Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Lachlan Coulson
This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
This is a bad movie, I think my rating is probably a bit generous because I have watched so many b-movies. However, it has two redeeming qualities. Unintentional humor and the fact that it is one of the weirder weird movies I've ever seen. Essentially, the guy is a disgruntled scientist with a lot of weird lab equipment and free time. The lab is pretty funny, as it has all kinds of arbitrary lab equipment, which, perhaps, looked less low- budget in the seventies when the movie was made. Anyway, the guy has some kind of obsession with trying to turn himself (and perhaps others) into catfish that can walk on land. I'm not kidding, and it gets even weirder... The scientist then goes on a bit of a revenge-killing spree and kills several of the scientists that doubted him on something some many years ago or wouldn't help fund his research, I don't really remember which. Anyway, the guy gets a crush on a blonde woman and decides that he wants to run off with her and form an empire of sea creatures (I'm still not kidding).Does he make it? I won't tell you. However, I will say that the police in this movie are remarkably bad shots.
A mad scientist transforms himself into an aquatic killer.The scientist here is basing his research on one of the most creepy fish I have ever seen. Apparently it is a walking catfish. Yuck! There is much to criticize about the film -- the washed out sepia color that probably cannot be fixed by digital remastering, the completely inexperienced cast and crew. The "awesome" monster costume...But the film has charm, and despite being a bad movie, it is not deserving of being on the bottom 100. Someone put it there because it was on MST3K, and that is all. Sure, it deserves to be made fun of... but I have seen far worse than this.
I really did not expect much from a film with a title like that and I was right. I guess the best that could be said for it was that at times, the location scenery was very nice and the print we saw on Turner Movie Classics tonight did not deserve to look so clean and pristine (that alone stunned me). The sheriff leading the hippies to jail was the only good moment in the film--I thought it was turning into "Pippin" or something for a moment.Of the monster, definitely a case where it should have stayed in the shadows but we get to see it for almost the entire film and in bright light and focus. It rather looked like a giant parakeet crossed with a wallet to me. Suspenseful music cues used at times when absolutely NOTHING suspenseful was going on and other gaffs and blunders that usually make these things entertaining, but not entertaining enough (if you ever have only an hour to live, watch this movie and you'll think you've lived another 9 days).I'm rather surprised I had never heard of this one until recently!
This is the second film that I watch in only a couple of weeks where I had to restrain myself from shouting at the screen: "Get over Creature from the Black Lagoon; its success has been twenty years!" A little word of clarification is in place here perhaps, this film and "Octaman" are two cheap 70's exploitation horror movies with a 50's attitude and mentality. Both titles desperately want to imitate Jack Arnold's legendary "Creature from the Black Lagoon" with an old-fashioned guy-in- a-rubber-suit monster emerging from still waters to attack unsuspecting swimmers. However, both films are also unimaginably bad, amateurishly put together and they actually make the aforementioned Creature look like it's "Citizen Kane". The ultra-evil and deranged Dr. Kurt Leopold – a scientist with obvious Nazi sympathies – found a method to mutate into a fish monster and simultaneously developed the absurd plan to create a superior aquatic race and exterminate all human beings. That's pretty much the whole set-up
There are certain hints towards interesting sub plots (fish jumping on land and revolting against humans, acid baths to dispose of failed experiments
) but they are never properly elaborated. "Zaat" is also obviously stuffed with Frankenstein influences. The monster creation process, for example, is very similar and there's also search for a bride for the monster. Basically, it comes down to the fact that Dr. Leopold intends to create a fish-queen and therefore he extendedly observes blond girls camping and then kidnaps them to his liar. There are numerous good reasons why "Zaat" is currently listed as n# 10 in the bottom top 100 movies of all time. The effects are incredibly tacky and the set designs are laughably cheap. Most of the film was most obviously shot on private locations, like somebody living room or the pond in one of the crew members' garden. The poor sucker who had to walk around in the suit appears to be drunk most of the time and the mask looks like a green version of Alf. The soundtrack is horrible and worst of all were the hippie morals being shoved down your throat, like for example the fact that "friends" of the environment escape the wrath of "Zaat". Only for very experienced bad movie fanatics.