Perfect cast and a good story
One of my all time favorites.
Aneesa Wardle
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
I really like Anna Paquin so I had high-hopes for this show. I barely got through the first episode and quit after about halfway through the second. The story line is very weak and the dialog is simply inane, so I blame the writing and possibly directing as the main cause(s) of my disappointment. I saw one reviewer comparing the show to the first season of True Detective, which I found to be laughable.There's many shows that I can stream that are of better quality than this show, so I can't see wasting time watching Bellevue. I've heard that the second season has been cancelled and that isn't a surprise to me.
Wanda Shullivan
SPOILER: Having painfully watched all 8 episodes of this series, I can honestly say that no series has made me so angry and frustrated as this one. Touted as a 'solving a transgender murder' is the series producer's cheap attempt to capitalize on current discussions on transgender issues when in fact, this series was the 'Anna Paquin' show with secondary emphasis on solving the 'transgender murder' and an earlier murder 20 years prior.So many plot points were inconsistent and unbelievable but the worst was the introduction of 'Adam'. How could a whole town, including Anna Paquin, and the current Police Chief 'forget' about her brother? I can appreciate that the series essentially tried to draw together two bullying stories each with tragic endings from two different generations of characters - to show us that bullying has been part of our cultures - then and now. And that's the only reason I gave this a '3'.I guess the CBC was so thrilled to have Anna Paquin join this production that they overlooked the bad writing in this series. When compared to another CBC production - 'Pure', which on the face of it sounded like it would be unrealistic (Mennonites selling crack) but which was extremely well done, Bellevue was just so overwrought, overdone and a mess. I can't believe they are talking about season 2!
Not my cup of tea. I watched it because it's Canadian and I just finished watching Cardinal which I loved. Anna Paquin was awful and miscast as was the dude who plays her ex (the Irish guy from Downton Abbey) and don't get me started on the Uncle/police boss. I have stayed with it to the end but only because I always finish what I start. Not convincing at all - none of the acting roles, plot lines or, well any of it really. Most disappointed.
I awaited the first episode with high hopes after seeing Paquin knock it out of the park in True Blood, but was very disappointed to say the least. "Annie Ryder" plays just like "Sookie Stackhouse" on a bad day, minus the southern accent. Same facial expressions and body language, same use of words, vocal tones and speech pauses. It doesn't look like Paquin has a real handle on the character, or that she put a lot of effort into really finding that character in herself.The writing and the other actors (except for Shawn Doyle) did not impress either. The characters feel wooden, the dialogue doesn't flow and it seems like the writers tried to cram way too much plot background and backstory into the first episode. None the characters appears to actually care about any of the other characters, except, again, for Doyle's character Peter Welland.And for what it's worth, while I had read that the creators found the giant slag heaps at the filming location picturesque and beautiful, all I could think about when they came into view was that some mining company should be sued for creating such a hideous mess of the landscape.All in all, not one of CBC's finer efforts so far. I'll watch a few more episodes to see how it goes, but my expectations have now hit bottom.