Zone Troopers

1985 "They Take War To A New Dimension."
5.2| 1h26m| PG| en

American soldiers, led by The Sarge, are stuck behind Nazi enemy lines. As they make their way across the Italian countryside, they come across an alien spaceship that has crash-landed in the woods. The alien pilot is dead, but one of the ship's passengers is on the loose. As the GIs hunt down the alien by splitting into smaller groups, they're not only tracked by the Nazis, but also a whole host of other aliens come to save their stranded party.


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Empire Pictures


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Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Scott_Mercer Or why didn't someone with a larger film budget? Because this whole movie is a lot of fun. I just wish the special effects had been a little better. I'm sure that crashed spaceship mockup did cost them a pretty penny though.The cheesiness of the low budget, reflected in the alien costumes and minimal military paraphenelia is about the only bad thing I found in this genre effort. Badmouthing this film is like kicking a friendly puppy. The writing was great, the acting was much better than it had any right to be, and even the directing was absolutely appropriate.Yes, it is not realistic in the slightest. Yes, it is a version of World War 2 based not on the actual war, but based on other cheap movies about the War. And then it throws crash-landed aliens into the mix. But that just makes it so much more fun.There's a standard low budget WW2 movie setup: ragtag group of GIs is caught behind German lines and has to fight their way out. Luckily, this is in Italy so the Germans are a little ways out on the end of their supply lines as well. We get all the standard war movie clichés: the gruff Sarge who can't die (Tim Thomerson), the comic relief kid from Brooklyn with his pulp magazines, the green Lieutenant just out of training school, the grizzled Corporal who's been through hell and high water with The Sarge (the Tom Sizemore role, here Art LaFleur) and the hard-bitten, cynical reporter/photographer who tags along.Into this "haven't we seen this before a FEW times" setup comes strange goings-on in the form of a crash landed alien spaceship. And that, kids, is where things get interesting and fun. Things just get more ridiculous from there, with a blown-up spaceship, magical alien gizmos that make Rita Hayworth appear, and even a cameo appearance from Der Furher himself, just so one of the heroes can punch him right in the face. That's entertainment.Do check out Zone Troopers, but make sure your tongue is planted firmly in cheek, as they say.
James Bourke This movie was a very fine example of when Empire pictures delivered the goods, they really did so by the bucket load! With a crackerjack scenario, one helluva cast of Empire regulars and an overwhelming charm that just made this movie one of the best entries in the canon of Empire Pictures body of work.When it came to realising the perfect off the wall fantasy pitch Messrs Bilson and De Meo really knew their collective stuff, having already penned the ultra cool and one of my all time favourite Empire movies 'Trancers'.With this movie, they take the well worn path of the war movie and infuse it with a comic book touch! Rather than bore anyone with the retelling of the storyline, let's just say this, Tim Thomerson as the cast iron and seriously indestructible Sarge cuts the mustard, whilst Biff Manard and Art LaFleur give able assistance.As with most Empire productions, the budget was minimal, but having filmed the movie in Italy, the exteriors and the actions surrounding the characters more than pick up the slack in terms of money spent on the production, that being said who needs money when you've got imagination, and the creative team behind this classic fantasy tale threw everything they had right at it.Back when this movie first hit the video shelves, I used to make a point of hiring it out every week, like I did with nearly every other Charles Band/Empire production, and truth to tell, I never tired of watching them, because they shaped my taste in movies and to this day I will always pick a small low budget movie such as 'Zone Troopers' over any big budget movie any day.Without hesitation this movie gets 10/10
spasmo dunson This movie was pretty much a hoot. Being a fan of WWII and Science Fiction films it had everything a growing boy needs. Charles Band and his company have a good track record turning out good cheesy fun. Tim Thomerson is "Sarge" the battle hardened vet with the tommygun. His character may have been inspired by Lee Marvin's in "The Big Red One" because they both are evidently impossible to kill. It struck me funny that the guy blew himself up,(along with a Nazi) but when he reappears at the end of the film his buddies take it as granted. The young punk kid is the only person with a clue to what's happening because he reads comic books, (see,I told you Mom) A spacecraft crashlands in Italy and the sole survivor is captured by the Wehrmacht. It is important enough that ol' Hitler hisself comes down to take a look and gets punched in the face by one of our boys that was captured. Well, Dogfaces team up with Bugeyes and proceed to kick a little Kraut behind with some nifty rayguns. Some waxy looking dudes who look kind of human show up to rescue the bugeyed alien. Were they the same species? I don't know. The dialog was fairly spot on and the weapons looked authentic. There was a very weird looking German tank that shows up. I'm sure it was homemade. All in all a pretty entertaining film.
Mothy Charles Band is the kind of producer that gives films a bad name: Dollman, Trancers, Demonic Toys. All so bad they're just bad. However, he has redeemed himself with this little masterpiece, a film so bad it's amazing!!! My friends and I LOVE this film. It has so many moments: the appearance of the fuhrer, the young soldier playing with his toys, the revelation that the alien is female. If you don't smirk during this film then you have NO sense of fun - in fact, if you don't fall in love with this then you must be clinically dead!!! MOTHY HAS SPOKEN.So go check it out - YOU'LL LOVE IT.