100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd


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7| 0h30m| TV-Y7| en

When the school bully is turned into a talking dog, he can only regain his human form by performing 100 good deeds—with the help of his new owner, the kid who was his last victim.


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Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Juniore This show is great. I was hooked on by the first episode of it. But recently Gwen hasn't been seen around. They ought to bring her back on. She was a great part of the show and we miss her. Tori is good, but having Gwen back on would make the show perfect again.
dootuss Once again Nickelodeon airs another stupid show for kids that has yet another stupid concept. A bully ends up being transformed into a dog, and must do 100 good deeds in order to be a human again. The only person who knows he can talk is the last kid he picked on. Pretty dumb huh? I sure thought it was, and i'm glad it got axed too. This crap is one of the big reasons Nickelodeon has fallen from my graces (though that happened a long time ago). Shameful isn't it?
santsa70 This show is an absolute gem! Nick has created shows in the past that lacked so many elements that go together to make a successful show. Mostly, their best shows have been animated (like their biggest hit, "Rugrats"), but the majority of their live action shows have been, well, rather pathetic (like "Clarissa Explains it All", "The Secret World of Alex Mack", and "My Brother and Me"). So with such a past filled with mediocre shows, it was quite surprising that Nick created such a fantastic show. Yes, folks, Nickelodeon finally got it right! The show has great writing and with its talented cast, often joined by classic television veterans, Richard Moll and Joe Piscopo, the show serves up hearty laugh-out-loud moments for the whole family.
Mr. Atoz It is a pretty good kids show, Richard Moll's being in it is really nice... But I think the best thing is that Eddie's on again - off again romance with Gigi is really very cool... Seth Greene does the voice for Eddie and Alison Hannigan does the voice of Gigi, both actors portrayed boyfriend / girlfriend in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" as Oz (a werewolf) and Willow (a Witch)... It was fun hearing them together again.