WWE Royal Rumble 2003

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Royal Rumble (2003) was the sixteenth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It was presented by PlayStation and took place on January 19, 2003 at the Fleet Center in Boston, Massachusetts. As has been customary since 1993, the Royal Rumble match winner received a match at that year's WrestleMania, for his choice at either the WWE Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship. Six professional wrestling matches were featured at the event. The main event was the annual 30-man Royal Rumble match, which featured wrestlers from both brands. The primary match on the Raw brand was Triple H versus Scott Steiner for the World Heavyweight Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was between Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit for the WWE Championship. The featured match on the undercard was a Royal Rumble qualification match between Brock Lesnar and The Big Show.


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World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)


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Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
MKFederation 2003 Royal RumbleMy first Royal Rumble, and first WWE PPV, actually. I've only become a WWE fan quite recently, since I've only started getting RAW and Velocity after No Way Out 04. Yet, while I was in NYC, I decided to pick this baby up. It looked like a good cardAnd quite frankly, it did not disappoint, as some other reviews might lead you to believe.Opening match: Brock Lesnar vs. The Big ShowIt's pretty funny to see the HUGE pop Lesnar gets during this match, and compare it to the GARGANTUAN heat he got at Wrestlemania XX. It's like he went from the most over superstar in the card, to the least over. I don't like him, myself. But the fact of the matter is, this is a pretty cool power match. It's funny to see Paul Heyman on the outside of the ring, going absolutely berserk sometimes. And, the two consecutive belly to belly overhead suplexes Brock Lesnar gave to Show were awesome to see. All the match needed to be perfect was Lesnar giving Show a superplex off the turnbuckle, breaking the ring in half. But, it remains a Smackdown! exclusive moment, I'm afraid. Lesnar wins it, of course, to a huge pop. An entertaining match-up, 7/10World Tag Championship: Lance Storm & William Regal vs. DudleyzMeh. I don't really care about this match. I saw it was, nothing special. The post-match interview by the Dudley is more entertaining. 5/10Torrie Wilson vs. Dawn MarieI didn't see this match. I don't care.World's Heavyweight Championship match: Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner vs. Triple H in accompanied by Nature Boy Ric FlairOK. This is a match that really gets on my nerves not because of the match itself, but because of the reaction and criticism a lot of fans give on it. It's a FINE match. It's a cool match, even. Granted, it has some ugly moments, but it has some very impressive bits as well. I loved seeing Steiner (One of my favourite superstars ever) manhandling Triple H. Just seeing Triple H getting manhandled overall was awesome, even though I knew he'd be walking out World's champion anyway all along. Bad moments: Triple H on the outside of the ring, selling Scott Steiner's blows to the head. It was a really crappy way of selling the punches. I can't remember many other bad moments overall, Steiner had a bit of ring rust, definitely, but I really don't think he is to blame for some of the matches' flaws. It just became quite popular to hate on Scott Steiner, and it became quite popular to hate on this match. It also bothered me that during the match, there was a group of people with loud voices chanting ''Triple H!'' and ''Steiner sucks!''. Putting Ric Flair on Hunter's corner didn't help Steiner getting fans, either. Flair needs to be face, period. The fans love him, they just can't hate him or anyone he's associated with.Great moments: You know in all Triple H matches, when the opponent has the momentum, and Hunter stops the momentum with his facebuster? Steiner was crushing Triple H, and he pulled out the facebuster...but it does nothing to Steiner. In fact, it hurts Triple H. This was an awesome moment, and the crowd went ''Huh????''. I really didn't see this coming, I thought this would be the moment where HHH would stop Scott Steiner's momentum and eventually win with a pedigree. Whenever Scott Steiner did push ups in front of Triple H, especially when HHH is busted wide open, on the canvas, tired as hell, beat up, and Steiner's just relaxing and doing push ups. That was great to see. After Steiner delivers an awesome series of knife edge chops to the chest of the Game, you can see Hunter's whole chest is red as hell.After the match, Steiner puts on the Steiner Recliner on a...pretty much dead Triple H. All the refs and staff are around him, trying to pull him away, but it takes Bischoff's words to break it up. Very cool. Another great moment is when Scott Steiner has Triple H in a powerslam/Tombstone Piledriver like position, HHH turns it around, Steiner turns it around again but receives a pretty cool looking Neck breaker. The crowd loved this. The finish was of course, very disappointing, especially to myself, since I'm a HUGE Scott Steiner freak. Hail Freakzilla.Winner: Scott SteinerOverall, 7/10WWE Championship: Kurt Angle vs Chris BenoitThis is one of the greatest matches I have ever seen in my life. Absolutely incredible, especially if you don't know the outcome. I won't spoil it to you if you don't know who wins, despite the age of the match.9/10Royal Rumble match:A pretty entertaining match-up... Edge 'turning on' Christian after their temporary 'alliance' was VERY cool! The beginning was nice too, with Christian tricking Shawn Micheals into thinking he was Jericho. Who saw HBK's early elimination coming? That was really unexpected.It was cool seeing Tommy Dreamer bringing in all the weapons, ECW style! And there was a VERY cool double team aerial move by Rey Mysterio and Edge on Chris Nowinski (who did his job as a comedic factor in the rumble). Jericho got tons of near eliminations, very cool. But the finish... honestly, what's so interesting about seeing Undertaker and Brock Lesnar the last two men in the royal rumble match... if they were the last to enter the match anyway? So what if they win? It's not like they actually had much of a challenge. HBK and Benoit, who were both the first men in on their respective royal rumble victories, now they made an impression. Those two athletes, those two superstars made a true blue impact! Lesnar wins the rumble... as the 29th entry. Great...7/10Get the DVD if you can. It has a lot of entertaining interviews, promos, and the royal rumble 03 commercial and respective Making Of. Very funny.Overall event rating: 7.8/10 . Get it on DVD if you can!
evilman574 The Royal Rumble 2003 sunk even further than 2002 with the low quality matches and very predictable winner of the Royal Rumble Match.SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!Brock Lesnar def The Big Show to enter the Rumble match. BoringStepdaughter vs Stepmother match: Torrie Wilson def Dawn Marie. Torrie always gets over.Tag Team Championship: The Dudley Boyz def Willam Regal and Lance Storm to win the titles. The Title win was short lived as the face team of the Dudley were screwed over the next night.World Heavyweight Championship: Scott Steiner def Triple H by DQ Triple H retains. I'm not a big fan of either men. Crappy match. I almost turned it off after this match. Luckliy I didn'tWWE Championship: Kurt Angle def Chris Benoit. The best match of the night and one of the best of the year. I was amazed that this match topped their match at Wrestlemania 17 and Unforgiven 2002. Made the rest of my night enjoyable.Royal Rumble Match: Brock Lesnar wins after last eliminating The Undertaker. My money was on Lesnar and was 3 for 3 in Rumble matches. Strong showings by Chris Jericho, Shawn Michales, Undertaker and Kane. Watching Christian run in there and hug Edge was a classic. Edge beat his ass. HBK helped Jericho get eliminated by Test. Matt Hardy trying to align with Jeff was funny and resulted him getting a beating. Maven tried to eliminate the Undertaker again, but Undertaker knew what Maven was up to and Undertaker eliminated Maven and showed him who was boss. I guess Maven didn't learn from his ass beating in 2002 a dumb kid I tell ya.Overall 6 out of 10
fluffy_dragon514 The 2003 Royal Rumble will be remembered for two reasons.. Kurt Angle Vs Chris Benoit was a classic match and the Triple H Vs Scott Steiner was one of the worst matches ever witnessed at a p.p.v. The 'actual' Rumble was quite good but we have seen better in recent years.
nightngale_26 **SPOILERS**Well, here we are starting off a new year in the illustrious WWE. Haha, to be honest I think WWE has gone straight down the toilet ever since the Alliance came. And the first PPV of 2003 was very unimpressive.Match #1 Brock Lesnar V. Big Show - Winner has a slot in the Royal RumbleVery predictable match, although what match isnt predictible with Brock Lesnar? He reminds me of a 2000 Rock, always getting babied, Lesnar suplexes Show quite a few times, which still doesnt seem to impress me, Big Show doesnt know how to "jump"? Lesnar ends the match with a sloppy F-5.Winner: Brock Lesnar Rating: 4.2Match #2 Dudley Boyz V. William Regal and Lance StormThis was the only match that I didnt call or thought was predictable the entire event. I was for sure Regal was going to sneak another win in for this very impressive tag team. This time the Dudley Boyz "turn the tables" on Storm and Regal as D-Von used the brass knucs to take out Lance Storm. NO TABLES by the way...kind of disapointing but an okay match.Winner and new Tag Champs: The Dudley Boyz Rating: 5.0Match #3Torrie Wilson V. Dawn Marie Well now we come to the Al Wilson saga (yippie). I drove down to the Uni-Mart to pick up a gallon of milk for my coffee when this match came on. Later that night, rewinded the tape I record it on, I knew I was going to regret itWinner: Torrie Wilson Rating: 3.0Match #4 "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner V. Triple HI knew I was going to need that coffee for something, and indeed I did. Very boring match the entire way through. Ever since Steiner came to the WWE and started working house shows, the staff has not been impressed with Steiner, and to put him in a headlining match for his first match, and being a world title match, very bad move on the WWE's part. Very slow paced match, Triple H tried to get the easy way out a few times, (some "game") and the match ended up a DQ after Triple H hit Steiner with a sledgehammer, some tough guy. Steiner afterwards hit Triple H with the sledgehammer getting a bad reaction from the fans. Can you blame them for booing? As disgusted as I was with Steiners position in the WWE, and his ring work, I would boo him too...Winner: No Contest Rating: 1.8Match #5 Chris Benoit V. Kurt AnglePhew, 1 word can describe this, satisfying. Something that I wasnt after this terrible event. Bottom line, you have 2 of the greatest technical, well maybe greatest all-a-round wrestlers in WWE history, after many times these guys have fought it out, this match was most impressive, as are pretty much all the Benoit/Angle matches. My thoughts on this match was, there was no losers, these guys are both winners because they put on darn good shows. Kurt Angle won the match fair n square (Can you believe it!?) and proved to Chris Benoit that he is the better man. Benoit got a standing ovation afterwards, which he deserved.Winner: Kurt Angle Rating: 8.8Match #6 The Royal Rumble MatchThis was the biggest stinker of the night. How predictable can a Royal Rumble get? I thought it couldnt get any more predictable after last years Royal Rumble, but this was down right wrong. Jericho eliminated Michaels in about 35 seconds after getting a cheap shot by coming from under the ring and attacking him with a chair. So long Shawn. Rey Mysterio came in at #4, and he should have stayed in longer, great, but short preformance by Rey Rey. After the 10th entry there was 1 remaining man left, B-2...eh? No, it was Y2J. *Of course* RVD then comes out which gets the crowd going. Blah, blah, blah..boring boring boring lets get to the 29th entry, Brock Lesnar...can you get anymore babied? Lesnar eliminated Team Angle and Matt Hardy. The 20th unknown entry *hmmm I wonder who that would have been* was of course the Undertaker. 1 highlighter of the night was Kane tricking RVD by teaming up..Kane lifted RVD up and it looked like he was going to throw him onto Batista, but Kane makes a U-Turn and dumps RVD out. Final Four, Batista, Lesnar, Kane, Taker...the big guys. Taker eliminates Batista and Kane. Here comes the big let down of the night. Lesnar eliminates Taker to win the Royal Rumble...*nods head*...I dont know what Lesnar is going backstage with McMahon, but it cant be good. This PPV really stunk. Vince, get your head out of your filthy rich bootae. If this is the way the WWE is starting to be in the year 2003, will there even be a WWE?Winner: Brock Lesnar: Rating: 4.6My Top 3 Favorite Moments of the Night: 1. The Kurt Angle/Chris Benoit Match 2. Jericho eliminating HBK before the 4th entry even comes in.. 3. JR mentioning Tajiri has a great chance at winning the Royal Rumble *I still chuckle a bit after hearing that*My Top 3 Least Favorite Moments of the Night: 1. Brock Lesnar winning the Royal Rumble 2. Brock Lesnar beating the Big Show to be in the Royal Rumble 3. *tie* The Angle/Benoit match ending, and The Triple H/Stiener Match.