You Should Meet My Son!

2010 "'He's a Catch!""
6.6| 1h24m| NR| en

A comedy about a conservative Southern mom who discovers that her only son is gay. Determined that he won’t go through life alone and miserable, she sets out to find him the perfect husband!


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LastingAware The greatest movie ever!
Aedonerre I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Suradit Really enjoyable, fun movie.Yes, it was obviously done on a budget, but that didn't detract from the production.Yes, it was somewhat heavy-handed with the stereotypes, whether the clueless but well-intentioned mother & aunt, the over-the-top drag queens or the flawed but close-minded religious bigots, but the exaggerated characteristics were obviously meant to be caricatures of those types. And they were nicely balanced by the very down-to-earth Brian, Chase et al.The boy from next door, Greg, was hilarious in his interactions with Brian's mother and aunt. Chris Nolan did a great job in the role.Why exactly Brian would suddenly decide to marry the air-head Jennie Sue, especially considering her suffocating parents is a bit of a mystery, but I guess it was meant to drive home the message ... and yes there was a genuine message buried in the mayhem ... that everyone should exit whatever closet they've buried themselves in and just accept who they really are and enjoy it to the fullest.Definitely a feel-good movie. I've watched it three times over time and expect to see it again from time to time.
Travis Potts 'You Should Meet My Son' is honestly such a great movie! However, you need to know what you are getting into, this is not a movie that tackles the seriousness of coming out to your family through lots of angst and self loathing. This is not a tearjerker like 'Prayers for Bobby.' This movie is a farce in the best way possible! The scene near the end with the male protagonist's breakdown was such a tender moment between mother and son, and the insistence of the gay youth needing better gay role models couldn't be more true! The gay culture is shown brilliantly here, the leather couple and skanky teens to the snarling gay bar patrons, glitzy drag queens and master/dog fetish. Everyone writes about how the mother and son have the greatest character development, but can we look at the character of Aunt Rose? The makeover scene is something that is tackled by every chick flick out there, but I can honestly say that this one had me cackling to myself, and the way in which she slowly comes out of her shell is definitely something to take notice of. The drag queen gang is hilarious and so entertaining! Yes, the accents are fake, the acting is over-the-top, the plot is predictable, but this only adds to the movie, and it's success lies in it's comedic way of portraying common issues within the LGBT community. NB: Anyone who enjoyed this should definitely give 'The Big Gay Musical' a view!!!
Alvin T. "You Should Meet My Son" is a comedy about a closeted gay son and his loud and crazy mother. The son tries his utmost to hide the fact that he is gay all the while dealing with an emotional breakup. The mother discovers that her son is gay (with the help of her equally loud and crazy sister) and sets out to find the perfect guy for her son to be with.The first half hour of the film is funny and lighthearted, with bits of clever jokes here and there. The jokes end however when "comedy" turns into "crack humour." The film begins to pack clichéd drag queens and a very predictable anti-gay Christian family into the same scenes. The film stops being about the gay son and the mother and just becomes a great big mess of gay characters and religious characters interacting with one another.The story between the gay son and the mother is enjoyable and kind of touching, but you will need to sit through a lot of crazy, random stuff before you get to see the ending to that story.
John Frame True to the DVD cover art, "You Should Meet My Son" doesn't masquerade as being anything other than light and fun entertainment, but it is also honest and passionate. In brief, a young gay man has tried far too hard to keep his sexuality secret from his mother and aunt - to the point where his partner leaves for greener pastures. Brian's mother and her sister discover the big gay truth and quickly dispense with their culturally acquired bigotry. They then set out on a mission to find heartbroken Brian a suitable gay male partner - taking a crash course in gay community diversity and etiquette, but thankfully things are not that simple (and only marginally overladen with stereotypes).Keith Hartman does a wonderful job with the script - keeping things fresh, lively and relevant. Hartman also ought to take a deep bow as director in his first feature film - and he happily gives plenty of due credit to the talented crew he assembled to make this film always look beautiful and interesting, and to also sound wonderful (especially, as we learn from the commentary tracks, in quite challenging circumstances). The editing is particularly praiseworthy - my award goes to Donna Matthewson. The slightly surreal colours remind me very much of the UK original 1999 Queer As Folk series (NB: the cinematrographic quality is much better in this film - due no doubt to the improvement in digital technology.) I recommend that anyone who likes the film should also take the time to watch the DVD with each of the two commentary tracks - and then watch the film again with the original soundtrack. Your appreciation is significantly amplified, making "You Should Meet My Son" a film which you're likely to recommend to all your family and friends, and to enjoy re-watching with them any number of times. An excellent original music soundtrack adds further lustre.The cast all do a fine job and they must be very proud of the final edit. It's no surprise that this has been an award winner at gay and lesbian film festivals.