Zach Galifianakis: Live at the Purple Onion

7.2| 1h1m| NR| en

From an inauspicious beginning performing comedy routines in the back of a burger joint in New York, unorthodox stand-up star Zach Galifianakis has made a splash on the scene with his inimitable brand of humor. In this live show filmed at San Francisco's Purple Onion nightclub, the versatile funnyman serves up a healthy dose of his signature wit.


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Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Ben Parker King of the one-liner, insult comedy, strange lying-down comedy, meta comedy, musical comedy. This is a SPECIAL special. This film of a Zach G stand-up set captures a comedian at the peak of his powers, completely self-deprecatory and self-deconstructive, if that's a thing, Zach is just plain funny. That's all you need to know. The only moments that didn't work for me bordered on insult-comedy and audience- participation, the sort of moments normally aimed at hecklers. Just not a fan of that sort of thing. They still worked well to showcase how quick Zach is, because he bounces instantly off something the audience-member says into something brilliant. The chief genre here is one-liner. If you don't care for one-liners, steer clear. If you've never seen a Zach G comedy set (like I hadn't) highly recommended.
MassDistraction Zach Galifianakis's first feature-length special, following the "Look Who It Isn't" compilation. Features one of his stand-up sets with footage of Zach on the road and an interview with "Zach's twin brother" interspersed. His material consists of one liners, wordplay, crowd work and general weirdness. Zach style has a relaxed, natural feel, but at times comes off more sloppy and unprepared. Fortunately, Galifianakis is downright lovable and his ad-Ibs tend to be dynamite, so that does buy him a little slack. His innovation in how he presents his material can be better than the material itself, though he does have some solid laughs on here. Starts slow, but has a killer finish.
eric-cberg Zach Gach-fix-kin-ass-key is one of the freshest comedians walking the comedy beat today, he has created a very original style of comedy and the best way I can describe it is to call it "venting". You know that feeling of awkward hilarity when someone does something embarrassing and you cant help but laugh? he tends to blend that, with making fun of himself and his past and I have to say that I cant remember the last time I laughed so hard. His comedic style beats the HELL out of Dane Cook's overcooked garbage. My favorite quote from the film is "When you look like I do it's hard to get a table for one at a Chuck E' Cheese." I cant really say much more other than there should be a movie made about Zach's "brother" Seth Galifiankis.
Burntout Zach Galifianakis is probably one of the best comedians to come out of the scene in the last 10 years…he's definitely that good, he's a top ten without a doubt on anybody's list who truly understands comedy.No, his humor is not always right there for you to "get." Case in point, interspersed throughout his stand-up at the Purple Onion (San Francisco), are "interviews" with his twin brother Seth from the South. These segments contain very subtle comedic touches and sometimes they even seem to intentionally protrude into the going-ons that are taped at the club.But it's okay, once you realize that Zack/Seth is really a total nutcase which is evident when he deviates from his usual "jokes" and begins to engage with the audience members…there is no one out there in today's comedy scene that I know of who is best equipped to handle total chaos than Zach. I'm not saying that he caused nor were there any chaos present at the club that night…but when he interacts with paying customers, there really is no one out there in today's world that can hold a candle to his improv.He chastises them, he loves them, he makes fun of them, he screams at them, and he wonders overall (out loud) if they even understand his jokes. It all adds up to one of the most unique and satisfying stand-up performances you're likely to see out of all the current "newbies" out there.