Falling in love with Ramón


Seasons & Episodes

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EP2 Fabiola desconfía de Juana - "Fabiola distrusts Juana" Feb 21, 2017

EP3 Sofía y Ramón se van de Tijuana - "Sofía and Ramón leave Tijuana" Feb 22, 2017

EP4 Fabiola y Andrea se despiden de sus padres - "Fabiola and Andrea say goodbye to their parents" Feb 23, 2017

EP5 Sofía rompe el corazón de Ramón - "Sofía breaks Ramón's heart" Feb 24, 2017

EP6 Juana es humillada por Fabiola - "Juana is humiliated by Fabiola" Feb 27, 2017

EP7 Ramón se reencuentra con Juana - "Ramón meets Juana again" Feb 28, 2017

EP8 Hortensia denuncia a Juana por fraude - "Hortensia denounces Juana for fraud" Mar 01, 2017

EP9 ¡Fabiola y Ramón trabajarán juntos! - "Fabiola and Ramón will work together!" Mar 02, 2017

EP17 Juana le suplica a Hortensia que saque a Ramón de la cárcel Mar 14, 2017

EP20 Hortensia quiere correr a Ramón del taller Mar 17, 2017

EP27 Antonio le advierte a Juana que se cuide de Julio Mar 28, 2017

EP29 Ramón le confiesa a Juana que es novio de Fabiola Mar 30, 2017

EP30 Hortensia descubre el secreto de Fabiola Mar 31, 2017

EP33 Hortensia levanta la orden de restricción Apr 05, 2017

EP34 Dalia no acepta la relación de Fabiola y Ramón Apr 06, 2017

EP54 Francisco aprovecha la desgracia de Fabiola May 04, 2017

EP58 Juana se entera que Ramón fue secuestrado May 10, 2017

EP64 La tración de Verónica es descubierta May 18, 2017

EP70 ¡Fabiola y Ramón pasan la noche juntos! May 26, 2017

EP72 Ramón cree que Fabiola está embarazada May 30, 2017

EP73 Francisco intenta librarse de Hortensia May 31, 2017

EP74 Sofía vuelve a hacerse ilusiones con Ramón Jun 01, 2017

EP76 Ramón intentará ser feliz con Sofía Jun 05, 2017

EP84 Fabiola se quiere divorciar de Francisco Jun 15, 2017

EP90 Ramón sufre por el embarazo de Fabiola Jun 23, 2017

EP91 Ramón decide alejarse de Sofía definitivamente Jun 26, 2017

EP94 Ramón se entera que va a tener un hijo Jun 29, 2017

EP115 ¡Sofía regresa para acabar con Fabiola! Jul 28, 2017

6.8| 0h30m| en

Fabiola's parents are killed in a plane crash leaving her and her younger sister, Andrea, orphans. Their parents estate is divided equally among the girls. But at the reading of the will, the family is surprised to learn of the existence of a life insurance policy for one million dollars. They're even more surprised when they learn who the sole beneficiary of that policy is. While the family squabbles over what to do about the policy, Fabiola decides she's going to take over the administration of her family's business: a successful garage, where she finds more than she bargained for when she meets a mechanic named Ramon who just happens to be the son of her long-time nanny, Juana. It is based on the Venezuelan telenovela written by Doris Seguí, "Tomasa Tequiero" produced in 2009.


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Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Ortiz Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.