Chasing Mummies


Seasons & Episodes

  • 1

4.5| 0h30m| TV-PG| en

Chasing Mummies: The Amazing Adventures of Zahi Hawass is a reality television series which is airing on The History Channel in the United States. Produced by Boutique TV, this series depicts the adventures of archaeologist and Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass and his discoveries in Egypt as he is followed by young archeological fellows and a camera crew. The series began on Wednesday, 14 July 2010 and aired Wednesdays at 10pm on the History Channel. The shows illustrates the complexities in the almost never-ending quest to preserve and discover artifacts from ancient Egypt.


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Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
cosmospacely I've never seen such an awful show. I just watched episode 2 where the high point was when one of the actors relieved herself inside the Khufu pyramid.This is not even a reality show. That may have actually been interesting and we probably would have learned something. Instead, this is a poorly written TV show where some of the characters just happen to use their real names.Every attempt at 'suspense' is ridiculous. As they are walking up the Grand Gallery, they are short of breath and nervous with their cute little hard hats on, second-guessing their decision to go into the pyramid. I guess it would have been dramatic for us, except that we visited Egypt last Feb/May (couple of weeks after revolution) and my little 4-year-old and her two sisters thought walking up to the king's burial chamber was a blast.What a waste.
indicaraynne The acting aside, Chasing Mummies still takes you places you will not likely be able to see in person. I was fascinated by the tombs, the bustle and activity in the backgrounds, the sounds, and the sights. I have learned from this show, and entirely enjoyed it. If you are looking for a stern documentary, this is not for you, but if you like some informative entertainment this works. For all of the comments that were blasting Dr. Zahi Hawass, people seem to forget that the rest of the title of this series is The Amazing Adventures of Zahi Hawass. So it seems to me that the show gives exactly what should be expected. Sure, it could be better, but I personally take what I can get when it comes to Egypt and all it's wonders.
selket8 I too looked forward to this show, but couldn't watch more than 10 minutes. Hawas is an idiotic bully who should never work with live people (actors or not). He will destroy archaeological aspirations for many! Most of us are aware of his "taking credit" where it is not due him. Not just in the "finds", but in reading hieroglyphs: reading from left to right although they are written from right to left. His grandstanding could almost be tolerated if not for the deceptive showing to the public of "facts". I'm not just angry but disappointed that such a low-grade show is on the History Chanel. I'm grateful for all the honest, intelligent and hardworking archaeologists who share their love and dedication to Egyptian History. Hawas is NOT one of them.
merdume Does anyone believe these people are not actors?? The stupid girl who got "stuck" in the pyramid is soooo annoying as a actor.. and she has a degree in ACTING!!! she can't even deliver her lines believably. But, there should be no line.. this is supposed to be a reality show.. Disgusting... I am also wondering why I can't rate this show yet. How I would like to give this show negative stars. I have seen Dr. Zahi before on other programs and was excited to see that he was a part of this, but I am very disappointed. I am sure some of the show is real and would be interesting by itself, but for some reason the producers seemed to think they needed a gimmick to make it interesting... BIG MISTAKE