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6.9| 0h30m| en

Bugs was a British television drama series which ran for four series from April 1995 to August 1999. The programme, a mixture of action/adventure and science-fiction, involved a team of specialist independent crime-fighting technology experts, who faced a variety of threats based around computers and other modern technology. It was originally broadcast on Saturday evenings on BBC One, and was produced for the BBC by the independent production company Carnival Films.


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Carnival Films


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ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
simonhulse I only vaguely remember watching bugs as a child when i was 9 in fact and i have recently brought series 1 of Bugs on DVD. I have to admit that i had forgotten about it for years, when recently whilst browsing on the internet i found Bugs and thought 'yes i use to watch that, and loved it'. I thought why not invest in the 1st series of Bugs and see if i can remember any of the story lines. Of course i didn't but the fact was it was a head of its time and you could argue that the equivalent today is Spooks on the BBC , which again i love.I have to admit that I've loved watching the old programmes on DVD, the programme is similar to Spooks but it is obviously got its own unique make up of which is great to see again. Without spooks on at the moment I'm really enjoying watching the old team on DVD. Does any one know what they are all doing now? Could they not be repeated on the BBC again? It would make my day if they could!
Dark_Side_Mistress I used to watch this show every Saturday night with my family, right through from the very first episode. It was brilliant, and I was really upset when the BBC said they would not be making any more, but even more upset that they left it hanging. What ever happened to Beckett, Ros, Ed and Alex? That's what I want to know.However, I will say that i think that Craig made a much better Ed than Stephen ever did. The on screen chemistry between him and Paula (Alex), made it seem more real, but when Stephen came along, that chemistry fell flat. Why did they replace Craig in the first place? Th only good thing I have to say about Stephen's Ed, is that, unlike Craig, Stephen actually managed to make it look like Ed was a real tai-Kwon-Do expert, and made him kick butt. I think that this was one of the reasons why the BBC axed Bugs.I've just been reacquainted with it, via the DVD series, after 6 (or is it 7?) long years, and, as a result, i think all us loyal BUGSs fans should start a campaign to bring a half decent TV show back to Saturady nights. BRING BACK BUGS! BRING BACK BUGS!
Angus Gulliver The first series, apart from the epsiode "Assasins Inc." I thought was very good. For the first time in many years the BBC had applied a proper budget to a drama programme and added an element of SF/fantasy. Brian Celmins (who helped devise The Avengers) was a story consultant and the whole thing worked well. After that things tended to go downhill, with the scripts getting less believable even though today, some years on, the idea of a computer virus attempting to take over the world through the internet isn't quite as far-fetched as we thought!There were some entertaining episodes in later years but the ratings dropped from an excellent 9-10 million in the first series to more like 6 million I believe, and the BBC pulled the plug after four series.
Cyberax Well, Bugs started off with all the promise in the world. Season one was about finding its feet, which it did quite nicely by season two. The end of the second season was fantastic, and we all thought nothing could better it. Wrong. Season three gave the characters personal lives and a whole new situation. It became one of the most watchable shows in the usually dead end summer holidays. But we know what comes before a fall. And season four was definitely that. Changes in actors, naff schedules led many people to switch off what once had us reaching for the 'on' button on a Saturday night.