From my favorite movies..
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Will Arnett at his best... well, kinda 2nd best after Bojack Horseman.
I would have preferred...I even expected a little bit of Gob Bluth but Chip is cool in all his flawed-ness. I like the show, it feels like a refreshing slice of real life starring real people. Bits and pieces of the show remind me of my friends and I at various points in our lives. I love the fact that nothing is rushed (relationships) Now on to the real star of the show...The soundtrack. Every single episode I realize how fortunate I am to discover new music and new artists. I spent so much of the show looking up the songs I heard. Not since Gossip Girl have a watched a show with so much good music.
This show is certainly flawed in some aspects, but that is also part of its nature. That might be difficult to understand. It can be a bit of a mess, just like the main character and the spirit of the show. What is however extremely competent, is the way it is shot. It's gorgeous. The cinematography is probably the best i've ever seen in a TV-show. The way it uses Vence as location and the way they capture light is gorgeous; the orange glow of a low sun shot in natural light on location. the locations and vibe of venice. Together with the use of music this makes a framework that gives the show an inherent quality that few other shows have..The show is like a mix of The Big Lebowski and Californication, with some added flair of beat literature. You either get those things or not, and sometimes you need time. The show certainly grew on me, and somehow I couldn't stop watching. Enjoy the atmosphere that is beautiful and chillThe show does sometime dip into melodrama a bit too much for my liking, when it should be a bit more comedic than it is. But it is a far more intelligent, mature and artistic show than most. In fact it's probably one of my favourite shows since Treme.
I'm guessing that Will Arnett fans probably find this rewarding. For the rest of us, not so much. It moves very slowly and very little happens. And even that which does happen only sort of happens. I assume that all of these folks did something productive once upon a time. But now they populate Venice - not the one in Italy, of course - the one in Los Angeles - the tourist-hippie-chic beach town. Venice does have its ultra-wealthy citizens, of course. They either enjoy the Bohemian ambiance, or they enjoy the beach but do their other activities somewhere else. The rest of the folks in Venice, at least those in Flaked, seem to be just drifting, looking for lives they either once had or for which they are still hoping. The cast is well up to the assignment but that doesn't help much. The characters are the story, so saying anymore would give things away. Netflix streams the eight episodes in the first season, and suffice to say it must have satisfied its expectations because it has been renewed for season 2.