Becoming Us


Seasons & Episodes

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EP8 #AlltheTrimmings Jul 27, 2015

EP10 #EveryPictureTellsAStory Aug 10, 2015

4.9| 0h30m| TV-14| en

In this unscripted drama, a teenager named Ben learns to live with his dad becoming a woman. The series will follow Ben, his family and his friends as they support one another through this unexpected journey and navigate their new world with Charlie now living as Carly. The show is a generational story of a loving family and circle of friends supporting one another through this unfamiliar situation.



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Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Manthast Absolutely amazing
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Hayleigh Joseph This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
Tammy J When the show first premiered it wasn't a "planned watch" it just happened to be on in the background while I was doing other things. I actually thought it was going to be quite boring. However, the following week I decided to give it a real go and watch it in it's entirety and started to like it. Now each week I have been watching it and enjoy it. I liked seeing that the families are communicating and don't seem to hold things back and if they do eventually they come around. I also like seeing Carly communicate and have fun with everyone at the parties for her step-daughter's upcoming wedding. I hope to see Carly in many more group type settings. I know her mother is very bitter about it all,who wouldn't be upset right? However, Carly just seems very open and likable, a genuine person so it's hard not to not like her! I do agree with a few other posters (users/commenters) who say some of it seems scripted, but you are going to have that in ANY reality show. Life isn't one ball of fun, they need to fill the empty spaces with things or the audience will be lost. The show is not meant for bigots. Although, if they gave it a chance maybe they could at least see that there ARE many types of people and that my friend IS...reality. I guess this isn't much of a "review" rather it is more of my opinion on liking the show, but that's what I have to say about it! :)
MacCarmel All shows have flaws. But I like this one, and here's why. Gender identity is having a much needed and well deserved moment in American culture and in Hollywood. It's past time for us to understand this issue and put our ignorant rants and biases behind us. This is a great show to help us get there.If you take away nothing else from this show, please understand this: 1) Gender identity and sexual orientation are two entirely separate things. 2) Talk. Listen. With an open mind an open heart. 3) Everyone's thoughts and feelings come from a place of honesty for them. Receive them as such and your conversation will continue and go deeper.Caitlyn Jenner has just emerged as a transgender woman. She is one end of the spectrum -- a huge name that will help immensely to propel understanding of what it means to be transgender. Becoming Us represents the other end of the spectrum which is real, average families that love each other and are trying hard to deal with something difficult outside of the world of celebrity.
beara530 Being transgender not only affects you but also the ones you love. People may have different feelings about it and the idea of this show is to discuss that. This could be a really informative, good show that teaches people. But it falls short.Ben is a highschool student whose parent is going through the process from Charlie to Carly. Ben's girlfriend Danielle also has a parent who has gone through the same changes to becoming female. Is this really a coincidence that these two teens are dating and both have parents going through big changes? Or did the producers kind of just set up Danielle and Ben because they knew these kids had a similarity? It is never told in the show how Danielle and Ben actually meet.....Later in an episode, one of Ben's friends comes out as transgender. What a coincidence, a third transgender person in this show! How common is that? I believe that all 3 of these people really are transgender. But I also believe the network/producers coaxed these people along together to form the story of the show. I doubt these people even knew each other before the idea of the show came along.
rksharp I think this is a great show and wish people would leave their prejudices at the door and give it a fair chance. I see two wonderful families working to communicate and understand each other for who they really are instead of molding each person into the stereotype they are supposed to fit into without communication and acceptance like I've seen in too many families. I love how they are learning to communicate, understand each other, love each other as they are, and learning to be together with all needs considered and met instead of some assertive or patriarchal personality at the top dictating who everyone is supposed to be without any regard for people's feelings. I see healthy communication and healthy effort building a healthy family. I love this show, and I hope it is on for many seasons.