Yes, Madam!

6.7| 1h32m| en

Two unlucky thieves break into a just murdered man's hotel room and steal his passport with a hidden microfilm wanted by a triad boss. Two hard kicking women cops from HK and UK get the case.


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IslandGuru Who payed the critics
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
a_chinn Wildly energetic 1980s Hong Kong action film made right at the outset of a spate terrifically original and entertaining Hong Kong action films. Released the same year as Jackie Chan's "Police Story," this film has a very similar tone that's primarily a serious police story but sprinkled with elements of comedy. Jackie's film is better in terms of stunt work and comedy, but this film has better shootouts and some fight sequences that easily rival those in Jackie's film. This is thanks in large part to director Corey Yeun, who'd later go on to direct and/or choreograph most of Jet Li's classic films, as well as Michelle Yeoh as the star or the film. Yeoh reprises her role for this sequel (looking super 1980s fashionable, as if she could break out in jazzersize at any moment) and is joined by Cynthia Rothrock who is way cooler here than she ever was in any of her English language martial arts films. Yeoh and Rothrock make and amazing team and are dynamite to watch on screen! It's also funny to see talented director/producer Tsui Hark appearing in a comedic supporting part in the film. Overall, this film is essential viewing for 80s Hong Kong action film film fans.
Thomas Tokmenko Moments of slapstick comedy are nothing but expected when Sammmo Hung makes an appearance, however it may be a touch overdone here in this sub-genre defining "femme-fatale" flick. Two female officers of the law present themselves as hard-hitting women which should be shown absolute respect, but another group of protagonists weighs them down and the overall result is more comedic than dramatic. There simply wasn't enough Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock on-screen to provide sufficient character development, but even at a basic level it works to support the crime investigation story (which is also very simple). A reel of film ends up being passed around Hong Kong as a triad corporation tries to obtain and destroy it in order to avoid the legal consequences attached. Meanwhile, a group of idiotic underdogs inadvertently become mixed up with the triad affair, as well as our two female hero cops Yeoh and Rothrock. The adventure is goofy yet fun, and the finale will take your breath away in terms of martial arts prowess. This is an iconic movie of both Hong Kong action cinema and the femme- fatale sub genre, and if your mildly interested in either you'll have a great time with this one. - 7/10
david-sarkies As with most original movies that create a long series of sequels, this one is good. Basically a couple of small time crooks who are scrapping money to get their master out of a nursing home get caught up in a fraudulent business. They accidentally steal a micro-fiche upon which a false contract, which will destroy the credibility of a major corporation, has been printed. Unfortunately this corporation wants it destroyed and thus they find nasty hit men after them.This movie stars Cythia Kahn, the star of the In the Line of Duty movies, but it also stars Cynthia Rockwell, an American martial artist. From what I remember of her, she was an attractive woman that could kick butt, but in this movie she is much more masculine, and scary. Both Cynthias come across as very competent and are two women which you do not want to mess with.The movie opens with action and the action goes right through to the end, and the suspense is gripping. It all winds up to a movie where there is a shallow victory because even though the bad guys have lost, the good guys have not won. It is a movie that is not willing to kill off major characters and to show that even though violence may solve problems, it will create a lot more. The axiom that violence never solves anything is not entirely true. Rather it should be that violence creates more problems than it solves.For an action movie, this is great, but if you are wanting a simple movie where the good guys beat the bad guys and come out on top, then this is not that type of movie. It is a movie where things go from bad to worse, and the end comes about from a final act of desperation to make sure that justice is done.The one thing that I got from reading the bible tonight is that even if somebody seems to have everything, that will not last forever. The thing is that God will bring about their destruction, not us, so to attempt to speed up the inevitable will not solve anything. Here all of the evidence may have been destroyed, the bad guy will have to die sometime, and when he dies he will learn the truth of what life is really all about.
Tony Ryan (tpr007) A revolutionary a film for kick starting and defining the Battling Babes genre, in the same way 'Zu' was for the fantasy swordplay movies, 'Yes, Madam!' combined the best of Hong Kong action cinema with a fresh, sexy and exciting look. Rarely ever had women played such dominant roles and kicked as much butt as they do here, while still being allowed to show a coy, feminine side.Both Yeoh and Rothrock made their action debuts in this film, and they couldn't have been picked at a better time. The action choreography in HK was entering a new, fast and brutal phase while both girls were at the peak of their physical fitness. The end result is not only the definitive femme-fatale flick, but also one of the finest actioners to leap on to the screen in the mid 80's. The final fight scene alone is more than worth the cost of the DVD and puts Hollywood to shame with its raw power and inventiveness. The best offered in the West at the time was a macho Sigourney Weaver in 'Aliens', but even she wouldn't have been able to touch these girls! Also known as 'In the line of Duty 2' following the later produced 'Royal Warriors' aka 'In the line of Duty' (1986) 'Yes, Madam!' set a new trend in the later 80's whereby attractive women such as Cynthia Khan, Moon Lee, Yukari Oshima and many more were given free reign to dish out the pain, being made to look like the greatest screen fighters ever courtesy of rigorous training from the likes of Dick Wei, Yuen Kwai and Yuen Woo Ping. Even today we are reaping the rewards as female faces, new and old, do battle on the screen in modern classics like 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'.Entertaining cameos from Sammo Hung and Richard Ng as well as great fighting performances from the likes of Chung Fa and Dick Wei makes this a testosterone junkies dream! Ultimately lacking in great cinematography or even much of a plot, the name of the game is to excite the audience in as many ways possible, whether it's with lingering shots of a luscious, young Michelle Yeoh or an animated, head and arm cracking La Rothrock - this movie should not be missed by anyone interested in action - "Hong Kong style".