To me, this movie is perfection.
Charming and brutal
The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Dinosaurs we've always had a fascination with, we always wonder what they really when they existed, we may never really know since we were around. But what would happen if we had that chance to co exist? This is another under the radar gem that I really like, this show of course is based on a Graphic Novel mini series "Zenozodic Tales" which makes this a comic book adaptation show and I personally fell it's one of the best.I like the fact that one of my favorite script writers Steven E. Soza created this show which I was surprised about and that was cool. The fact he help make this show really showed how versatile he was, shame he didn't make more animated shows or even get this show to become a live action film. I also felt like this show was a way of showing how animation was beginning to take the next step.The animation is great I really love the color scheme, the enviormental backgrounds really capturing both the exotic and wild jungle but also seeing the modern day ruins showing how our civilization has meet the same fate as many other lost civilizations. The music is good/decent there is a decent theme.I really love the concept which is a wild one but I think it's great, it's something different in the post apocalyptic sub genre. Instead of zombies, aliens, or robots it's Dinosaurs which is awesome. The world created is fascinating, from seeing the ruins of our civiliatzion is a bit disturbing but just goes to show that nothing is forever, the things we take for granted once their gone it's forever. The dinosaurs whom are the highlight of the show that are roaming around, each episode I always wonder what other dinosaurs were we going to see. But I really like how despite the circumstances we actually still have some technology and a form of subculture going on; from the guns, motorbikes, radios, down to of course the Cadilacs which of course are the other highlight of the show.The action is solid, there is a shootout or two, liked seeing Jack use the grenade launcher gun which unfortunately we don't see him use enough. Though it really the vehicular action, there are some solid chases and it's just cool to see both Jack and Hannah drive the Cadilac in the strange landscape. Driving the point more on past values trying to continue to exist in our wild ever changing structure.I like both the protagonists Jack and Hannah, both have their strength's a weaknesses. Jack Teneric is cool he's a gear head, he cares about both nature and the people living in it, just as he fixes his cars he is constantly trying to fix the world around him to keep thing fair. Though he's not perfect, he's a little guilty of being a little socially inept as he does sometimes say the wrong thing to two with Hannah. But that's because he's slightly inexperienced with human interaction especially with people like Hannah; let alone never received the same educational standards as Hannah.Hannah Dundie is also great, hot with the persona to boot. She's smart, can hold her own against danger, does care, ambitious, has a lot of fire and energy to her. But like with Jack even she not perfect either, she's highly educated but inexperienced as she has barely left the city. There is a small hint of arrogance as she sometimes has attitudes that certain things Jack does don't work or her way is better, not to say she wrong due to her educational standpoint but she's of course not always right.Both balance each other out well, I really liked seeing them clash and both do that because their both by their nature the same despite only minor differences. In a way both sort of metaphorically represent the conflicting relationship with both civility and nature, past values and new wisdom.I really like the mature themes on Civility vs. Savagry, man's troubled relationship to nature, importance of past values and new wisdom and ethical boundaries.I would love a revival to this series, or better yet make either a live action TV show or Movies, make it more for an older audience give it a more darker edge as well as more vehicular action. With the effects and technology we have now I see no reason why this can't happen.Like a well audio mated Cadalac, it's worth a drive.Rating: 3 and a half stars
Salim Farhat
To briefly explain the show, this was about a post-apocalyptic group of people, surviving after a disaster that happened several hundred years before the show's timeline. They never actually mention what that disaster or event was explicitly, but only provide tiny snips of it to tease the audience, leaving them all wondering just WHAT happened and, more importantly, where did all those dinosaurs come from? The animation quality was top-notched and the voice acting was very well done, and the characters were very likable and believable to boot. Despite the usual action scenes that are found in all shows, there's nothing really fantasy-like or too 'out there' by any of the characters on the show.Which brings up the best points of the show... it wasn't a show about weird adventures, it wasn't slapstick comedy, it didn't have a hero who was so good and heroic that he glows awesome wherever he walks and causes people to cheer out in frenzy every time he says something. Nor did it have any bona fide villains either. Most shows then and now would have a villain who's so evil you'd think he was the devil's incarnate or is practically oozing with slime and sin... as well as having the motivation of 'just being evil'. Jack Tenrec is a mechanic who believes that nature needs to be considered when doing any kind of development or action, and delivers this message, both in words and style, exactly how a person would do it in RL. He the good guy, but rarely does anything that's too unbelievable or fantasy like to be dismissed. His relationship with Hanna, a diplomat and scientist from another 'tribe' is also similar to some love-hate relationships that occur in RL (minus any real abuse, of course). He's flawed, does and says stupid things.What about the opposition? There are two main enemies that are frequently brought up, the governor of the City, Scharnhorst, a group of poachers, and some other one-time bad guys. So what's going on with these guys? The poachers are precisely that, poachers, they hunt illegally and sell the stuff on the black market for profit... and that's it. They hate Jack because he constantly foils their work. Nothing like a cartoon norm, they act precisely like poachers in RL with the same motivations and the same reasons to hate the hero as real poachers hate the guys who stop them. The relationship between Scharnhorst and Jack is, IMHO, the single most maturely done hero-villain relationship that was ever shown in a cartoon series. Scharnhorst is NOT a vile, evil mistress that wants to kill all kittens, enslave the people, and whip them day and night for the heck of it. She's just an bigot who has beliefs contrary to Tanrec and is less ethical than him. Again, how people in Real Life would push their agenda against whatever possible consequences it might have, take credit for other people's work, and try to legally humiliate and do away with the people they hate? Too many to count, and Scharnhorst is just that. She isn't always the ultimate bad guy, is even willing to negotiate and even HELP Jack at times because they would both benefit from it, and adheres to the law of the city even she doesn't like it at times (putting crooks who tried to bust on Jack, for example, in jail in one episode). So Jack and Scharnhorst tread a thin line as opposed to being like Duke Igthron and the Gummi Bears.There are some flaws in the show, but nothing that isn't present in any other post-apocalyptic setting. For example, how did the cars manage to survive for over 600 years or so without decaying down into nothingness? Or the ruins still containing something usable after being neglected for that long? Naturally I'm not being fair when I say these things, and this is a general problem and not a specific one to the cartoon.It was a pity it only lasted 13 episodes, yet even with just 13 they still managed to portray a very, very richly detailed world with a huge amount of potential. Sadly, however, despite the shows great animation, great characters, and original ideas, it never got the chance it deserved to make television history.
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs was the brainchild of black-and-white comics artist Mark Shultz. A longtime illustrator--and automobile enthusiast--Shultz hit upon unique idea: why not create a world in which humans inhabit a world side-by-side with dinosaurs?Cadillacs and Dinosaurs was the result, and it was an immediate hit. The comic book series spawned trade paperback collections (published by the now-defunct Kitchen Sink Press) and a season of animated cartoons. All of the stories explored the new world through the eyes of Jack Tenrec, a garage mechanic and espouser of an obscure philosophy called Machinato Vitae (Machinery of Life). His constant companion is Hannah Dundee, a very capable woman who thinks Jack is a savage. His foil is an ogre of a woman named Scharnhorst, who wants to push human civilization forward at whatever the cost.The stories worked because the people were realistic, but largely ignorant of their past. Only in the comic books did you get a hint of how this world came about (clue: think Jurassic Park on a global scale!), and even then it was never said outright, which gave the whole series an air of mystery.So why didn't the series work? Probably because the series was too unique. Animated shows typically fall into one of three categories: slapstick (Loony Tunes), satire (The Simpsons), or adventure (X-Men). Cadillacs and Dinosaurs really didn't fit into any of these molds, and its underlying environmental message undoubtedly confused the cable and TV executives into thinking it was an "Educational Show" which to media moguls says, "No profit margin". Rather than try something new, the powers-that-be elected to scuttle the show.As a final note, it's unknown what happened to the series' creator. Mark Shultz has literally dropped from sight, leaving the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs saga hanging on a precipice. In the final story, Hannah and friends have faked Tenrec's death in order to throw Scharnhorst (who has seized power in a coup) off his trail. To this day, there has been no word as to how this extraordinary tale will end! That is perhaps the biggest tragedy of all.
This was my favourite show when I was a kid. It had incredible animation and amazing storylines. Sadly, it only lasted a season, however, if you can find re-runs somewhere, WATCH THEM!! You'll be hooked! The show I think was based on a comic series called Xenozoic Tales, and I think there are also comics with this title. But it was an incredible show, which is something I can't stress enough.