Beakman's World


Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Sweat, Beakmania & Weighing a Car Sep 14, 1996

EP2 Migration, Beakmania & Living Space Sep 21, 1996

EP3 Bunsen, Beakmania & Sewage Oct 05, 1996

EP4 Cats, Beakmania & Dynamite Nov 08, 1997

EP5 The Mouth, Beakmania & Scale Oct 19, 1996

EP6 Catalysts, Beakmania & Aerosal Cans Sep 20, 1997

EP7 Rubber, Beakmania & Hair Dec 14, 1996

EP8 Camels, Beakmania & Density Nov 29, 1997

EP9 Boomerangs, Beakmania & Circus Science Jan 18, 1997

EP10 Elephants, Beakmania & X-Rays Sep 28, 1996

EP11 Skin, Beakmania & Oxygen Nov 30, 1996

EP12 Bread, Beakmania & Measurement Nov 16, 1996

EP13 Electromagnets, Beakmania & Senses Nov 09, 1996

EP14 Chimps, Beakmania & Eye Exams Sep 13, 1997

EP15 Magic, Beakmania & Cosmetic Chemistry Dec 28, 1996

EP16 Pigs, Beakmania & Sound Frequency Sep 27, 1997

EP17 Sunken Treasure, Beakmania & Archimedian Screw Oct 11, 1997

EP18 Whales, Beakmania & Optical Illusions II Oct 18, 1997

EP19 Sound Barrier, Beakmania & Healthy Living Oct 25, 1997

EP20 Polar Exploration, Beakmania & Circular Motion Oct 04, 1997

EP21 Dogs, Beakmania & Bio-Medical Engineering Jan 11, 1997

EP22 Human Growth, Beakmania & Solutions and Suspensions Nov 15, 1997

EP23 Action-Reaction, Beakmania & Talking Birds Nov 22, 1997

EP24 Protozoology, Beakmania & Movie Stunts Dec 06, 1997

EP25 Horses, Beakmania & Refrigerators Nov 01, 1997

EP26 Fingerprints, Beakmania & Flatulence Jan 04, 1997

8.6| 0h30m| TV-Y| en

Beakman's World is an educational children's television show. The program is based on the Universal Press Syndicate syndicated comic strip You Can with Beakman and Jax created by Jok Church. The series premiered September 18, 1992 on The Learning Channel cable network and in national syndication. On September 18, 1993 it moved from national syndication to CBS Saturday morning children’s lineup. At the peak of its popularity, it was seen in nearly 90 countries around the world. The series was canceled in 1998. Reruns returned to national syndication in September 2006, after which it was transferred to local stations such as KICU. The show debuted a year prior to Bill Nye the Science Guy, which covered similar topics. The show's host, Paul Zaloom, still performs as Beakman in live appearances around the globe.


Producted By

Columbia Pictures Television


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Also starring Paul Zaloom


ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
PlatinumRead Just bad
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
dorotka24 This show had it all - highly entertaining, educational, and just plain fun all rolled into one. The funny thing is that its target audience was obviously children, but I was 22 when it first aired, had no children of my own, and throughly enjoyed the show.Most if not all of every show revolved around questions posed by the audience, i.e., children. The hosts (primarily Beakman) would proceed to answer by performing basic, yet interesting scientific experiments or explain the prevailing theory, with a thick dose of humor over all.From all the great shows, the one I remember most was this question - "why do farts smell bad?" Now naturally, this question was fodder for all sorts of jokes by the sidekick guy in a rat suit. But Beakman, as always, tackled the question with a fantastic blend of serious science and circumstantial humor. I've never heard such a question asked on a children's show before, but it was handled very well, with the anticipated humor not completely detracting from the serious matter of providing the answer.As a young adult I was amazed by this show, and even got up regularly, on Saturday morning no less, to see what Beakman had in store next. The show was cleverly designed to please both adults and children, and certainly worked its magic on me. Definitely give this one a chance.
Alyson Mitchell I still remember the address... Josie's voice over the cartoon screen, "Beakman's World, P.O. Box 30087 Kansas City, MO 64112" No, I haven't seen an episode in over 14 years.I remember as a kid my brother and I would make up a million questions to mail in to Beakman... we'd write them on construction paper cut into all sorts of wacky designs like they had on the show. And every time I had a GOOD one... one I just KNEW would actually make the show... there it was the next morning. "Dear Beakman, How do batteries work?" "Dear Beakman, what are Pixels?" (this was 1993) The best part was re-creating his experiments at home: making "movie glass" that you can break with your fist and not get hurt (and it tastes like a lollipop), or seeing if an egg or a tennis ball hits the ground first when you drop it off the top bunk (Mom wasn't too impressed with that one, even though they both hit the ground at the same time).I wish they would bring this show back in some way, even in re-runs. Re-runs at some other time than five in the morning. I wonder if it's on DVD...
Tom Okay, I'm certainly no "kid" and I'll admit that when I first came upon the show while channel surfing way back when, It's true, I was drawn to pause on the channel because Alanna Ubach was on the screen.. BUT, it didn't take more than the one episode to realize this was well done and had a very unique and fun way to present science facts to young people.Okay, here's where I show my age.. it's not unlike the old Soupy Sales show in it's use of off stage and inside jokes. Nothing offensive for the kids, but things that an adult can find and enjoy. It takes a lot of good writing and acting to serve up facts and figures in a way that might keep a person glued to the screen for the whole "class" but these people managed to do it in my opinion.Everyone did a great job on this show and it should still be aired more often as it still has lots to give people of all ages 8-)As a matter of fact, I'm off to see if it's on DVD now..
changsmith In this video, there are some of the highlights of the award winning show, "Beakman's World". There, of course, aren't all the best things on this tape, yet it is very funny and educational. It mostly features Beakman and Lester, but Josie, Herb, and Don are in it, too. I wish I could find the show on tv, though.