The story follows Michael Jackson pursuing a beautiful woman with the help of Chris Tucker but things get complicated when Michael Jackson angers gang members at a bar. It was filmed from August 13 to 21, 2001, in Los Angeles, CA, and the dance performed contains fragments from the cancelled "Dangerous" video. It's only one of two videos for his Invincible album (the other for "Cry") which was intended to also have videos for "Unbreakable" and "Butterflies" but the conflict between Jackson and Sony prevented this. Jackson intended on "Unbreakable" being the first single and first music video/short film but Sony chose "You Rock My World". It's Jackson's last short film and fifth to last music video that he took part in while alive. His last four music videos are Cry (although he doesn't appear in the final version due to the Sony conflict), What More Can I Give (with the 9/11 charity single), Cheater, and One More Chance (released after Jackson passed away).
Michael Jackson , Chris Tucker , Marlon Brando , Michael Madsen , Billy Drago