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7.3| 0h30m| en

When 20-year-old college student and K-drama fanatic Claire Duncan is transported into her favorite drama, “Taste of Love”, her appearance throws the show off-balance, causing other dramas to splice into the series. Mysterious waiter Seth Ko made his own journey into the drama years ago from the real world and mentors Claire on how to navigate the dramaworld. What kind of crazy adventure will Claire experience?


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KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Brooklynn There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
annsquake Yes, it's short and yes, it could've done more. But I have to say, the way in which this show mocks the fanbases was really hilarious and I'm glad that unlike many other attempted mockeries of internet culture, this one was very very accurate. Great acting, great humour, great setting - generally just a really nice short series.
usuyami_13 I was looking forward for this one, and had it on queue waiting for the perfect moment to binge-watch it, and finally got that perfect moment. It was rather disappointing, the lead guys have no chemistry whatsoever,also the lead guy ironically seems to struggle acting Korean, Justin Chon is the only one that seemed to make an effort at acting and have fun. The concept is interesting and it had so much potential, but it falls flat on the execution, they had so many opportunities to make it fun, and they were wasted, I love kdramas, and there was so much they could have used on this story. At the end, the bad acting,and the bad writing make small episodes feel long and boring.
gorphina I have been a K-Drama junkie since 2009 since the volume controls on my now old-fashioned, non-flat-screen television set malfunctioned and the only shows I could watch were the ones with English subtitles. Beginning with an historical drama called "Dae Jo-Young" which I had believed to be either Chinese or Japanese. As a 50-year old white woman who's Irish/Scottish on the paternal side of my family and Sicilian on the maternal side of it I didn't realize that what I was watching was an historical drama set centuries ago in Korea. However, "Dae Jo- Young" wasn't the K-Drama that put me over the edge into becoming fully addicted to the genre. It was a series called "Boys Over Flowers" and ever since I have been watching K-Dramas; both the ones that take place in the past and in the present ever since.There are actually only a very few Hollywood television series that I find to be as well done as many of the K-Dramas that I have seen.Now enough of that."Dramaworld" is a an extremely charming series that has managed, in my opinion, to combine the best of a Hollywood and a Korean T.V. show. I found the episodes to be much too short at an average of 10 minutes each and binge-watched the entire first season of the series on Netflix.I especially liked how Claire was able to interact with the characters on the K-Drama that she had been thrust into without the makers of "Dramaworld" using the fish-out-of-water cliché.
Charles Herold (cherold) Claire, a huge fan of Korean dramas (I had no idea that was a thing, but apparently it is), is magically transported into her favorite Korean soap opera, where she is told that she has a new job; fixing the conventional dramatic path that has somehow gone off target. She is supposed to work from behind the scenes, creating situations for the leads to fall in love as they're supposed to, but things don't go quite the way they're supposed to.Dramaworld is quite funny, although as the show digs deeper into its silly story the humor sometimes gets toned down in favor of plot or drama. But the story is intriguing, the drama has a light touch, and the comedy manages to both mock Korean conventions while making me eager to watch one of these shows for myself.Liv Hewson, who plays Claire, is perfectly cast as the red-headed American nerd inexplicably accepted by the Korean principles. She manages to be both dorky and plain enough to seem like someone who would obsessively watch a TV show while being cute and quirky enough to be believable as someone who simply cannot avoid becoming a part of the story she is supposed to influence from the edges. The series reminds me a lot of Lost in Austen, in which a Jane Austen fan is transported into one of her novels. If you like one of these, I highly recommend watching the other.I highly recommend binge watching this; episodes are short and end on cliffhangers, so it's frustrating to just watch one. I wound up waiting a month so I could watch the last 4 episodes together. Beautifully done from beginning to end. I just love this show so much.