Frank TV


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4.2| 0h30m| en

Frank TV is an American sketch comedy show starring MADtv veteran Frank Caliendo, Mike MacRae, and Freddy Lockhart. Caliendo hosted the show and performed in sketches in full makeup as characters he impersonated.


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Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
no_spm_brazil TBS ought to just give up already on original programming and stick with re-runs and syndication. Yes, Frank is a very funny guy, and most of his impersonations are spot on. I especially like Frank's Jack Nickleson and John Madden. However, the Frank TV skits were just NOT funny, which is too bad because I loved the commercials. I didn't so much as chuckle once during the program, especially during the Donald Trump skit, which was ridiculous. I'm not sure why TBS has so much trouble producing a quality show. Maybe they only allow of budget of $4 per episode.
lemonsrsour2003 During the baseball playoffs, I saw the "Frank TV" commercials and I couldn't wait for the show. I even entered a note in my PDA to remind me that the show would start 20 November. I couldn't wait. I can't recall EVER making a note to myself for a show that would start in over a month. I was ready for the show the day it was to be on. We sat down, full of anticipation...and couldn't believe how unfunny the show was. It reminded me of a bad High School talent show. I could try to break down his show, analyze it's content and try to be constructive, but was bad. I've decided to give it one more shot tonight, and I don't know why. I rated it with a "4" instead of the "2" I think it really deserves simply because...I don't know. I guess there's a part of me that hopes the next show is funny. Maybe I'm remembering how funny the commercials were. Maybe I just have a big heart. That's it...big heart.
dublinmovieman Frank Caliendo's stand up comedy act has some funny moments, but he just can't transition to a half-hour sketch show. He's trying to appeal to a very broad audience which means all the jokes have been done many times before and have become tired and stale. It's about as funny as Jay Leno's monologue.He's a very talented mimic and all of the impersonations are spot on, but he needs to hire some new writers. The gags come off like they were written for a Disney Channel comedy show, like Sister Sister or Saved By The Bell. No doubt, the next episode will feature Screech as a guest star.Frank needs to get off TV and back into stand-up. 10-year old jokes just don't cut it anymore.
Travis M. Nelson I've heard Frank Caliendo's impressions on ESPN radio and the man is very funny. Not a big MADtv fan, but I can imagine that he was a riot there too. But Frank TV? It isn't working there. I saw the first episode last night, and I'll be very surprised to see them air a 2nd. His impersonation skills and humor work well when playing off another character or two, or in a stand-up show, when playing off an audience's background knowledge of the characters he does makes it funny, but when playing off himself playing multiple roles, it's just not that funny. Some of the ideas are amusing, but the sketches either don't work or they drag on too long.Case in point: Dick Cheney stepping in to give the "father/daughter talk" to Jenna Bush on her wedding night. The idea is moderately amusing, but a good impression of Cheney isn't particularly funny, and the skit just took too long.Maybe the writers have something else up their sleeves for next week, but if not, I don't see how they can make it work. A funny and/or attractive co-host, instead of some dead fish from the audience, might help, too but more of what we saw in the premiere episode will not cut it. The show will be canceled before we see 5 episodes.