800 Words


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8| 0h30m| en

A recently widowed father, quits his job as a popular 800 word columnist for a top selling Sydney newspaper. Over the internet he buys a house on an impulse in a remote New Zealand seaside town. He then has to break the news to his two teenage kids who just lost their mum, and now face an even more uncertain future. But the colourful and inquisitive locals ensure his dream of a fresh start does not go to plan.


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South Pacific Pictures


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Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
pointyfilippa The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
lksegel We love the show. Can't really understand George's lax, no rules attitude regarding his children, but we do enjoy the show. Being from the St. Louis area, we have noticed Shay wears shirts with Mizzou and St. Louis logos on them. What is the connection?
kthrnslvn Nice to cruise through something where thinking isn't required and there are no disaster ambushes, but it is tough to care about the characters. So far, there is no chemistry between any of the couples, and everyone is thin, pretty there are no babies or old people. The writing is not so artificial that it constantly distracts, but it doesn't really hold attention either. I gave it extra points for pretty scenery.
Cinebuff38 Firstly, in my review of the film of godspell, I asserted that I had watched it on channel 5 and stated that the only good content on commercial TV is material not actually made by them. I should have added that only applies to commercial TV here in the UK. 800 words is an Australian drama made by network seven, a commercially funded channel which also produces the excellent drama a place to call home and the soap home and away. 800 words is the story of a family called Turner , comprising of George, a journalist whose task is to write an 800 word article for a newspaper column each day relating to the days events, hence the title of the drama, His daughter Shay and son Arlo.After losing his wife Laura in a tragic accident, details of which is explained in the course of its progression,(or maybe not quite an accident as you may conclude)George moves with his Arlo and Shay to start a new life in Weld, New Zealand. The family's welcome is not very warm because George had stated in an article that Weld is a dead end, but after George apologises stating that by dead end he meant that it was the end of being dead and gaining a new lease of life. Slowly but surly the townsfolk forgive him paving the way for he and his family to build a very good social relationship with them. Each episode sees the turners involved in a different escapade which involves romance, some misunderstandings, strong disagreements in one episode and the subject of Laura's ashes to name but a few. This is a very good entertaining drama, well executed and directed,and not too heavy. The show is broadcast by the BBC, and although it doesn't produce them, the production values are more or less on an equal footing. Which brings me to assert that commercial TV in Australia (and the USA and Canada for that matter has much higher production values than its counterparts here in the UK.TV Companies like ITV ETC do have good ideas for dramas, its just that they are very poorly executed compared to BBC dramas. So why is commercial TV in Australia so much better than the ones Here? My guess is that over there, a large proportion of the revenue goes on production which is how they produce the above, as well as programmes such as the excellent Prisoner cell block h and Wentworth prison. As far as the commercial TV companies over here are concerned, Whatever they spend their income from advertising on, taking an educated guess, it sure is hell not on any of their productions!
jk-692-236394 I live in California and I hunt down and watch shows from other countries. Masterchef Au is by far the best Masterchef from around the world. One type of show I have found that I think Australia does really well, is the family dramedy. Offspring is one of my favorites, which led me to Love my Way, and other shows. Which oddly the same people seem to in so many of the shows I watch from Australia. House Husbands I really like and I love Upper Middle Bogan and Doctor Blake Mysteries, Sea Change... I enjoyed Anzac Girls very much and I learned so much about Australia and their history. of which I had no idea about before. I had never seen the main actor, Erik Thomson in anything and he is great. Watching shows from other countries, with actors you have never seen or heard of, makes the experience extra fun. This show feels like a winner to me. Oddly enough it reminds me a bit of Northern Exposure. I like how it is set in an unusual location with different types of people. The entire cast looks quite good as well. I am looking forward to watch the entire season and hopefully it will get renewed and carry on for a few years. I wish some of these shows would find their way onto Netflix USA or Amazon Prime or Network TV over here. I am not sure why Australia does not syndicate their shows. I know the government funds a lot of TV, so maybe that is the difference. Our loss. Update, it has been a huge hit, and I am so glad. It is going into season 4. It just keeps getting better.