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8.2| 0h30m| TV-PG| en


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CBS Studios


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GamerTab That was an excellent one.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
sundevilemily I always wondered for a while what the show Frasier is like and I saw that it was on Netflix and I decided to watch the first episode and go from there to see if I really liked it.Now I am almost done watching season 3 since I watched the first episode and it is such a funny show to watch and it's a show where people can really connect to.Kelsey Grammar does such a great job at bringing heart and soul to the character Frasier Crane who helps out people on his radio talk show.
Dave Many episodes of this are very well-written and acted. The characters and the interactions between them are often well-observed. The contrast between highly-educated people (including the protagonist and his brother, Niles) and less educated people (including their father, Martin, and Frasier's assistant, Roz) is used to good effect. The writers made some major mistakes: a) Some episodes are weak and boring, with little entertaining content. b) Roz is from Wisconsin, but she always speaks with a Texan accent. c) Daphne is from Manchester and retains her strong accent. However, she frequently switches from speaking in British English, to American English, and back again - sometimes within an episode.d) Frasier and Niles are patronising, arrogant snobs - which makes it difficult for viewers to like them.
ReganRebecca I first watched Frasier during its initial run. I had never seen Cheers, but my mom had been a fan, so together we tuned in to Frasier and were disappointed when it came to an end. All these years later I've finally decided to give it a rewatch and I'm completely surprised that it managed to hold up as well as it did. The show is mainly about its titular character, a psychiatrist named Frasier Crane who has a radio show in Seattle and lives with his aging widowed father, Marty Crane after an injury in the line of duty forced him to retire. Marty, a salt of the earth type guy, often chaffes against his snobbish effette son, and his younger son, Niles Crane, a man so dandyish he makes Frasier look like a brute. Rounding out the cast is Frasier's radio show producer and eventual best friend, Roz Doyle, and Marty's live-in physical therapist/housekeep Daphne Moon. It's an easy show to watch, the plots are relatively simple, most episodes work as stand alones and there aren't too many long term plots. But it's also a joy to watch because these are characters who really love each other, with real relationship and connections on the line. There's not a weak actor among the main cast, but the stand out will always be David Hyde Pierce as Frasier's brother Niles. Does a more perfect casting exist? Not only is he physically similar to his show-brother Kelsey Grammar, but he is absolutely hilarious as the elitist, dandyish Niles Crane. A great show to watch, that manages to stay consistently great over the many seasons.
Parker Lewis It's hard to write a review spanning all the seasons of Frasier, but I remember Jeff Foxworthy's routine "We don't get the jokes of Frasier" which highlighted the class distinction between the shows that "common folk" watch and the Frasier viewers.I must admit I didn't really like Bob "Bulldog" Briscoe as he came across as way too forceful with no subtlety that's a hallmark of Frasier. I'm pleased his character was phased out half-way through the series, and not a moment too soon. Maybe there was one episode where his racism really caused an uncomfortable moment - where he did a horrible Chinese accent to mock a Chinese restaurant commercial on KACL - all on air! You think about it, the Chinese restaurant has paid big bucks to be advertised on KACL and you'd expect they'd get some dignity out of it. But no, Bulldog does the honors and trashes the restaurant. Okay, I get it, Bulldog was politically incorrect. He attacked political correctness. But the blindspot was that Bulldog never seemed to mock LGBTs. Never. Maybe there's an episode where he did, but if Bulldog is so politically incorrect, why were they off limits? I do wonder about this. Maybe an uncomfortable truth.