture the Rumble title. So entering the Rumble match at No. 1 is a recipe for disaster, right? Not if your name is Shawn Michaels. The Heartbreak Kid entered the Rumble match at No. 1, with the British Bulldog following at No. 2. After all 30 men had entered, there were just two superstars remaining -- HBK and the Bulldog! Bulldog then tossed Shawn over the top, and went to go celebrate his win. But the crafty Shawn held onto the rope, pulled himself back into the ring, and knocked the unknowing Bulldog out to become the first man ever to win the Rumble match after entering at No. 1! Also at the 1995 Royal Rumble, the 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly won the finals of a tournament, defeating Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka to win the vacant Tag Team Championship. After the bout, football great Lawrence Taylor -- who was a guest of WWE Champion Diesel at the Rumble event -- poked some fun at Bigelow, who then shoved L.T. to the ground! This confrontation would ultimately lead to a one-on-one match between Taylor and Bigelow at WrestleMania XI!Jeff Jarrett pinned Razor Ramon for the Intercontinental Championship Undertaker defeated Irwin R. Schyster via pinfall WWE Champion Diesel and Bret Hart wrestled to a draw 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly defeated Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka in a tournament final for the vacant Tag Team Championship Shawn Michaels won the Royal RumbleOverall Mark: B+
Big Movie Fan (SPOILERS THROUGHOUT)The 1995 Royal Rumble was quite good; all the matches were fairly good particularly the Rumble match itself.Razor Ramon defended his Intercontinental Title against Double J in a reasonable match and lost the belt due to an 'injury.'The Undertaker had a fairly exciting brawl with the mammoth King Kong Bundy.The 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly beat Tatanka and Bam Bam Bigelow in the tag team title tournament final. All men put on a good show.WWF Champion Diesel had a great match against the ever dependable Bret Hart but like a lot of matches during that time the ending was inconclusive and we never got to see who the better man was.As always the Rumble match was the highlight. Starting with this event things changed. Instead of entering the ring every two minutes competitors entered every one minute (it would be changed again in subsequent years). The Rumble was very intense. The eventual winner of the Rumble was Shawn Michaels who provided the bulk of the entertainment throughout.