You Move You Die

2007 "A new breed of gangster"
4.6| 1h30m| en

Mike has the girl, the place and the time. The problem is he doesn't have the ring. Before Mike has an opportunity to propose his engagement ring is stolen. Mike is desperate to recover it, so he and his friends have one hour to get the ring back and make the date with his beloved Emma before all is lost.


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Grid Productions


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Also starring Jarrod Martin


FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
progen Pretty good movie overall in the sense that the story keeps moving and there's no soppy love scenes to slow things down. Acting was alright too and most of the actors / actresses were convincing. Ketzal's outbursts and coined phrases added that little bit of humour and if you just watched it at face value, you'd never have guessed the ending. Looks like this is a Quentin Tarantino or Guy Ritchie in the making. Just too bad he didn't come up with anything like this after. I've watched it a few times and will definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a 'light' movie or simply to find out what a knob jockey is.
roger-hepburn this film is essentially a lark about by some guys from new Zealand and really that is all it is, I don't think when they made the movie the filmmakers were thinking that this was going to be a world wide blockbuster or an intellectual indie thought provoker they simply made a movie that they thought would be fun and hoped that others would as well. I watch movies that are better than this on paper every day- if you break films down to their component parts - but sometimes, just sometimes you enjoy a movie for the sheer fun it gave you. This movie doesn't have a 10 out of 10 script. this movie doesn't have a 10 out of 10 score. this movie doesn't have a 10 out of 10 cast. this movie doesn't have a 10 out of 10 director. this movie doesn't have a 10 out of 10 cinematographer. BUT.... This movie does give 10 out of 10 enjoyment!!There are some great pieces of dialogue and some good set pieces, yes some of the acting is wooden and some of the action-fighting sequences are a bit crappy but they are still 10 out of 10 enjoyable.Listening to some of the critics on this site and you would never watch anything.DO YOUR SELF A FAVOUR SIT DOWN WATCH THIS WITH YOUR FAVOURITE POISON AND ENJOY!!No it isn't Shakespeare or Polanski or Hitchcock or even Michael Mann it just fun.
birck It's not a bad job. The characters are convincing, even if some of the action isn't. If you can accept stylized, unconvincing violence (no blood anywhere), which I don't mind, the story has some new twists. The first two thirds seem a bit aimless, like Mean Streets down under, just a tale of four thugs who seem to have an appointment to keep in the afternoon, and manage to keep it, in spite of the befuddled police they have to deal with in New Zealand. It's funny; it could have been funnier, but for something I never heard of before a street vendor offered it to me, it ain't bad. The acting is generally acceptable; the camera-work is utilitarian. Technically, it succeeds in some ways, e.g., the steadicam work, but fails in others, e.g., under- and over-exposure, or their digital equivalents. The dialogue is in Kiwi, i.e., "english", but it would benefit from subtitles, also in English, as in The Harder They Come. It's worth noting that the vaunted technical achievement (long, uncut shots) was barely noticeable-which means that it did what it was supposed to do without drawing attention to itself.
RumBug Evil? Err, okay, someone needs to get out more. The movie was okay in the sense that unlike all other New Zealand movies, it didn't try to dig into quirkiness that defines just about every other NZ movie out there - think genetically modified killer sheep. Watching it, I did get a little bored after about 30 minutes, but then I did a gear change and accepted it for what it was - a low budget, romp through Auckland, with some cheesy action and acting. The actors seemed enthusiastic, albeit quite wooden at times. There were a few laugh out loud moments - ie Mike making the chick disappear and the whole conversation in the dry cleaners - and there were some cringe moments as well - ie the scene with the kids mother. Watching an interview on TV, it seems that it was all done on a budget of $50,000. Yeah, it wasn't the best, and for a first effort action movie a little light on the action. Worth a watch if you are a Ketzal Sterling fan, from the days when he was doing High Octane - another cheesy product but TOTALLY appropriate for that market.

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