
6.7| 0h30m| TV-Y7| en

Half dinosaur, half construction truck, full-on fun! Watch giant Ty Rux, his little buddy Revvit and the crew come face-to-face with evil D-Structs.


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DreamWorks Animation


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LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
smurffette This show is cute, has humor and is fun for kids and parents to both enjoy.
Ersbel Oraph Another Dream Works attempt to keep up the pace with the others animation producers. This one is an Ice Age with Transformers. The violence is there. The creations are aberrant: a truck needs to eat ore, but still needs repairing. And with a Marxist message.The Stinky and Dirty show is much better, even if it is targeted at an even younger audience. The problem is The Stinky and Dirty show is on Amazon Prime and Dinotrucks on NetFlix.Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @ bitmail.ch
Cody When I first saw this on Netflix, my niece was watching it and wasn't interested in it. So I took a look for it myself for solid TV show time...and I like it.The animation's fine, but I also like the characters, the story ideas for each episode, and the fighting/building sequences. The comedy is pretty witty, with jokes like "We did it!" and then "You mean we DIDN'T" and all that. Plus, I'm amazed that they actually used a toilet joke as a useful weapon in the form of Garby the Stegarbosaurus. And I get a good feeling whenever Ty the hero (or anyone else) says "Let's Trux it up!" and the theme song plays when they build something big.I don't have many major complaints about this show for the moment, but I had been thinking that Skrap-It (the main villain D-Structs' assistant) would pull a Starscream and probably betray him at the end or something. If they pulled an episode like that already, then I apologize.So on a scale from one to ten, I'll give it an eight. I can recommend this for entertainment and story building
Dinotrux4thewin Dinotrux was awesome!A much better show than Grey's Anatomy!At first, you may be a bit thrown off by the premise. Dinotrux? Are they dinosaurs? Are they trucks? Wrong on both counts. They are the perfect combination of diesel and prehistoric pure unadulterated awesomeness. If any critique could be leveled against this, what otherwise would be regarded as a masterpiece, it would be that you are found wanting during the first couple of shows for some context of the world. Were the Dinotrux the result of an ill-fated Artificial Intelligence experiment ? Was there perhaps a brutal civil war that left the Dinotruck population victorious, yet the population decimated? Hopefully these questions will be answered in Season Two. However, in the mean time, Dinotrux is still an awesome show, and the natural successor to its spiritual forefathers in late 80s and early 90s cartoons, as well as some of the later work of Pablo Picasso. As the late great Roger Ebert once said, your intelligence may be confused, but your emotions will never lie to you. A much better show than Grey's Anatomy!