WWE Survivor Series 2002

8.1| 3h0m| NR| en

Survivor Series (2002) was the sixteenth annual Survivor Series PPV. It took place on November 17, 2002 from Madison Square Garden in New York, New York and featured talent from both the Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main event was from the Raw brand the first ever Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship involving reigning champion Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Rob Van Dam and Kane. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was Brock Lesnar versus The Big Show for the WWE Championship. The featured matches on the undercard were a Triple Threat Elimination match for the WWE Tag Team Championship involving Edge and Rey Mysterio, Los Guerreros, and Kurt Angle with Chris Benoit.


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Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
kliko400 The Elimination Chamber match debuts here at Survivor Series, where 6 men go at it in the first ever brutal structure for the World Heavyweight Championship.FIRST MATCH- 3 MINUTE WARNING {RICO, JAMAL & ROSEY} VS. JEFF HARDY, BUBBA RAY DUDLEY & SPIKE DUDLEY IN A 6-MAN TABLES MATCH Good way to start off the show, a tables match is an okay match with nothing bad about it. Bubba Ray & Rico are the last men, shockingly D-Von Dudley comes & does a 3-D with Bubba on Rico through a table to win the match. It looks like the Dudley Boys are back. 5/10SECOND MATCH- JAMIE NOBLE W/ NIDIA VS. BILLY KIDMAN FOR THE WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP A very fast paced & excellent Cruiserweight match-up. This is what Cruiserweight is all about. Billy Kidman nails the Shooting Star Press on Jamie Noble for the win & to become the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion. 5/10THIRD MATCH- VICTORIA VS. TRISH STRATUS IN A FIRST EVER HARDCORE WOMEN'S MATCH FOR THE WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP Well what do you know, a Hardcore Women's match, man wrestling rules for sure. It would of been a pretty sloppy match, but including weapons in it makes it more interesting. Victoria wins but I forgot how to become the new WWE Women's Champion. 4/10FOURTH MATCH- EDGE & REY MYSTERIO VS. LOS GUERREROS VS. KURT ANGLE & CHRIS BENOIT IN A 3 WAY ELIMINATION TAG TEAM MATCH FOR THE WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP Easily & surprisingly the best match of the night, no kidding. This match was so fast paced that you can hardly even keep up with the action that is happening. Los Guerreros overcome the teams & win but I forgot how to become the new WWE Tag Team Champions. 6/10FIFTH MATCH- BROCK LESNAR W/ PAUL HEYMAN VS. BIG SHOW FOR THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP It was a boring match which didn't really take long, but I've got to be honest, the match was becoming more interesting when Brock Lesnar unbelievably picked up the Big Show & nailed an F-5 that not only shocked the fans in attendance, but also shocked me. Paul Heyman pulls the referee out of the ring before he makes the 3 count, Lesnar chases Heyman in the ring which leads to Big Show nailing Brock Lesnar with a chair followed by a Chokeslam on the chair for the win & to become the new WWE Champion. But the shock in this match is that Paul Heyman has betrayed & screwed Brock Lesnar. 4/10SIXTH MATCH- TRIPLE H VS. BOOKER T VS. ROB VAN DAM VS. CHRIS JERICHO VS. KANE VS. SHAWN MICHAELS IN A FIRST EVER 6 MAN ELIMINATION CHAMBER MATCH FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP The main event is here & the Elimination Chamber debuts here at Survivor Series, this will definitely be in the history books. A great match & a bit brutal which off course you would expect from a match like this. HHH & Michaels are the last ones in the brutal structure. Michaels nails the Sweet Chin Music on HHH for the win, as Michaels is not only the sole survivor in this brutal match, but is the World Heavyweight Champion as well. 5/10This Survivor Series will definitely go down in the history books as all Championships have changed hands here tonight. Great Survivor Series as it is definitely watchable & recommendable to anyone.Overall I'll give it 8/10 & a B+
Wesley Dekkers With the third elimination chamber match coming up in 6 days, i'd like to look back at the event that featured the first EC match. At the time my thoughts on this event were that it was very good. The Main Event was awesome and the undercard featured some good matches. Fast-Forward 2 years later and the question pops up: Has it aged very well?Match #1: Bubba Ray/Spike/Jeff Hardy vs. 3-minute warning/RicoThis is a tables match. Forget about actual wrestling, this is a spotfest, and a decent one. Guys are flying through tables left and right. In the End, D-Von comes to the rescue to eliminate Rico and reunite the Dudleyz. Not Bad. 7/10Match #2: Jamie Noble vs. Billy KidmanCruiser Title is on the line here. This is a fine little match that shows the talent these guys have. Good wrestling and a clean finish that sees Kidman pick up the win with the SSP. 7/10Match #3: Trish vs. VictoriaHardcore rules and offcourse the women's championship is on the line. This is as good as the Women's Division will ever be, as the spots are well worked out and the Match has a decent flow. 6.5/10 however its 9.5/10 by female standards.Match #4: Brock Lesnar vs. Big ShowWWE Title Match. Paul Heyman turns on Brock and Show wins the Title in a bad match that never got started. When you have a Title match on PPV that people pay to see, at least you could make your title matches last longer than 4 minutes. 2/10Match #5: Edge/Mysterio vs. Angle/Benoit vs. Los GuerrerosThis match disappointed me back then, and it still does. The Match is good, but after all the GREAT matches these combinations had about 2 months prior, the expectations were so high, that you could wonder if they could ever live up to them. Still a solid performance by everybody, but that magical level is never reached. 8/10Match #6: Elimation Chamber Okey, my opinion on the matches hasn't really changed much, if nothing at all. Save this match. I gave it 10/10 upon first viewing, now i give it 6/10. Yes, the first time it was unique, never seen before and original. It still is original in some degree, only the match feels so slow. (Especially after RVD is eliminated) I think Triple H's injury really hurt this match. The last 12 minutes the match just fell apart. Its a shame, cause it started off great. 6/10SS 02 still is a good event. Nothing crazy-good but really decent and with stellar performances overall. 7/10
Big Movie Fan The IMDB user who first reviewed this event-luke_bannon-said that Survivor Series 2002 was the best PPV of the year. I have to agree one hundred percent with those comments. It really was the best. It had great matches from start to finish and a couple of surprises. I would have liked an appearance from Hulk Hogan but after viewing this event, I forgot that minor fact. ***SPOILERS AHEAD***The opening match pitted Spike, Bubba Ray and Jeff Hardy in a tables match against 3 Minute Warning and Rico. This was just fantastic and funny in parts. At certain points throughout the match, Rosie and Jamal looked like Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall. Bubba Ray got the win for his team.Billy Kidman defeated Jamie Noble in a fantastic match for the cruiserweight title despite the best efforts of Nidia (who I believe has a future in the WWE).The beautiful but mysterious Victoria beat the gorgeous Trish Stratus in a hardcore match for the Women's Title. Okay, I would have preferred a lingerie match but it was a decent match and the second title switch of the night.Then, the Big Show challenged Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title. This match was quite short but good nonetheless. Brock put up a real fight against the Big Show. In a shocker, Paul Heyman turned on Brock and helped the Big Show take the belt in the third consecutive title switch. This is the way wrestling should be-unpredictable and full of surprises. No doubt Brock will get his revenge on Heyman and the Big Show at some point.Los Guerreros won the tag titles by beating Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle and Edge & Rey Mysterio Jr. in a superb match from start to finish. This was the fourth consecutive title switch.Big Poppa Pump made a surprise appearance before the main event wasting Matt Hardy and Nowinski. I knew Steiner had signed with WWE but his appearance was totally unexpected and exciting because he no doubt has some exciting matches ahead with the likes of Brock, Triple H and the rest.Then came the Elimination Chamber match featuring Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, Kane, Booker T, Triple H and Chris Jericho. I wasn't expecting much from this match because I had watched similar themed matches in WCW at their Fall Brawl and WrestleWar events. In WCW, they had WarGames cage matches which on occasion were abysmal. However, the Elimination Chamber match was phenomenal and the guys just risked their health to entertain us fans. I had a feeling lightning would strike for the fifth time that night and that a title would switch hands. There were some great moments throughout the match. Towards the end, Chris Jericho and Triple H-who had been teaming throughout the event-turned on each other like rabid wolves and fought. The end battle was between Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Credit really must go to Michaels. His back isn't 100 percent better and he's 37 years of age (which IS NOT OLD except for wrestlers)but he still put on a performance which blew us away and he won the WWE championship.A great event not only for the matches but because of the knock-on effect it will have for future WWE events. Who will Womens Champion Victoria defend against next? Will Brock get his hands on that worm Heyman? Who will Big Poppa Pump target first? And where does Shawn Michaels go from here? You can bet I-and many others-will be tuning in to find out.
Gary Ballance Fantastic stuff from this year's Survivor Series. Absolutely excellent- this is setting the bar for what all their PPVs should be like. Here are the matches on the card:MATCH 1- Bubba, Spike & Jeff Hardy vs Rico & 3 Minute Warning--TABLES MATCH. Pretty good table match, which thankfully ditches the tag format and goes for mayhem. Good choice. Spike's the first eliminated getting a double flapjack, of sorts, through a table. Rosey goes next after Jeff hits a Swanton bomb off the balcony. Jeff is splashed through a table by Jamal to be elimnated, but Jamal falls victim to a second-rope powerbomb through a table by Bubba. Down to Bubba & Rico, and D-Von makes the save for Bubba, helping him 3D Rico to win. OK. Fairly decent match- watch out for a major flub, as Rico is waiting AGES on the top rope prepping a moonsault for Jeff to push him off and yells "C'MON JEFF, GODDAMMIT!!" (7.5)MATCH 2- Billy Kidman vs Jamie Noble--CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH. Brilliant action here. Some great moves by both men- Noble's falcon arrow, suicide dive and vicious DDT from the turnbuckle, plus Kidman's fireman's carry neckbreaker, a back suplex swung into a facebuster, a top rope facebuster and the shooting star press, which picks up the win for Kidman, and the Cruiserweight title. Really enjoyable match. (9)MATCH 3- Victoria vs Trish Stratus--WOMEN'S TITLE, HARDCORE RULES. Decent stuff here- good use of the broom in the opening moments. Victoria's 'mirror, mirror' promo backstage was quite funny- what a psycho! Anyway, Victoria wins w/ a snap suplex (??) to win the Women' s title. Much better than their No Mercy match. (7)MATCH 4- Big Show vs Brock Lesnar--WWE UNDISPUTED TITLE MATCHThis match is only about 4 and a half minutes long (due to Lesnar's broken rib) which is a good thing if you ask me. Amazing power by Lesnar as he hits three suplexes on Big Show (back, german and belly to belly) and a brilliant F-5. Incredible. Heyman turns on Lesnar, though, allowing Show to win w/ a chokeslam on a chair. The last time Big Show was champion it was an utter failure (Bossman was #1 contender!!) I hope they know what they're doing. Good match, anyhow- its brevity works in its favour. (8)MATCH 5- Los Guerreros vs Edge & Mysterio vs Angle & Benoit--3 WAY TAG FOR THE WWE TAG BELTS. Some great action here as usual. Particularly memorable here is the crossface/anklelock double sumission on Edge and a brilliant double pin attempt where Eddy Guerrero sunset flips Benoit, who german suplexes Edge simultaneously. Edge spears Benoit to eliminate his team, after a great misunderstanding between Angle & Benoit. Guerreros make it the 3rd title to change hands as Eddy makes Mysterio tap out to his cloverleaf/sharpshooter hybrid, the Lasso from El Paso. Another fine match from these men. (9)SCOTT STEINER SEGMENT- Christopher Nowinski & Matt Hardy (Version 1.0) rip on New York until Steiner comes out and destroys both men with suplexes and press slams. Good segment.MATCH 6- Rob Van Dam vs Triple H vs Kane vs Booker T vs Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels--ELIMINATION CHAMBER MATCH FOR THE WORLD TITLE. Brilliant main event- the structure looks fantastic and the set-up of the match (the separate pods) is a great idea. RVD & HHH started out, then Jericho, Booker T, Kane & HBK were released within 5 mins of each other. RVD is first out after a terrible frog splash off one of the pods (he injured HHH landing his knee on his trachea) and a missile dropkick from Booker T. Jericho gets rid of Booker T and Kane w/ Lionsaults, but falls victim to some Sweet Chin Music as he has Triple H in the Walls. HBK wins the title w/ the Sweet Chin Music on Triple H, capping off an amazing number of title changes at the PPV. (10)OVERALL-- No terrible matches on the card at all. The elimination chamber was outstanding and the tag & cruiserweight matches were very exciting. The only bad things about the event were the end of the women's title match and RVD's elimination. Both a bit weak. Aside from that though, this is the strongest PPV in a good while.