WWE SummerSlam 2000

7.5| 2h41m| en

SummerSlam (2000) was the thirteenth annual SummerSlam PPV. The event was presented by Chef Boyardee and took place on August 27, 2000 at the Raleigh Entertainment and Sports Arena in Raleigh, North Carolina. The main event was a Triple Threat match for the WWF Championship involving champion The Rock, Triple H, and Kurt Angle. One of the predominant matches on the undercard was Kane versus The Undertaker. Another featured match was the first Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the Tag Team Championship involving champions Edge and Christian, The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff), and The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von).


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ShangLuda Admirable film.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
stuartnicol1 In a time when the WWF was excelling themselves, Summerslam 2000 proved to be one of the best PPV's of all time.Opening with a great face vs heel match which really broke the crowd into the event, the show snowballed and was topped off with a fantastic main event between The Rock, Kurt Angle and HHH. This main event was superb, full of action, near falls twists and a superb story line which carries throughout the match.Other memorable matches involved the Thong Stinky Face Match (come on who DOESN'T wanna c The Kat and Terri wearing very little and trying to push their perky little behinds into each others faces!?), the brawl between Kane and the Undertaker and of course the infamous TLC match between The Hardy's, Edge And Christian and The Dudleys.Overall this was a perfect PPV and is the best Summerslam of all time, well worth a watch and a must for any WWF(E) fan.
evilman574 Summerslam 2000 was pretty good in my opinion. Great action and good story lines made this one of the last great PPV's for a while.SPOILERS AHEAD.Six Man Tag Match: The Right To Censor Def Rikishi and Too Cool. Good opener. Nobody likes the RTC even in the bible belt of the US. This was a great setup for the push RTC was about to receive.X-Pac def Road Dogg. This match sucked. Friendly Rivalry storyline was good for hyping this match but the overall result was crap.Intergender Tag Match for the Intercontinental Championship: Eddie Guerrero and Chyna def Trish Stratus and Val Venis, Chyna pins Trish to win the belt.I enjoy the work of Eddie Guerrero, when he was with Chyna was when he had some of his best moments. Great action from Guererro and Venis. Alright MatchJerry The King Lawler def Tazz. This match sucked as well. Jim Ross helps King win with the candy jar being slammed into Tazz's head. King can't wrestle good anymore. Neither can Tazz due to his neck.Hardcore Championship: Steve Blackman def Shane McMahon. Great finish. Shane's bump from the top of the scaffolding was so surreal. Shane is what made this match great. Best Two Of Three Falls: Chris Benoit def Chris Jericho. A great best two of three falls match that has been put on in a while. Jericho and Benoit have such great chemistry when they are working together in the ring. Benoit and Jericho win 1 fall a piece by their own submission moves. Benoit wins the final fall by using the ropes to pin Jericho. Jericho pust over Beniot in his 3rd PPV match with Jericho ever since coming to the WWE.Tables,Ladders,and Chairs Match for the Tag Team Championship: Edge and Christain def The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz. The best match of the night. I was not sure that the Hardys and E&C could top their No Mercy match, but they did. Tons of great spots. Check out Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb miss off the top of the ladder onto a bunch of tables. Thong Stink Face Match: The Kat with Al Snow def Terri with Perry Saturn. Ughh. Stupid match. Only eye candy. This match was so lame. Ohh there in thongs. Well its was lame after we had already seen The Kats boobs at Armageddon 1999.Undertaker vs Kane went to a No contest: They sorta gave away the ending during the commentary by J.R. saying that the ref said he was going to let them go at it. Undertaker "wins" the confrontation by removing Kanes mask and Kane runs back to the locker room. Time Filler.Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship: The Rock def Triple H and Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle suffered a horrible concussion when he and Triple H fell through the table and Triple H couldn't protect his head in time before it smacked the monitor. After that The Rock came out and he and Triple H carried the match. Amazingly Kurt Angle came back out and continued the match. Rock wins when he pinned HHH. Angle continues his storyline feud with HHH by taking an unconscious Mrs.Game back to the locker room in his arms. Overall this PPV gets a 9 out of 10. After this PPV the WWF starts its downhill decent in its PPV's starting with Unforgiven 2000 which was the next PPV.
VenomX Too Cool vs. Right to Censor - 6-Man Tag Team - **I loved the 2000 version of Too Cool back when it was Sexay, Scotty & Rikishi dancing to crazy techno music during Royal Rumbles. It was so entertaining to watch and so fresh for it's time, shame Rikishi's heel turn in October 2000 killed the group. Right to Censor was an even better idea, sure it was a rip on the PTC but my God was it so well executed. They came out and "censored" and had great heel heat...like Too Cool it was fresh and original. Anyways, enough gloating, onto the match. Both teams worked the crowd very well with Goodfather getting heat for assaulting the ho's while the crowd popping hard during the "buttslams" spot, (no idea what that move is called, so I'll refer to it as that). It was below average in terms of work rate, but the gimmick is where the two teams excelled at.Road Dogg vs. X-Pac *3/4DX really faded away in 2000, didn't it? To make matters worse, this tag team break-up was the last hurrah that DX ever had, (aside from their brief renewal at a November 2000 SmackDown and perhaps that brief tease at a return in 2002). This match wasn't really any good from a technical standpoint. The crowd has only mildly into this and the only point they really gave a damn at what was occurring in the ring was giving bad heat in the form of "X-Pac sucks!".Eddie Guerrero & Chyna vs. Val Venis & Trish Stratus - IC Title - *1/4I never liked Chyna, having her win the IC strap did not help my perception of this match. Fairly uneventful, though the chemistry between Eddie & Chyna worked during this period of time. The plain white trunk wearing-phase of Val Venis was a really watered-down concept while mixed-tag matches rarely raise above the **1/2 mark.King vs. Tazz - 1/2*I wanted the WWF to push Tazz during this time, why did they put him in this feud with King that accomplished nothing? Oh well, at least his commentary on SmackDown nowadays is top-notch. I really don't like these "commentator" matches because it always leaves one guy on the mike and it just doesn't sound right to listen to just the PBP guy. The match was pretty lame and didn't do much for either men and certainly did not get Tazz even remotely over, (getting pummelled by the commentating team rarely does...anything).Shane McMahon vs. Steve Blackman - Hardcore Title - ***After witnessing four consecutive sub-** matches, I was thinking that maybe this PPV wasn't such a good idea. The along comes this major bump-fest featuring the daredevil Shane. His fall from the 50-foot mark onto a wooden elevation is one hell of a spot. Like any hardcore match, it's all about the bumps and spots and less about the work rate and both men have shown to be able to accomplish that with Blackman carrying non-wrestler Shane to a good match.Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho - 2 out of 3 Falls Match - ***3/4I expected great things from this match and boy did I get it. Benoit and Jericho are such good workers that they put on one great match. The first fall is all reversals and attempted submission holds, all of which are paced very well. The rest of the match is like this, with men trading spots back and forth resulting in an great match to their fantastic series. Jericho's top rope hurricanrama being the highlight for me.Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Edge & Christian - TLC - *****Mark this down folks, this is the best match of 2000 and you should buy the DVD/VHS simply for this one match alone. This is a massive spot-fest with insane bumps all around. We have people falling through four stacked-up tables, Lita getting speared hitting her head on a ladder and many "my God that killed him!"-style falls to the outside. When I saw their initial match at WM16, I saw great things in this style of match and by God did this TLC match show it. I really don't want to get into too much detail on the bumps or spots because they are so damn good to watch for the first time.The Kat vs. Terri - Thong Stickface Match - DUDDid the WWF really think an encore of the train wreck from WrestleMania 16 would be a suitable match to have after a classic TLC match? Let's just let this mess be forgotten and move on.Undertaker vs. Kane - *1/2I have to admit, Undertaker and Kane had great chemistry as both allies and heels during their heyday. This match isn't really much of a match, due to Undertaker spending much of the time trying to remove Kane's mask. So, I'll just be a little lenient with the score.Kurt Angle vs. The Rock vs. Triple H - WWF Championship - ***1/2This was a great storyline at the time: Kurt Angle subtly wooing away Stephanie McMahon from her husband Triple H. It was the sheer nature of the Angle character, a mildly nerdy self-absorbed Olympic hero and Triple H the jealous husband that, when combined, made for great chemistry. This match should have been Angle/HHH with the focus on Stephanie, because by this time the angle was fresh. The match didn't happen until Unforgiven the following month, but anyways...Match starts off with Angle getting on the mike and trashing Trips, Trips comes out and the two brawl. Nasty spot here where Triple H goes for the Pedigree on the table, but it breaks under the weight of Triple H and Angle giving the latter a legitimate concussion. Triple H and Rock work while trainers attend to Angle, who later joins the match. Rock really felt like the odd man out, the focus being entirely on Triple H and Angle for much of the match. Still, the three managed to work to make a great main event for a great PPV.Best Match: Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Edge & Christian - *****Worst Match: The Kat vs. Terri - DUDScore: 7.5/10The first half of the PPV is filler, the middle is pure gold and the main-event is a great ending to a solid PPV. The filler isn't all that bad with the only real offence being the Stinkface match. If anything, watch this PPV solely for the TLC match, which is one of the best matches the WWF has put on in the last 5 years. Simply put: if any PPV has a strong MOTY contender, it is worth watching for that alone.
Spawn Devil Match 1: Right to Censor vs. Too Cool & Rikishi Stevie Richards got on the mic and said that since they are in the bible belt they would be applauded for their actions. Richards gets cut off by Too Cool music. The 2 ho's come to ringside with Rikishi and Too Cool. Match started off while Too Cool were dancing. Scotty and Bull started it off. Scotty with a top rope cross body on Bull. Sexay and Goodfather tagged in. Goodfather gets tossed to the outside and shoves down both of the ho's. Back in the ring Goodfather knocks Sexay down with a big boot. Bull tagged in and he and Goodfather hit Sexay with a double boot. Richards tagged in and powerbombs Sexay for a two count. Richards goes up top but Sexay crotches him on the ropes. Sexay follows up with a superplex on Richards. Rikishi tagged in and cleans house. Rikishi with a triple clothesline on RTC. Back that ass up is hit by Sexay and Scotty, then Rikishi does it to Richards. Samoan drop by Rikishi on Goodfather. Scotty goes for the worm on Bull but Richards delivers a superkick to him for the pin. Winners: Right To CensorMatch 2: X-Pac vs. Road Dogg Match starts off with Xpac tripping RoadDogg. RoadDogg kicks Xpac out of the ring. Clothesline by RoadDogg. Xpac kicks RoadDogg down in the corner. RoadDogg rolls out of the ring before the bronco buster. Xpac puts RoadDogg in a sleeper hold. Xpac hits the bronco buster. RoadDogg gains momentum and does the juke n jive followed up by the shake, rattle, and knee drop for a two count. Blocked x-factor by RoadDogg. Xpac low blows RoadDogg then hits the x-factor for the pin. After the match Xpac got on the mic and said no hard feelings. RoadDogg didn't care as he put Xpac in the pump handle slam. Winner: X-PacMatch 3: Intercontinental Title Mixed Tag Match Val Venis & Trish Stratus vs. Chyna & Eddie Guerrero Match starts off with Val and Eddie trading punches. Val with a knee drop on Eddie for a two count. Val with a backbreaker on Eddie. Chyna tagged in and clotheslines Val. Chyna and Eddie double slapjack Val. Chyna kicks Val in the ribs. Chyna clotheslines Val. Val with a belly to back suplex on Chyna. Val suplexes Chyna. Val slams Chyna and goes up top and misses an elbow. Chyna low blows Val. Val backdrops Chyna. Chyna ddt's Val. Eddie tagged in and hits Val with a springboard huricanrana for a two count. Val with a powerbomb on Eddie. Val and Eddie collide in mid-air. Trish tagged in and gets a two count on Eddie. Chyna tagged in and clotheslines Trish. Val pulls Chyna down by her hair. Eddie whips Val into the ring steps. Chyna press slams Trish for the pin. Winner and new Intercontinental Champion: ChynaMatch 4: Tazz vs. Jerry Lawler Tazz comes to the ring with a blind man's stick making fun of Jim Ross. Lawler attacks Tazz from behind. In the ring Tazz clotheslines Lawler. Tazz throws Lawler out of the ring. Back in the ring Lawler pulls down his strap. Lawler piledrives Tazz. Tazz no sells and gets right back up. Lawler bumps the ref. Tazz chokes Lawler. Ross leaves the announce table and busts a candy jar over Tazz's head. Lawler gets the easy pin. Winner: Jerry LawlerMatch 5: Hardcore Title Match Steve Blackman vs. Shane McMahon Blackman chases Shane out into the crowd. Back in the ring Blackman wears out Shane with a trash can lid. Blackman puts a trash can over Shane's head and hits it with his sticks. Blackman with a big kick to Shane. Blackman puts a leather strap around Shane's neck and pulls him off the top rope. Albert and Test come out to help Shane. It is a 3 on 1 for a while. Blackman chases Shane up the Titan Tron. Blackman starts beating on Shane while on the Titan Tron and Shane falls off. Blackman jumps off the Titan Tron and lands on Shane with a elbow drop on part of the stage. Winner: Steve BlackmanMatch 6: Two out of Three Falls Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit Outside the ring Benoit posts Jericho. Back in the ring Jericho catapults Benoit into the turnbuckle. Benoit with a shoulderbreaker. Bulldog by Jericho. Jericho went for a moonsault but Benoit got his knees up. Benoit locks on the crossface and Jericho taps out. Benoit wins the first fall. Benoit locks on the crossface again but Jericho makes it to the ropes. Benoit places Jericho in the tree of woe then goes to the outside and pulls on his neck. Benoit posts Jericho on the ring post. Back in the ring Benoit throws Jericho into the ring post for a two count. Jericho knocks Benoit down with a right hand. Jericho locks on the Walls of Jericho, Benoit taps out. Jericho wins the second fall. Backbreaker by Jericho for a two count. Jericho goes up top and hits a reverse flying elbow for a two count. Benoit with a full nelson suplex on Jericho for a two count. Benoit goes up top and gets crotched by Jericho. Jericho follows up and hits a huricanrana knocking both men out. Jericho with a flying forearm followed up by two clotheslines. Jericho hits the lionsault. Benoit rolls up Jericho, grabbing the ropes, for the pin. Benoit wins the third fall and the match. Winner: Chris BenoitMatch 7: TLC (Tables, Ladders, Chairs) Match for the Tag Team Championship Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian Hardys double powerbomb Buh Buh off the ladder. Buh Buh delivers a buh buh bomb off the ladder on Christian. Edge and Christian hit each other at the same time with chairs when Matt ducked. Buh Buh slams Edge. Dvon does the crotch dive off the ladder on Edge. Buh Buh slams a ladder on Matt. Dvon brings a table into the ring. 3D on Christian through the table. Dudleys stack up two tables on top of two tables on the outside. Edge with chair shots on the Dudleys. Matt with the twist of fate on Edge. Matt with a top of the ladder leg drop on Edge. Jeff hops over the ladder and lands a leg drop on Edge. Matt throws Christian off the top onto the ladder sandwiched between Edge. Jeff misses a swanton on the outside from the top of the ladder through a table when Buh Buh moved out of the way. Matt sets up a ladder in the ring. Christian, Edge, Dvon, and Matt all climb the ladder. Matt with a reverse ddt on Christian off the ladder. Dvon and Edge fall off onto the ropes. Buh Buh climbs the ladder and Edge and Christian push him off to the outside sending him through the two stacked tables. Edge and Christian climb the ladder. Lita runs out and pushes them off, crotching them on the ropes. Matt climbs the ladder and Dvon pushes him off to the outside through two tables. Edge spears Lita on the outside. Dvon and Matt climb the ladder. Both grabs the belts and the ladder falls out from under them. Matt and Dvon hang by the belts. Dvon falls off and Matt hangs. Matt eventually falls from the straps holding the belts. Edge and Christian climb the ladder and grab the belts. Unbelievable match! Winners: Edge and ChristianMatch 8: Thong Stink Face Match The Kat vs. Terri Al Snow comes to the ring with Kat. Saturn comes to the ring with Terri, trying to cover her up. Match starts off with Kat slamming Terri. Kat spanks Terri on her ass. Kat with the bronco buster on Terri. Saturn shoves Kat down. Terri with a bulldog on Kat. Kat clotheslines Terri followed up by a slam. Terri drags Kat to the corner by her hair. Kat kicks Terri into the ref. Kat hits Terri with "head". Kat does the stinkface to Terri and wins the match. After the match Al has Kat on his shoulders. Al spins Kat around putting her crotch in his face. Kat jumps down and shakes her finger at him. Winner: The KatMatch 9: Undertaker vs. Kane. Kane has a slightly new altered outfit. Match starts off with UT attacking Kane in the aisle way. In the ring Kane pounds on UT in the corner. Kane brings a chair into the ring. UT gets the chair and hits Kane with it. UT rips part of Kane's mask off. Kane tries to hit UT with the ringsteps but misses and hits the ring post. UT hits Kane in the face with the ring steps. Back in the ring Kane is bleeding. UT spears Kane. UT tries to rip the mask off again. UT kicks Kane between the legs. UT gets the mask off. Kane walks off. No ContestMatch 10: Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Kurt Angle Kurt comes to the ring first and gets on the mic. Kurt says he would like to apologize for not doing it sooner. Triple H comes to the ring next and immediately attacks Kurt. On the outside Kurt slams Triple H's head on the ring steps. Triple H sends Kurt into the ring steps and then the announce table. Triple H goes to pedigree Kurt on the announce table but the table collapses before he can get the move off. Triple H grabs a sledge hammer from under the ring. The Rock finally comes out. Triple H waits in the ring with the sledgehammer for Rock. Rock enters and clotheslines Triple H. Rock slams Triple H's head into the ring steps. Medical officials check on Kurt while Rock and Triple H fight. Triple H knocks down Rock with an elbow. Medical officials roll Kurt out on a stretcher. Triple H runs after Kurt and pulls him back to the aisle way. Rock runs up and hits Triple H. Rock clotheslines Triple H. Rock hits Triple H right between the legs. Triple H posts Rock then drops him across the security rail. Stephanie comes out to watch. Back in the ring Triple H hits Rock with a high knee for a two count. Stephanie grabs the belt and accidently hits Triple H with it. Rock gets a two count out of it. Triple H low blows Rock and tells Stephanie to leave, and she does. Flying forearm by Rock. Neckbreaker by Triple H. Triple H brings the sledgehammer in the ring and hits Rock in the stomack with it. Triple H works on Rock in the corner. Facebuster by Triple H for a two count. Triple H rams Rock's back into the ring post. Swinging neckbreaker by Rock. Triple H goes up top and Rock follows. Rock with a superplex that knocks both men out. Backstage Stephanie is shown begging Kurt, who is on the stretcher, to come and help Triple H. Kurt says he will only do it for her. Rock gets a two count from the superplex. Belly to belly by Rock for a two count. Stephanie pulls Kurt out to the ring. Kurt trips up Rock. Triple H hits Rock with the pedigree. Kurt pulls Triple H off the count and slams him into the ring steps. Kurt covers Rock for a two count. Kurt knocks Rock down with an elbow for a two count. Kurt with a belly to belly on Rock for a two count. Rock ddt's Kurt for a two count. Rockbottom on Kurt but Triple H stops the count. Triple H posts The Rock. Stephanie slides the sledgehammer in the ring. Triple H clotheslines Stephanie by accident when he was going after Kurt who had the sledgehammer. Kurt hits Triple H in the head with the sledgehammer. Rock stops the count. Rock clotheslines Kurt out of the ring. People's elbow on Triple H for the pin. After the match Kurt carries Stephanie to the back, staring at Triple H. Winner: The Rock