Zimmer mit Tante

6| 1h30m| en

Juvenile detention or retirement home: That's the choice 17-year-old Malu is faced with after she's been caught stealing again. In order to save the girl from imprisonment, her aunt Johanna agrees to take Malu in with her until she has completed her social service in a retirement home. The rebellious half-orphan, whose single father Paul has hardly any time for her as a pilot, initially finds being placed with her aunt just as restrictive as a stay in prison.


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WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.