You Belong to Me

4| 1h29m| PG-13| en

After a messy divorce, Alex Wilson isn't interested in the advances of her colleague, Michael. But when Michael's interest takes a morbid turn and someone ends up dead, Alex becomes trapped in a supernatural struggle to save her son from a scorned (and deceased) suitor.


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NipPierce Wow, this is a REALLY bad movie!
Ehirerapp Waste of time
Glatpoti It is so daring, it is so ambitious, it is so thrilling and weird and pointed and powerful. I never knew where it was going.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Leofwine_draca Another piece of junk TV movie from Canada, YOU BELONG TO ME is a film of two halves. The first is a typical and cheesy stalker thriller in which a young mother, played by American PIE's Shannon Elizabeth, finds herself stalked by persons unknown, a psycho who stands around outside her house and provides a few POV shots.This being a made-for-television movie, you know things are never going to get too serious or violent and so it proves. There are sex scene cutaways and about two non-violent deaths in total. The writer gets bored with the whole predictable stalker plot around halfway through, so throws in a twist and then turns the film into a supernatural horror film. Elizabeth's character is consistent in that she still isn't believed. There's one special effect in the film, right at the climax, and it's very cheesy indeed. Elizabeth was pretty much the worst actor in the American PIE films and so it proves in this hopeless effort.
Prismark10 You belong to Me is a stalking thriller with a supernatural twist. Shannon Elizabeth is Alex Wilson who works in a Seattle publishing firm. She fears that she is being stalked by her ex, Julian who is also the father to her son. Although settled with a new boyfriend Chris, Alex thinks Julian is hanging about in the background despite a restraining order.At work she deals with a project with a new colleague Michael who also takes an interest in her. Things come to a head as Chris gets seriously injured in a mysterious incident and Michael reveals that he is seriously unhinged and falls off a cliff.This does not stop Alex having an eerie feeling that she is still being watched. Her son is having mysterious conversations with someone. Is Julian still stalking or Michael whose spirit is stuck in some kind of limbo?This is a badly written tosh full of clichés and bad acting. Elizabeth looks pretty and that is about it. The story could had gone in some interesting directions that would had made it at least average but resisted all temptation to be competent.
canuckteach *mild spoilers but read this instead of losing 103 minutes of your life* Like others, I started to watch this, had other commitments, and taped the last 90 minutes.. how do you define 'fast'? the speed with which I taped over that 90 minutes of media! the audience was expecting the 'new hire' to be the real culprit stalking our heroine when the 'plot' was pointing to the abusive ex-husband. of course, we were waiting for a twist so we could start to poke holes in the story. instead, we got some supernatural bizarre climax that looked like it came out of a short story written by a 10-year old... oh: and two people jump out of a speeding car and land on the grass with only a few bumps & bruises! hmmm -- I'm not sure which part of that conclusion was more juvenile.How sad: clever young writers of novels and screenplays are out-of-work and THIS gets made?Movietime? 'time' to get a real 'movie'...
Murli I feel sorry for TV movies- honestly I do. It's as if they were made for one reason only- that they were not good enough to bring out on the silver screen i.e. movie cinemas in wide releases, and most seem to be targeted towards a single demographic audience- mature women. Many new TV movies (and I've unfortunately seen more than my fair share) have a woman as the lead in some sort of sad, pity-me tragic sort of role which requires them to take a huge challenge/mystery upon themselves and try to solve it and save themselves and everyone else that matters to them. The writers seem to give them the qualities of Xena, a model like look, and the skills of Nancy Drew which means that the police "detectives" in the movie are either too stupid or don't really have a clue as to how to do real police work.I have yet to see a really good female led TV move (and I really want to see one as I'm not a sexist pig!) but as far as this movie breaking new ground it actually takes a big leap backwards.Shannon Elizabeth looks good. And that's the only positive thing I can say about her. The plot, which started out interestingly enough, descended into the depths of garbage after fifteen minutes had elapsed. If the director or the screenwriters were attempting a shock twist in the who is it part they must have missed that lecture in their film school classes because it's a dead giveaway after the first few minutes of the movie. If anyone is surprised when the "revelation" is revealed...I would recommend that you buy some Where's Wally books and study them hard.I digress- back to Shannon. Her character commits every cliché that B horror/thriller/suspense movie leads are supposed to do. Her acting's never been her strong point but it wasn't as painfully evident until now. She pouts and screams and whimpers- none of it sincere nor believable. The rest of the cast ham their lines in either a bored fashion or one that suggests that they're only doing it for the paycheck.The plot became so ludicrous that I actually stopped watching so I don't even know how it ends but given that it's a TV movie rest assured that all's well that must end well. For my sanity it's best that I am blissfully ignorant as I can't imagine wanting to know what really transpires.So, if you're a HUGE die hard Shannon Elizabeth fan (send me your address and I'll send you a get well soon card) ignore this rant and enjoy yourselves before they turn out the lights in your padded cells. The rest of you can move onto something that's more watching paint dry.