Everest: Beyond the Limit


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8.3| 0h30m| TV-PG| en

Everest: Beyond the Limit is a Discovery Channel reality television series about yearly attempts to summit Mount Everest organized and led by New Zealander Russell Brice.



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TinsHeadline Touches You
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Vladimir Savin I once enjoyed watching movie named "Vertical Limit" - a true hint of mountaineer's consciousness and spirit. Only this time the highest Mountain will put mens' guts to the test you can find nowhere else. The cameramen-sherpas have done outstanding job so the viewer is literally on the mountain with the expedition members witnessing their pain and struggle, defeat and victory. Plus the panorama views are almost to die for. This is the rarest scenery I have seen in my life so far! Both seasons are strongly recommended! However, may be, people who have never been to the mountains themselves will not be able to appreciate in full this excitement, almost awe of the mens' spirit. :(Overall, for me it's like the final breakthrough of Tim Robbins in "Shawshank Redemtion" only this time there are real people not just movie characters.
jrcook Whatever moron wrote the "contrived hokum" post should remove it. He has no appreciation for this show, and only made it through 1 1/2 episodes. How can you write an honest review of a show when you don't even watch it. Everest is not a show about heroes, so I don't why this guy thought it was. It's a show on how any ordinary person can try to climb the greatest mountain in the world, even though most fail. The show does a great job of giving an absolute ton of credit to the Sherpas and all of their hard work. And no, this is nothing like jumping in the back of a truck or whatever that idiot had to say. These climbers still must physically climb the mountain. They hike in freezing temperatures with hardly any oxygen for countless hours. Hardly a walk in the park. This show is about 1/2 mountain climbing and 1/2 learning the personalities of the climbers. I don't miss a show.
RachelRivenbark The camera crew and writers do a great job in putting together the best show I've seen yet on climbing Everest while managing to stay alive! You are taken to the Base Camp to meet climbers from all over the world with one wish - to summit the highest mountain in the world. As the quest to reach the top unfolds, the viewer learns a lot more about the climbers and what some are willing to give up to reach the top. You will want to watch every episode. This is much better than the Imax film and more in depth. The Discovery website also is a good source of information. This is a great show for kids also. We look forward to season 2007 and the live feeds from Mt. Everest.
linearvelocityb this show is produced excellently. My girlfriend and I started TiVoing it at the beginning and now it's become a must watch on Tuesday nights. the fact that a film crew is following these climbers to a location that normal people can't even think of doing is just Amazing. Last nights drama (12/12/06 episode) kept me on the edge of my sofa.....Cant' wait for next weeks episode......Tim turn your dumb ass around.......... Ten lines is to much......I said what I wanted to say and adding anymore is as if you are forcing words into my mouth.....how would you feel if someone was trying to force you to say more than you felt was pertinent to the thoughts you had.......simple, to the point is better than crappy filler that just rambles on........sorry. you forced me to write this!