WWE WrestleMania XII

7.3| 2h48m| NR| en

Shawn Michaels and Bret "Hit Man" Hart battle it out in an epic, hour long Iron Man Match with the WWE Championship on the line. The Undertaker faces Diesel. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Goldust collide in a wild Hollywood Backlot Brawl. The Ultimate Warrior goes one-on-one with Hunter Hearst-Helmsley. Stone Cold Steve Austin and much more!


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World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)


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TinsHeadline Touches You
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
callanvass (03.31.96)Live from Anaheim CAAttendance: 18,853Your hosts are Vince McMahon & Jerry LawlerVader, Owen Hart & The British Bulldog (W/Jim Cornette) Vs Yokozuna, Ahmed Johnson & Jake "The Snake" Roberts (W/Mr. Fuji)Vader's team wins after Vader pins Roberts with a Vader bomb from the second rope. This was a perfect way to start the show. It was exciting and the crowd was into it, even if it was obvious from the outset that Roberts was the one who was going to be pinned. One thing I was surprised about was the positive reception for Yokozuna. The crowd ate up everything he did against Vader.***Backlot Brawl"Rowdy" Roddy Piper Vs GoldustPiper is standing in the backlot with a bat in his hands. Goldust shows up in a gold Cadillac. Piper smashes the windows of the car with the baseball bat and brawls with Goldust. Piper absolutely DESTROYS Goldust in very stiff fashion to the point where Goldust is busted open the hard way. Goldust comes back with a low-blow, then he runs over Piper with a car. Piper luckily avoided any major damage and a vehicle chase ensues with Piper following Goldust in his ford.Thoughts: This is very good stuff. The brawl was very intense and Piper looked like a man possessed. Goldust was on such a roll as a heel here, you were begging to see Piper kick his ass."Stone Cold" Steve Austin (W/Ted Dibiase) Vs Savio VegaStone Cold makes Vega submit with The Million Dollar Dream after drilling Vega twice with the Million Dollar belt while the referee was knocked out. I commend both on their effort here. This match was virtually unannounced with no hype. They showed good chemistry out there. This is Stone Cold's Wrestlemania debut. Next year would be huge for him.**1/2Hunter Hearst Helmsley (W/Sable) Vs The Ultimate WarriorThis is Warrior's first match with the WWF in over three years. Warrior gets a good, yet unspectacular pop. Warrior wins in 1 minute and 39 seconds with a gorilla press slam and a big splash. Normally, I would be very annoyed if a solid wrestler got treated like Hunter did. Considering how many people Hunter has buried over the years, I don't feel sorry for him what so ever. As I said, the crowd was kinda lukewarm towards Warrior. DUDMarc Mero debuts in the WWF with a backstage interview. Helmsley interrupts, then he and Mero get into a backstage brawl. Thoughts: Mero had some fame in WCW as Johnny B Badd. There are worse ways you can have a superstar debut. Helmsley attacking out of frustration makes sense.Diesel Vs The Undertaker (W/Paul Bearer)The Undertaker wins with a tombstone. This is one of the best big man matches you'll ever see. It's not very often that two behemoths can put on a match that's over 3 stars. The Undertaker is one of the best big men to ever lace their boots, and Kevin Nash is talented when he's motivated. I rank this is as one of the most underrated matches.***1/2Roddy Piper and Goldust arrive to the arena in their vehicles. Piper and Goldust take the fight all the way inside the ring. Goldust kicks Piper's ass for a while until Goldust kisses Piper, which makes Piper snap. Disgustingly, Piper disrobed Goldust, who is wearing lingerie. Piper stands tall to end the fight.Thoughts: The Backlot brawl was both good and bad. It started off as a very intense brawl, but slowly lost steam and petered out after a while. It would have been better if they had an actual street fight or something. Goldust wearing lingerie is something I try to put out of my mind as quickly as possible when I watch Wrestlemania 12. WWF Championship (Iron Man Match)Bret Hart (C) Vs Shawn Michaels (W/Jose Lothario)For those that don't know, an Iron Man Match is where two wrestlers wrestle for 60 minutes. Whoever has the most pinfalls or submissions during the 60 minutes is the winner. Shawn's entrance is absolutely spectacular! He uses a zipline of over 100 feet in the air to come down into the crowd. After 60 minutes pass, it's still tied 0-0. Bret is leaving with the WWF title, but Gorilla Monsoon orders sudden death between Bret and Shawn. Shawn drills Bret with Sweet Chin Music in the opening minutes of sudden death and wins the WWF title.Thoughts: This is undoubtedly a fantastic match, I'm not denying that. It told a wonderful story of the perseverance of Shawn Michaels, and the tenacity of Bret Hart. It's not the classic that many people make it out to be, though. I understand that they had to pace themselves in a 60 minute match, but there were far too many rest holds in this match. There is plenty of action and a ton of excitement, but it's also bogged down by the rest holds. I also felt the sudden death cheapened the impact a little bit. The 60 minutes felt real, the sudden death felt tacked on. As I said, this is definitely a wonderful match that ranks highly in my favorites, I just don't consider it to be the 5 star match many claim it is. I say it falls just short of 5 stars.****3/4I'll give this an 8/10. It's a very entertaining PPV and one of the most underrated Wrestlemania's. Even though fans overrate the iron man match, it's still an unforgettable match.
amanwhorocks 1. Vader/The British Bulldog/Owen Hart Vs. Yokozuna/Ahmed Johnson/Jake Roberts - High quality tag team action from the very start. Vader pinned Roberts. 7.5/10 2. Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. Savio Vega - Weird match with freaky ending. Austin won, thanks God. 6/10 3. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Warrior won with 4 clotheslines, one Gorilla Press Slam and splash. WOHOU!! Worst match on the card. 3/10 4. Diesel Vs. The Undertaker - Finally some great feud for Taker at WM. Not Gonzales, not "Taker 2", Diesel was decent opponent. For clean victory over Big D. I give 7/10 5. (Oh no) Pajpa Vs. Goldust - Goldust in nylons Vs. The most old school guy after Hogan. Thx very much, I don't care. 4.5/10 6. WWF World Heavywight Title Iron Man match: Shawn Michaels Vs. Champ-Bret Hart - Slow start, but great ending of legal 60:00 time limit. Hate that continue part, Shawn deserve the belt and should win over Bret, but not in that match. 7/10
JosephBrenner First off yes, going 60 minutes running and jumping around must have been tough and very tiring for Bret and Shawn and I commend them for that, but that alone does not make an incredible match. I saw the Iron Match between the Rock and HHH before seeing WM XII and so I was worried about this Iron match before it started. The Rock, HHH match started very slowly with punches and holds due to obvious reasons they didn't wanna get tired out, I understand that. They can't go at it guns blazing for 60 minutes, they'd die. But punches and holds, especially holds are the worst and most boring thing about wrestling. If you total up the decent moves and quality action in the Shawn vs. Bret match you might get, if you're lucky, 20 solid minutes. That leaves the other 40 though, right? And they certainly should have made it more interesting with a few pins or submissions rather than leaving it 0 - 0 right until the end. Good match, but not the best ever.
Big Movie Fan WrestleMania XII was a terrific event with some great matches.In the main event Bret Hart battled Shawn Michaels in a 60 minute Iron Man Match. This match was sensational. Bret and Shawn had 60 minutes to showcase their talents and they did a brilliant job.This event also saw the return of one of my favourites-The Ultimate Warrior who squashed future champion Hunter Hearst Helmsley in minutes. I really cheered during this match but to my disappointment the Warrior was gone from the WWF 3 months after this event took place.Roddy Piper and the truly bizarre Goldust had an entertaining match and it was great to see Goldust get his butt kicked. This was Roddy Piper's last WrestleMania and he didn't disappoint.There were two other great matches as well-The Undertaker battled Diesel in a match where both men performed above their usual standard. And there was an awesome six man match pitting Vader, Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith VS Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Ahmed Johnson and Yokosuna.Terrific card with terrific matches!