
3.8| 0h30m| TV-Y| en

Caillou is an educational Canadian children's television series, based on the books by author Christine L'Heureux and illustrator Hélène Desputeaux. During the first season, many of the stories in the animated version began with a grandmother introducing the story to her grandchildren, then reading the story about the book. Since 1997, the narrator/grandmother is an unseen character. Caillou first aired on Canada's Teletoon channel in 1998; it later made its United States debut in English on Public Broadcasting Service Public television on September 4, 2000 A 5th Season came out in 2013 = and it airs on PBS Kids. Caillou also airs on PBS Sprout.


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PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
zachary-65190 Caillou is the biggest brat he has fits when he doesn't get his way I have a 3 year old sister who watches this show she watches other shows like Sofia the First and that show is fine she has manners cares about more people then herself but caillou only cares about himself he is spoiled and he treats everyone like garbage if he doesn't like them. This episode I just so happened to stumble upon an old man gives caillou cookies and caillou takes them and starts eating them like he was dying not even saying thank you to the man he's with his grandmother who doesn't even tell the little brat to say thank you if your a parent don't let your child watch this show if you do be warned this show is full of garbage. Check out this video of him being a brat Or this want y'all to remember. His dad said "we're going to the circus tomorrow". He didn't say "we're not going at all"! He didn't even say "we're going next week
Michael Laffey (michaellaffey868) Like seriously Jesus Christ.... How did this piece of crap get on TV on PBS Kids? If you want me to be honest, there probably could be other shows for preschoolers that are worse, but let me tell you something this might be the absolute worst TV show for preschoolers in the history of television. If there worse, please do me a favor and don't let me know.I've seen Peppa Pig, Lazytown, Dino Dan, Oobi, Dora The Explorer, Yo Gabba Gabba, The Wiggles, Go Diego Go, Ni Hao, Kai-Lan, Max & Ruby, Tickety Toc, The Fresh Beat Band, Teletubbies, and Barney the purple annoying dinosaur (and You thought Barney was worse enough) CAILLOU TAKES THE CAKE! I am not even kidding... This show is even worse than Barney!Caillou's parents always seem to let him get in their way like a doormat. The parents don't even seem to really give a crap about their kids at all.Their was this one episode where Caillou's little sister Rosie kept on bothering him and then Caillou goes tell his mother. The mom says "I am busy! Maybe Rosie just wants to play with you", Caillou then says "But I don't want to play with her!". Caillou's mom then says "Caillou I'm busy! I cannot be solving your problems all the time! You and Rosie need to learn to work out your own problems!" Caillou then yells "NO WE CAN'T!".Are you kidding me.... What the heck is this? Is this a preschool show or some sort of cliché reality show? Most of the episodes are written like it is a reality show, rather than a preschool show.To make it even worse in the episode where Caillou is still being bothered by Rosie, she comes into Caillou's room when he wants to be alone while reading his book, he then kicks her out of the room and then she starts banging on the door and starts crying. Caillou's mom then knocks on the door and asks "Did you made Rosie cry?" and Caillou replies with a no. Then what do you think the mother does? She shrugs and picks up Rosie and then she leaves...Caillou is such a liar and his mother believes that her son did not made Rosie cry. What the hell.....There was also an episode where Caillou is tired of being a big boy and decides to behave like a baby because he says his sister Rosie gets all the luck and doesn't even have to clean up. The mother then says "Okay if you want to behave like a baby then fine go ahead!". You know? If I decided to behave like a baby when I was a kid my mother wouldn't let me do anything like play video games or go to the movies. Caillou's parents are seriously careless... Its like they never even heard of Supernanny! They sure do need her!But now for the worst episode of the whole show. The infamous episode "Caillou Joins the Circus". In this episode, when Caillou got all dressed and brushed his teeth, his dad comes in and is proud of him (Which is alright, after all getting dressed by yourself and brushing your teeth by yourself when you are little is a pretty good sign to show that you are growing up) until..... When Caillou says "I don't want to be late for the circus" Caillou didn't realize that the circus was actually supposed to come tomorrow. His dad then says "Oh no Caillou that's not today! The circus is not until tomorrow" and then what happens? Caillou gets all upset and yells "NO ITS TODAY I GOT ALL DRESSED ITS TODAY!!!!!" and then throws himself on the floor throwing a fit and even woke up his sister Rosie.The dad didn't even told Caillou to go to his room and told him that you are grounded or anything!!What kind of preschool show is this? Is this even for preschoolers? I swear whoever created this show, I bet he/she had witnessed some messed up stuff as a child.The animation is awful (Max & Ruby which was somewhat similar to Caillou had better animation than this) The backgrounds are murky and very sloppy, they look so fake when you look at them!Believe it or not, Caillou's voice makes The Wonder Pets sound like a Celtic Woman song.The background music is alright but not very inspiring, in fact some of the background music sounds like a sick elephant trying to blow its nose into a tuba.If you want me to be honest with you, I know you people have seen many bad preschool shows before but no, let me tell you. THIS SHOW MIGHT BE THE #1 WORST PRESCHOOL SHOW EVER CREATED IN TELEVISION HISTORY!You know what? If I actually went on vacation with my kids and at the hotel, we were only allow to watch either Caillou or Barney, I would certainly choose Barney. Barney might be an annoying pile of sh*t but at least he doesn't throw temper tantrums or inspire horrible ideas to help our children think that its okay to get our own way all the time. I am not kidding you guys. Caillou is much, much, much, much, much worse than Barney or any other horrible preschool show in the world!The fact that Caillou is telling our children that its okay to break the rules, and whine to your parents all the time, pretty much means, that this is really where the real hellhole is in this show.But if you would love your child to become spoiled and rotten and throw temper tantrums all the time and yell at you all the time, then you can let him/her watch the show.
Melissa S I was 16 when Caillou came out but I have three younger sisters. I watched it with them when it first came out. This show is not as bad as people are making it out to be. Yes, Caillou can be whinny or misbehave sometimes BUT he is corrected when he is. It isn't just brushed off. He is told what not to do, what is nice, what is mean, how not to be afraid in the dark or upset when he falls down, and how to be helpful and share. I have a three year old watching it and it has yet to make her a brat. This show is not bad. There are a lot of shows that are currently on kid's channels. Also, Caillou doesn't have cancer. He was just drawn without hair.
info-36-866636 I only logged on here after having to endure a Caillou episode last night with my 3 year old. This show has absolutely NO educational value. I'm shocked that this is allowed on Treehouse. This child sets no example for your children. Last night's episode was laced with the word "stupid" now I can only hope that at the end there was some kind of message but the amount of times that the word was used likely defeated the purpose. I am looking for a way to block this show on Netflix. This show is not suitable for children and should be taken off the air. If there was a petition to sign, I would sign it in a heart beat. WORST Children's SHOW EVER.