Yellow Hair and the Pecos Kid

1984 "Behind its walls, the treasure of kings. Getting in is easy. Getting out... impossible!"
4.2| 1h41m| R| en

Fiery blonde half-breed Yellow Hair and her easygoing sidekick the Pecos Kid are after a fortune in Mayan gold. The courageous duo have run-ins with an army of Mexican soldiers, a gang of dastardly bandits, and a lethal tribe of Aztec warriors while searching the countryside for said gold fortune.


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Crown International Pictures


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Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
BA_Harrison Director Matt Cimber kicks off Yellow Hair and the Fortress of Gold in the style of a Saturday morning serial adventure, introducing the viewer to his characters (to the cheers of an appreciative audience) before plonking the viewer in the middle of an ongoing story. It's a lively way to start proceedings, but that's where the fun ends, the exploits of half-breed Yellow Hair (statuesque blonde Laurene Landon) and lovable rogue The Pecos Kid (Ken Roberson) proving stupefyingly tedious despite plenty of noisy action—shooting, explosions, fights and chases, including the obligatory classic stagecoach stunt that sees our heroes falling between the horses.One can't fault Cimber for trying, I suppose, but his terrible script, lacklustre direction and unengaging characters make for a virtually joyless experience. The shambolic plot meanders aimlessly throughout, there's way too much boring conversation, the comedy is exceptionally weak, and star Landon displays little in the way of acting ability. About the only aspect I enjoyed was the occasional spot of mean spirited violence: a commanchero is thrown off his horse over the edge of a cliff, another is slowly lynched, and one poor guy has his head dipped in molten gold before being decapitated.In the tradition of the serials it seeks to emulate, the film ends on a cliffhanger, suggesting that a sequel was planned: thankfully, it never materialised.
Leofwine_draca Despite the distinctive title, YELLOW HAIR AND THE FORTRESS OF GOLD turns out to be an absolute dog of a movie, and that's from somebody with a penchant for early '80s fare. This is some kind of shambolic comedy adventure in which a feisty heroine and her sidekick roam around a barren landscape, fighting off warriors and gunslingers in a hunt for mystical treasure.The plotting's okay, I suppose, but it's the execution where this film really fails: it's treated as a dumb-as-nails comedy, with awful dialogue that sounds like it's been dubbed in, and execrable performances. It says something when the statuesque but wooden Laurene Landon (HUNDRA) gives the best performance in a film otherwise chock full of actors gurning, hamming it up, performing tired slapstick routines, and the like.The running time is overlong and the exaggerated direction, with its repeated use of slow motion, soon wears on the viewer. If they had taken things seriously then this might have been halfway enjoyable, but the repeated (and repetitive) attempts at dumb humour absolutely sink it. Yeah, I hated it.
freydis-e I'm only reviewing this because so few people have. It's not worth seeking out but could help pass an empty 90 minutes without too much pain.Laurene Landon is a big, strong, beautiful woman who started getting cast in Amazon roles following the success of 'All the Marbles', where she played a wrestler and mostly left the acting to Peter Falk. A good thing, that, because LL is not the greatest actress and no-one in this movie is much better. The story is derivative spaghetti-western, sort of merged with Flash-Gordon-style serial and Indiana-Jones-style temples, gold etc. Nothing original apart from the female tough-guy but nothing too stupid either.Direction, script, etc are reasonably competent and the budget must have been fairly high given the scale, effects quality, etc. The cast seem to be enjoying themselves, it's actually funny for the viewer in places and some of the ideas, like the brushwood snakes, weren't bad at all. Why they didn't use some of that budget to hire real actors is anyone's guess.LL delivers as usual with lots of enthusiasm, but if you want to watch her doing this kind of tough-girl stuff, Hundra is a better movie in most respects.
junk-monkey There is little to be said in favour of this unholy mixture of slapstick and Spaghetti Western sadism. It's long, it's boring, and hasn't a spark of originality about it.I have no idea who the producers thought the target audience for this movie might be but the pitch must have been a doozy to get someone to stump up the money."It's a Spaghetti Western Comedy - only, and here's the twist, we have a woman hero and make it look like an old time Saturday morning children's serial to cash in on the Indiana Jones market! How can we loose?" Three big targets to hit - and they missed all three. The comedy is feeble - are we really supposed to find the fact that the generalissimo is a teensy bit camp funny? The serial framing device is so clumsily and laboriously done that any humour in it evaporates before it gets going. The whole point about the Saturday serials was that there was a cliffhanger at the end of each episode*, a point that seems to have been totally missed by the writers. The only one of their targets they came close to hitting was the parody/homage of the Spaghetti Western genre - but as that was a genre that was always happily sending itself up it's a very easy target to hit. Give anyone a week in Almeria with a few unshaven actors in cowboy costumes and they could have come up with this stuff.Avoid.*Apart from the last one naturally.