2Point4 Children

7| 0h30m| TV-PG| en

They're just your average family. Stressed mum Bill, daft dad Ben, and two troublesome teens. Plus just a few crazy ideas, escapades and mishaps. The classic 90s sitcom.


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Also starring Clare Buckfield


HeadlinesExotic Boring
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
RaspberryLucozade Average family sitcoms have usually been popular with viewers over the years, such as 'Bless This House', 'Bread' and 'Keep It In The Family'. '2 Point 4 Children' is nothing like any of these. In fact, it probably has more in common with Matt Groening's animated classic 'The Simpsons'.The Porter family are an average family who seems to find themselves in all manner of surreal situations. The matriarch of the family is the long suffering Bill ( played the the gorgeous Belinda Lang ), who like Marge Simpson, is able to keep hold of her sanity despite the never ending stream of chaos that takes place around her. Her husband Ben ( were they any relation to 'The Flower Pot Men'? ), like Homer Simpson, was an overweight, overgrown child who worked as a central heating repairman. The children, who could be the Lisa and Bart equivalents, are Jenny and David, her a bright but fiery individual and he a mischievous delinquent with a fondness for horror movies.Bill initially works in a bakery with her man-mad friend Rona ( Julia Hills, who I thought was one of the hottest women on television in the '90's ) but in later episodes they end up running their own catering business.Lang and Hills made a formidable comic pairing however the late Gary Olsen was the one who stole the show as the laddish Ben. He was taken from us incredibly young in 2000 at the age of 42 after losing a battle with cancer. The lovely Claire Woodgate ( now known as Georgina Cates ) played Jenny in the first two series but her place was later taken by the equally sexy Claire Buckfield. John Pickard portrayed tearaway David. Other appearances included Kim Benson as Ben's surly assistant Christine, Liz Smith as Bill's interfering, chain-smoking mother, Patricia Brake ( later replaced by Sandra Dickinson ) as Ben's snooty sister Tina and and Alex Kew as Declan.Andrew Marshall, like his former partner David Renwick, may not have ever created outstanding comedy ( that's my personal view at least ) but he knew how to write funny dialogue and was unafraid to explore darker areas.Among some of the funniest moments included Rona and Bill attempting to bring back duty free alcohol from France, only to end up accidentally smuggling back a dangerous animal, Ben being stuck on top of a piano which ends up careering at speed down a hill, Ben purchasing a life-size replica of the FAB-1 car from 'Thunderbirds' and a very funny spoof of Patrick MacGoohan's '70's drama 'The Prisoner'. Less funny were the Christmas specials, usually featuring a spoof musical item at the end of each episode.The first three series were released on DVD some time ago however clearance issues have prevented further releases. UK Gold ran all eight series a few years ago however it is unlikely to be seen again anytime soon, which is sad as while it is no classic, it is superior to many modern sitcoms such as 'My Family' or 'Gavin & Stacey'. The thought of '2 Point 4 Children' festering away somewhere in a vault whilst something as lame as 'Miranda' gets nominated for an award makes my heart sink
jools61 Sorry, but I have to disagree with the previous comment that it was absolute rubbish, unfunny and unoriginal. Whoever said this obviously hasn't seen all the episodes.As for "Unfunny", I think a lot of people would disagree with that! This was a series which got record viewing figures when it was shown. Last night we watched "Porky's", the Christmas Special from 1995. We were in fits of laughter. I've got loads of episodes on tape and have watched them repeatedly. They never fail to make me laugh.True, some of it wasn't that funny, but it most certainly had originality. It's generally agreed by fans that the first two series weren't as good. And some of the episodes were a bit too surreal to be considered funny. But the series did get better as it went on. Perhaps it wasn't considered funny at the time, but being able to watch this show now and compare it to the sitcoms of today (like The Office) only goes to show just how brilliant this comedy was. 2.4 children could have been a classic sitcom if the BBC had given it more airtime. I only hope it will be shown again, instead of endless repeats of Only Fools and Horses and Porridge etc.
Stephen This first two seasons of this comedy series were very strange and they weren't very funny and had a drama element where Bill (the mother) was struggling with all the usual problems in life but that element was a bit depressing and didn't mix well with th comedy elements which is probably why it was dropped. After that it soon became one of the funniest comedy series the BBC have ever made! The chemistry between Bill and Ben's character's were very funny and there was always so many brilliant and memorable sketches in each series. The Christmas specials were hilarious and a real treat for Christmas. The show came to a stop when the main actor Gary Olsen playing Bill passed away which was very sad because he was a brilliant actor in films such as Up 'n' Under and a very funny man RIPThis underrated show has sadly disappeared from our television screens and doesn't to be repeated that often - Though it does appear on UKTV Gold once in a while but it should be repeated on BBC one or two to show this brilliant Comedy to a new audience
Julia The BBC has brought us many exceptional programmes which have broken the boundaries of comedy. Unfortunately this was not one of them. It was completely predictable, devoid of originality and lacking in any comic capacity. It was a nice try and the actors had some skill which was completely wasted. Perhaps they should consider pantomime of which they are ideally suited. I only thank God its over and hope the BBC can finally bring us good comedy.