WWE Unforgiven 2006

7.3| 3h30m| en

Unforgiven (2006) was a PPV which took place on September 17, 2006 at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario. It was the eighth annual Unforgiven event. The event starred talent from the Raw brand. The main event was a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the WWE Championship between Edge and John Cena. One of the predominant matches on the card was D-Generation X (Triple H and Shawn Michaels) versus The Big Show, Vince and Shane McMahon in a Handicap Hell in a Cell match. Another primary match on the undercard was Lita versus Trish Stratus for the WWE Women's Championship in what was Stratus' final match of her full-time wrestling career.


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Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
jts0405 Match 1: Johnny Nitro (c) vs Jeff Hardy for the Intercontinental Championship - Great opening contest for Raw's second highest prize at the moment. Jeff really poised himself for this shot after returning the night after Summerslam. Nitro uses Melina's help in the end to retain the title against Hardy. Fans really wanted Hardy to win, but he eventually got the best of Nitro. Good match nevertheless.Match 2: Kane vs Umaga - This feud really was a highly awaited one for this particular pay per view. Umaga, up to this point, was a not-so-great performer on Raw. The veteran in this one, Kane, really carried a good match at best out of him. The match ends on a cliff hanger with both men getting counted out.Match 3: The Spirit Squad (c) vs The Highlanders for the World Tag Team Championshi - The Highlanders really appeared as a great team on Raw since debuting on July 3 in 2006. The duo earned this shot at the titles after winning some sort of a triple threat tag team match. The Highlanders were my pick to win this one, because I personally liked them. In the end the Spirit Squad cheats again and retain their titles. Better than average tag title match.Match 4: D-Generation X vs Mr. McMahon, Shane McMahon & The Big Show in a Handicap Hell in a Cell match - This night was full of some great matches. Most importantly this one was anticipated a lot from the Raw fans. A great match with a lot of carnage involved. In the end Triple H and Shawn Michaels pull down Big Show's trunk and shove Mr. McMahon's face into his large backside. D-Generation X gets the win, incredible brawl.Match 5: Lita (c) vs Trish Stratus for the Women's Championship - In Trish's final match she takes on long time rival Lita. The two once again put on a great performance. In the end Trish makes Lita submit to the sharpshooter to regain the Women's title for the seventh time.Match 6: Carlito vs Randy Orton - A very impressive match. Both of these overlooked competitors on Raw. Orton and Carlito put on a great performance in this Raw brand event. The ending is memorable when Carlito goes for a top rope spirngboard dive and Orton counters into an RKO for the win. Classic ending. Orton is your winner.Match 7: Edge (c) vs John Cena in a TLC match for the WWE Championship - Fantastic main event. With Edge beating Cena in Cena's hometown at Summerslam we see Cena return the favor by beating Edge in Edge's hometown at Unforgiven. A lot of table spots in this one. Lita interferes on Edge's behalf, but it all ends when Cena peforms a huge FU off the ladder through several tables on Edge. He then grabs down the Championship for the win. Incredible and epic main event.
kliko400 I was seriously surprised after I watched this Raw PPV Unforgiven, now I like Smackdown better, I also don't mind Raw PPV's as well but this was really a good PPV & definitely better than last year's Unforgiven.FIRST MATCH- JOHNNY NITRO W/ MERLINA VS. JEFF HARDY FOR THE WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP {This is Jeff Hardy's first PPV appearance since returning after like about 3 years}. It's a good way to start Unforgiven with the IC title on the line. The match was a bit slow, but Jeff took the pace up a bit. Nitro also was working on Hardy's ankle during the match but Hardy fought his way back. Jeff accidentally knocks Nitro into Merlina who fakes her injury, then behind the referee she gets her high heels & slams it on Hardy's head which leads to Nitro covering Hardy for the win to retain his WWE Intercontinental Championship. 3/10SECOND MATCH- KANE VS. UMAGA W/ ARMANDO ELJANDRO ESTRADA I'm not a fan of big man vs. big man matches, this one could of been an okay match. But the match ended in a double-count out when both Umaga & Kane started beating each other all the way to backstage. 3/10THIRD MATCH- SPIRIT SQUAD VS. THE HIGHLANDERS FOR THE WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP This was a very good & enjoyable tag team match. Which featured great tag team moves from both teams battling for the World Titles. Spirit Squad get the win after Kenny grabbed one member of the Highlanders {Don't know who} & nailed a Facebuster to get the win as Spirit Squad retains their World Tag Team titles. 5/10FOURTH MATCH- DX VS. VINCE MCMAHON, SHANE MCMAHON & BIG SHOW IN A 2-3 HANDICAP HELL IN A CELL MATCH Not the best HIAC match, but it was still very great & violent, oh yeah definitely violent. The best highlights of the match is when DX slammed Vince McMahon into Big Show's {you know what}. Then the other highlight of the match is when Shawn Michaels nailed a flying elbow on a chair which was stuck on Shane's neck. Shane was bleeding very badly from the mouth as this match was seriously brutal. HHH gets a sledgehammer & slams Mr. McMahon on the back & covers for the 3 count as DX has won this brutal HIAC match. Also every man except Big Show was bleeding in this HIAC contest. 6/10FIFTH MATCH- LITA VS. TRISH STRATUS FOR THE WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP {This was Trish's last match as she will be retiring}. Excellent Diva match, very good. Most Diva matches are seriously not like this. Trish gets the win after a reverse roll-up on Lita for the win to become the new WWE Women's Champion in her hometown & in her last match. Bye Trish, you were the best Diva wrestler on Raw & in WWE. 5/10SIXTH MATCH- RANDY ORTON VS. CARLITO When have you ever seen just a normal singles match which was good like this. During the match, Orton starts bleeding from the mouth. Great wrestling moves from Orton & great athletic moves from Carlito. Carlito goes to nail a flying cross body only to get RKO'd in mid-air by Orton. Orton covers for the win. 5/10SEVENTH MATCH- EDGE VS. JOHN CENA IN A TLC MATCH FOR THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP IF JOHN CENA LOSES HE HAS TO GO TO SMACKDOWN IF JOHN CENA WINS THEN HE STAYS ON RAW AS THE DEFENDING WWE CHAMPION I enjoyed this TLC match, but nothing will ever top the tag team match which happened at Wrestlemania X7. Lita tries to interfere during the match, but to no avail as Cena nails an F-U on Lita, then an F-U on Edge from the top of the ladder on to two tables. With Edge & Lita both down, Cena climbs the ladder & gets the WWE belt as Cena has become the new WWE Champion & will remain staying on Raw. 6/10Great Raw PPV, I can't remember the last time Raw had a great PPV like this, I don't think they ever have. Very good, this year's Unforgiven was way better than last year's.Overall: I'll give it 8/10 & a B+
jameslj-cannon Unforgiven gets two thumbs up from me. RAW have produced a very entertaining pay per view. From the brutality in the vicious Hell in a Cell match, to the brilliance of the TLC match, RAW have hit top form. Here are the results from Unforgiven:Match 1:Intercontinental Title Match, Johhny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy. A very entertaining opener. Only ruined by Melina interfering again. Otherwise, a good match. Winner and still champion NitroMatch 2:Kane vs. Umaga. This match was a lot better than I envisioned it. Both men beat the hell out of each other. Disappointed that the match ended in a count out.Match 3:Tag Team Title Match, The Spirit Squad vs. The Highlanders. Pretty disappointing. Probably the worst match of the night. A typical Spirit Squad match, you always knew the numbers game would win them the match. Winners and still champions The Spirit SquadMatch 4:Hell in a Cell Handicap Match, DX vs. The McMahons and The Big Show. This was an unbelievable match. First of all, a new Hell in a Cell was used for this match. It's bigger and badder than the old cell. The McMahon's were busted open after The Big Show suffered two double low blows by DX. But once Show recovered, he beat the crap out of HBK and The Game. Show busted HBK open. Soon after, HHH was busted open by Shane. The tables turned again when HBK was about to join Vince's "Kiss my Ass Club", and The Game made sure it didn't go down. Soon after this, Shane's neck might have been broken after a steel chair was opened and closed around his head. HBK then delivered a huge elbow drop on the chair. Shane started to spit up blood soon after. Vince had his head shoved into Shows crack, and I mean it was SHOVED right up Shows arse. This lead to Sweet Chin Music for Vince, and then to finish it, The Game broke his sledgehammer around the back of Vince's head for the win. Unbelievable!!! Winners, DXMatch 5:Womens Title Match, Lita vs. Trish Stratus. A good womens match for once. A fairytale ending for Trish seeing as this was her last match, in her home town. Nice touch as she won the title using Brett Hart's sharpshooter. Winner and new Womens Champion, TrishMatch 6:Randy Orton vs. Carlito. This was another very good match. Orton got a busted lip about halfway through. Orton won with a brilliant move. He caught Carlito in mid air and hit him with an RKO. Winner, Randy OrtonMatch 7:TLC Match for WWE Title, John Cena vs. Edge. This was a great match. Both men pushed each other to the limit with this one. Lita tried to interfere, but accidentally got Edge put through two tables off the top of a twelve foot ladder. She got an FU for her trouble, and so did Edge. He got FU ed off the ladder through two tables stacked on top of each other in the ring. Cena then capitalised and won the title to stay on RAW. Winner and new WWE Champion John Cena.Well congrats to RAW for a top notch paper view. Lets see how SmackDown do with No Mercy next month.
Stuart Wilson The ninth annual WWE Unforgiven came to us this year from the sold out Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. As usual, the 16,000+ plus crowd was raucous and opinionated. Just what we like on a pay per view. With not one but two heavily hyped gimmick matches on the card, Trish Stratus's last match, Jeff Hardy's main event return and a battle of the monsters there was enough to keep everyone happy.The main event of the evening saw hometown hero Edge put the WWE Championship on the line against John Cena a Tables, Ladders, Chairs match. A match that Edge has never lost and Cena has never had. Also, the added stipulation that if Cena lost he would be off to Friday Night Smackdown! for three years. To make this seem like a genuine stipulation we saw Teddy Long sitting in his sky box every now and again throughout the event. The match was a real thriller and it was impossible to predict who was going to come out on top. Both men took a lot of punishment and some serious bumps. Lita typically got involved, at first the fiery red head saved Edge from defeat when she knocked over the ladder causing Cena to fall all the way to the floor where there awaited a table. Second time wasn't so lucky for Edge. After Lita decked Cena with a chair he stumbled into Edge's ladder and sent him to the floor and through two tables. After Lita got an FU for her trouble the end was near. With both men fighting it out on top the ladder Cena capitalised with an FU from the top all the way to the floor and through two stacked tables. This was too much for Edge as Cena grabbed the gold and made himself a three time WWE Champion. This was an excellent match and there are more story lines to come from this. With Lita leaving WWE in December and the fans getting to choose the stipulations at Cyber Sunday in November look for this feud to continue.In the other gimmick match of the night, the feud between the McMahon's and DX raged on. This time in a Hell in a Cell. This was a brutal match with plenty of blood and like the main event was excellent to watch. At time I laughed out loud at this one, the hammy expression by both The Big Show and Vince McMahon were priceless. One of the highlights of the night was McMahon having his head rammed so far up Big Show's butt by DX that he could practically see out Shows mouth. The McMahon's were defeated badly in this one. Shane was taken out of action after a chair was placed over his head and HBK dropped an elbow. Vince himself was taken out with a belter of Sweet Chin Music and then HHH broke a sledgehammer over the back of the bosses' head for the pin. Brilliant, excellent. Well done to all five men involved.Trish Status gave us the fairytale ending we were all hoping for in her hometown. She defeated her biggest rival Lita in an excellent Woman's Championship match. And how did the Canadian minx do it? With a sharpshooter no less, that brought the crowd to fever pitch. Trish waved us all goodbye in an emotional moment that nobody will forget in a hurry, holding up her record breaking seventh Woman's Championship.In other matches on the under card, Johnny Nitro defeated Jeff Hardy in the opener for the Intercontinental Championship. This was a fantastic match only let down by Melina interfering in the end to cost hardy the match. Umaga and Kane battled it out to a decent double count out. The Highlanders were unsuccessful in their bid to win the World Tag Team Championships from the Spirit Squad. This match was decent enough too but it was a typical Spirit Squad match with them using their numbers to their advantage. And finally Randy Orton pinned Carlito in another good match after he caught Carlito in mid air after an attempted springboard dive and nailed him with a mega RKO.A fantastic B rate event by the Raw brand. Far better than anything Raw has produced this year already. Well worth watching, this could be an event people are talking about for a while to come.