Echo Beach


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  • 1

5.7| 0h30m| en

Echo Beach is a British teen drama series that aired on ITV in 2008. Set in the fictional Cornish coastal town of Polnarren, it ran for twelve weekly episodes from 10 January to 21 March 2008. The show was created by Tony Jordan and produced by Kudos for ITV.


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Harockerce What a beautiful movie!
SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
Izzy Adkins The movie is surprisingly subdued in its pacing, its characterizations, and its go-for-broke sensibilities.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
studioAT ITV love an off the wall idea, and this concept of having a soap combined with a comedy programme that showed the 'writers' writing it was their big idea of 2008.Sadly for them, much like a few of their big ideas, it didn't pan out, and the 'writers writing bit' ended up being the more successful.Because it's so ridiculed in the other show this soap always felt more 'Acorn Antiques' than 'Emmerdale' but it's mildly entertaining stuff, if only to make us think "why doesn't Martine McCutchen get more work?".We'll file this in the 'nice idea that failed' pile.
davidsaxonjones Possible Spoiler included. I can just see the production office for this dire show saying aren't we clever! But of course...we've just seen it in Moving Wallpaper..... but no we haven't.. we've seen the production office's idea of a production office of a pretentious soap... The original concept has merits which are sadly not borne out in the terrible execution. Moving Wallpaper is so pleased with itself and it's offspring Echo Beach really is amazingly self indulgent. Echo Beach itself isn't good enough to be watchable or indeed bad enough to be amusing, it is positively the worst prime-time show to (dis)grace our screens for many a month. What are they trying to do? It seems to be attempting to have some credibility as a soap in its own right but the writing, casting and acting are so far below standards I find acceptable on main-stream TV. I am not at all surprised it achieves only minimal audiences. The actors and director have no apparent sense irony. Am I missing something here?
charlottexx13 Echo Beach is a totally original idea for a soap. I find it quite addictive. It is a soap within a soap connecting with Moving Wallpaper, the things said in moving wallpaper appear in the soap, so you see the reason for everything that happens. I feel this is a great attempt as a soap as it appeals to a young and old audience. It is much edgier than your Eastenders and Corination Street. I will be a loyal fan of this show for a long long time. There is plenty of eye-candy in the soap. It has a a great soundtrack with new music. I think this will be a great soap.
ian1000 The IMDb page seems to make no mention of the connection to its parent show Moving Wallpaper - so I'll do so here.Echo Beach is a show within a show - it's the corny Cornish soap opera, the production of which Moving Wallpaper, a comedy drama, shows us.If the lines are cheesy, if the characters are predictable, and if the show seems to be overtly grabbing for soap awards that's because it is meant to be exactly that! The inclusion of a token ethnic character, Narinda, and the selection of that pink dress are also shown in the first episode of Moving Wallpaper.This show should be viewed in the same frame of mind as When The Whistle Blows within Extras - although we do at least get to see Echo Beach in isolation.Great fun - we need more TV like this; different, fresh, inventive.