Being Human

7.8| 0h30m| TV-14| en

Deciding to turn over a new leaf, a group of friends who also happen to be vampires and werewolves move into a house together, only to find that it is haunted by ghosts of people who have been killed under mysterious circumstances. As they deal with the challenges of being supernatural creatures, their desire to be human bonds them.


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TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Robert de Geus This show would have and should have earned a 10.Sadly, all of the original main cast left. The first three seasons are amazing, and it is potentially the best written/directed/acted TV Show I have seen.Really this show deserved to go off with all of the original characters, it deserved to have an epic send off after season three, where we say a goodbye to all the character's we've come to know and love.You need to see it, but trust me, only through the third season.You've been warned, now go watch this gut-wrenchingly good show.
dragonascending-305-964949 I forced myself to watch the first three seasons and episode one of the fourth. After that, no matter how much I craved entertainment, I couldn't force myself to watch another episode. To be fair, I watched the first three seasons hoping it would get better. Well, as is said, better hope in the soul than soap in your hole. This is yet another poor attempt to create a fantasy/horror/whatever series hoping to evoke a WOW in those watching it. For me it was more of a THUD. I saw one inconsistency listed on this board yet I saw many throughout the series, other than Annie's gravestone. Why for instance are we subjected to George's bare butt after he has transformed back to being human, but Nina is shown fully clothed? Are female werewolves more modest for some reason and is this natural to the werewolf persona? When for example, between transforming from werewolf to human, is she coherent enough to dress herself again? I believe this is called cheap theatrics and not worthy of those viewing the program. Are two races of beings, which have survived countless centuries, so ill prepared that a werewolf arrives in an attic to take down a vampire just before he transforms and is thus susceptible to being killed instead by the vampire? He's already killed dozens of other vampires, yet the one he has been searching for the longest, he mucks up so very badly. As a plot device it was the weakest link. I would highly recommend in future, BBC takes a leaf from HBO in the production of plausible fantasy/horror. This is after all the keystone to good fiction, making even the wildest of ideas somehow plausible. It would be equally grand if Hollywood and all television production would actually read some of the very great works of fantasy/science fiction which are available and have been for more than thirty years. Why are we being subjected to remakes of classics such as Total Recall, Conan and others? Especially when the remakes are so poorly executed.
Blacharrt In the mist of shows like, dead like me, True Blood, Supernatural, and the Ghost Whisperer there is yet another show about death, monsters, love and just trying to be normal. Being Human strikes an amazing balance of the shows listed above. It has great acting, location, action, and tons of blood, gore and nudity.From the very first episode the story pulls you right in, you know exactly how the characters ended up being what they are, but further in the plot you find out exactly why they ended up in that situation. You see there struggle to try and maintain normally but being pulled back into the world of the supernatural.The actors are great, and very believable in their roles. You sympathize with their struggles to be more human. Deal with their love lives, and fight to survive against foes who want to see them destroy. While maintaining their secrets.I love this show, and can't wait till season 4 starts.
Iyanola What a brilliant series, but watch out, now in the 3rd season its time to reflect just a bit to the start to ensure that as this evolves it doesn't lose touch with what makes it superb to start with.To answer some other, particularly American reviewers - please remember that this is a British series and all of the characters, situations and especially humour are all very British. The series has crossed the Atlantic, remade in the USA and it is just not "there", similar to "The Office", it may get better but will never be so endearing as the British original. The British production just simply doesn't have the financial backing of an American super-series, so forget CGI and all the bells & whistles, just enjoy it for what it is, a spectacular interaction between the three leading characters immersed in humour that reflects the best of 21st century Britain. I will never forget Georges attack of "Tourettes" in the school.By the way, I remember watching an American attempt at melding Vampires, Werewolves, Witches and Warlocks with all the CGI that the network could muster from its arsenal - "The Gates" got cancelled after its first season even with a cast member from the Underworld trilogy!!!