Boys Over Flowers


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7.8| 0h30m| en

Unassuming high school girl Jan-di stands up to — and eventually falls for — a spoiled rich kid who belongs to the school's most powerful clique.


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TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Keira Brennan The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
calinaviola It was really boring, i kept forwarding the chapters, acting was crappy, story was weak, overall nonsense, and what was up with all those long speachless scenes with annoying music? Overall I wouldn't waste my time with this one, they are far better ones out there like Coffee Prince, Secret Garden and Healer!!
apixielife-ms I tried watching this while waiting for new episodes of MG 2018. Sadley I shut it off after 20 min. So much violence!:( It is as if we as a society were going backwards in time. Many do not want to watch shows so violent. We are changing, evolving as a society. Gives us a show with comedy, passion, love and friendship. I guarentee it will be a huge hit. (Like MG 2018) If your stuck in the past with violence, this is your show. I would rate it zero if I could.
sunraider This is my second Korean drama that I watched after they began being made available on Netflix streaming video service. I don't speak Korean or any any connection to the country, but with the English-language subtitles on Netflix it's no problem.I absolutely love this series! It's an old story, poor but spunky heart-of-gold girl gets taken in by rich patron (in this case, Korea's most prestigious private high school for scions of wealthy and powerful families) and has two rich men fighting over her, but it's told in a modern way with glamorous sets, location shots, and fashion. I love that the show is romantic but clean (no foul language or raunchy sex scenes) and that there's story and character development.The interesting thing about the two Korean dramas I've now seen is that it's the men/boys who are presented as the sex symbols. They walk into a room looking like they've just stepped out of a photo shoot for Men's Vogue or GQ magazine; their hair is so perfectly colored and coiffed, long and luxurious. They sneer better than Basil Rathbone and their arrogance makes Mr. Darcy (of Pride and Prejudice fame) seem humble by comparison. The women, on the other hand, are plainer and more ditzy, and very much at the mercy of the whims of the powerful men in their lives.On reviewer on Netflix said this show had turned her into a couch potato. Likewise.
vanillacuppycake THE KEWLEST SHOW ON KOREAN TV!!! I'm American, tho... They should remake it English style! That would be fun! I don't mind reading the subtitles, though. This is a fun show and Jan Di is just plain adorable :P I don't like her eating habits, though. Cramming a TON in her mouth at a time! As the amazing Dr. Perry Cox once said, "I'll let you finish that man-size bite before I go any further". I mean SERIOUSLY! That girl needs to at least buy a napkin, tho! Anyhoo, I love this show. It IS very long (I've pulled several all-nighters to watch it) but you won't be disappointed. WATCH IT NOW OR SUFFER MY WRATH!!! I mean it... watch it watch it watch it watch it watch it why? because I said so! This show has well thought out characters and dialog. I DO wish it would be more like the Manga by which it was based off of, though. If you like this, then you'll like anime. My favorite, ohohoh! Try Kodocha. It's cute, comical, AND it's dubbed over in English with none other than Lauren Bailey as the lead, just in case u wanted a recommendation :D