What a waste of my time!!!
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Some idiot below gave this 1/10 even though it's imbd rating is currently at 8.1 (at time of writing this).
Mad candid show that takes the YouTube clip aspect of Tosh.O and adds an interview element that is completely unique to itself. I'm a 36yo guy from Australia and i still understood every word and reference and honestly rate this is as one of my all time fave shows now. You don't need to be a millennial or from the Brooklyn to get this and i imagine that is why it secured the #1 late night talk show spot and helped further launch Viceland - still waiting to catch the show now that it's moved to Showtime(?).. I hope the Bodega Boys stay true to their good form ..word* ;)
Unwatchable. I know they have to fill time with something over at viceland but this is the ultimate cringe. I can't tell if they are supposed to be funny; they do tend to laugh at their own remarks, even if they are unintelligible. The one guy just says "word" after everything the other guy says. I have a thought. Come up with an actual "word" to express your thoughts, if you actually have any. In one, three minute segment, he said "word" 19 times!!!! The erosion of entertainment in its simplest form.
Ross Morrison
I laugh as hard and frequently at this as peak Daily Show and Colbert Report. The fact they do most of it off-the-cuff (without much of a writing room, based on interviews I've read) blows my mind. Vice has something really special here, with two, naturally gifted comedians, both with genius-level understanding of all manner of pop culture plus the ability to find the best humor angle on anything from Scaramucci to James Patterson Novels (and who likely reads them) to demon goats (a regular segment). I'm watching an old episode right now and laughing so hard I'm wiping away tears. My wife literally applauded ... APPLAUDED at one of their jokes, just sitting in the living room with nobody else around but me. That doesn't happen with other shows. There are a few things that bother me. They give way too many props to the BX when everybody knows BK is what's up. I've seen Yankees hats all over the set, but no Mets so far. Desus's hats are sometimes too large for his head (wardrobe, can you get on that?). Other than that, though, this is a brilliant update on the typical late night show and I'm guessing Vice TV's first serious triumph. Too-large hats-off to everyone involved. If you like late night comedy shows and want to see something new, and if you'd love to see the power of Black Twitter harnessed into its best possible TV incarnation, you'll love Desus & Mero.
It took me a minute to start enjoying this show. I'm older so I'm not the demographic. I kept watching because the hosts provide a unique perspective representing voices that otherwise would remain unheard. So far, the hosts have retained their agency (i.e., not caved to external forces as their viewership has grown). I wish them well.