Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead

2014 "Mad Max meets Dawn Of The Dead"
6.2| 1h38m| R| en

Barry is a talented mechanic and family man whose life is torn apart on the eve of a zombie apocalypse. His sister, Brooke, is kidnapped by a sinister team of gas-mask wearing soldiers and experimented on by a psychotic doctor. While Brooke plans her escape Barry goes out on the road to find her and teams up with Benny, a fellow survivor – together they must arm themselves and prepare to battle their way through hordes of flesh-eating monsters in a harsh Australian bushland.


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Also starring Leon Burchill


Maidgethma Wonderfully offbeat film!
ChikPapa Very disappointed :(
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Nigel P A group of heavily armoured folk pounce from a vehicle into the path of a group of marauding zombies. The first line of dialogue we hear is, "Come on, you f***ing dummy!" And then, bedlam. A plethora of gunfire, cascading streams of blood, a dash of gore, and many of the walking-dead become quite simply, dead-dead. It isn't a bad start, and lets you know exactly what film experience you are in for.Sometimes it's good to sit back and watch a group of muscle-brained heroes blowing bloody chunks out of a relentless horde of zombies. Except this Australian rollercoaster has an eccentricity that makes it a richer experience than that. There is a thin vein of black humour running through, not entirely unreminiscent of Peter Jackson's 1992 'Braindead'. Here, the grotesque comedy doesn't get as much of a hold and we are left with a desperate chase through a country suddenly teeming with gas-breathing living cadavers that enjoys moments of madness.If you are in the mood for this, it delivers in spades. If not, it might come across as a group of characters whose dialogue consists of 'what the f*** is this,' and 'what the f*** is that?' The occasionally unconventional plot concerns Brooke (Bianca Bradley) who narrowly escapes being devoured by a group of newly formed zombies before being 'rescued' by a military group that takes her for experimentation every bit as deadly as her original predicament. Her brother Barry (Jay Gallagher), who has recently ended the lives of his zombie wife and daughter, teams up with a handful of similarly scarred characters, and proceeds to find Brooke and shoot as many marauding, slavering, dead-eyed 'infected' as possible.'Wyrmwood' is twisted, fast-moving, brutal, bloody and the effects are very convincing. And it's an enjoyable rollercoaster.
matt-sickle I tried 3 times to watch this movie and I could never make it through. I'm writing this right after the 3rd attempt. I like the ideas, the humor, the actors... but this movie is just yet another shaky-cam vomit ride.I suppose they are covering up for being unable to frame shots decently... Whole groups of modern directors seem to think that shaking the camera around is somehow a good idea.Sorry - but it's not fast or dynamic. It just induces seasickness and makes it look like you don't know how to use your camera gear.
Bob Jim First of all, this movie is a 6.5, not 6 nor 7.Now, for the problems.My main issue with the movie, was the supporting character - That black guy. He was SO freaking annoying, and ruined perfectly dramatic & good moments. This was the first thing that made me lower the rating from 10 to 9.The second thing is the main character. At the beginning, he was relateable as in acted as everyone. He had a daughter & a wife and pretty much a perfect life (from what we see in the beginning). But... Where did the person go? Where did the guy, who wanted to go out with his family go? He was replaced by a "LETS KILL ALL THE ZOMBIES YYAARRGG IM ANGRY" guy, and every time we saw some of the old (and better) guy, with actual emotions and depth, the black guy ruined the damn moment. "Can I finish the beer?" While the MC is crying over their friend. WTF.And the last thing, is the beginning. At first they started it as "So what's your story?" And I guessed they'll give out their stories from the FAR past, not like a day ago when they met. They could have just started out the movie with the MC's story instead of "what's your story" because the MC's story already got us caught with the present.Now, for the good things about the movie.First, you can actually feel the danger and fear (And sometimes even anger) they get from the zombies. They are not all powerful characters and they don't really try to act like it. Secondly, the beginning was beautiful. A man losing everything without being able to kill himself right after he killed his zombified wife & daughter. I expected such depth for the rest of the movie, but alas- I was wrong. The only other time such depth was reached was when the old person got infected in the car.Secondly, the super-human sister brain-controlling zombies sub-story that integrates into the main one is really cool in my opinion.Thirdly, the action is good and interesting, not just BOOM BOOM BOOM. (But of course there's also BOOM BOOM BOOM).And lastly... The ending is so goddamn satisfying. I like this movie. There is much you can improve here, but still.
MrGKB ...at least for fans of the genre, "Wyrmwood: RotD" serves as a pretty decent calling card not only for its creative team (headed up by fraternal director/writers), but also a number of its leads. Jay Gallagher conjures up a certain Bruce Campbell vibe, though without the same tongue-in-cheek self-awareness, while Bianca Bradey commands definite attention ala Sigourney Weaver or Michelle Rodriguez, and Leon Burchill holds his own in a somewhat underwritten role of comedy relief. Tyro DP Tim Nagle keeps things hopping visually, and Michael "The Hunter" Lira's score propels the action nicely. Overly enthusiastic blurbs to the side, "Wyrmwood: RotD" manages to transcend its relatively low budget and lengthy shooting schedule; whatever faults to be found are in the screenplay, which opens up on all four cylinders and then begins to stutter in Act Two. Let's just say it's rarely a good idea to repeat a prologue. No matter; despite the misfires and a certain descent into comic nonsense (zombie fumes as high octane fuel anyone?), "Wyrmwood: RotD" remains an admirably stylish, diverting watch. I'll be looking forward to seeing what these folks can do with the sequel.