Frisky Dingo


Seasons & Episodes

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8.2| 0h30m| TV-MA| en

Frisky Dingo is an American animated cartoon series created by Adam Reed and Matt Thompson for Adult Swim. The series revolved around the conflict between a supervillain named Killface and a superhero named Awesome X, alias billionaire Xander Crews, and much of the show's humor focuses on parodying superhero and action movie clichés. It debuted on October 16, 2006 and ended its first season on January 22, 2007; the second season premiered on August 26, 2007 and ended on March 23, 2008. A third season was in development, but in the absence of a renewal contract from Adult Swim, pre-production ceased. The production company itself, 70/30 Productions, subsequently went out of business in January 2009. A spin-off show, The Xtacles, premiered on November 9, 2008, but only two episodes were aired prior to the production company's closure.


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Tetrady not as good as all the hype
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Seraherrera The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain Frisky Dingo is a bizarrely titled, and simply bizarre animated comedy that comes in 10 minute episodes. Over the course of two seasons we followed Killface, an evil supervillain, and Awesome-X a superhero. However, this is very different to everything you've seen before. The hero is a complete jackass, and not in the cocky kind of Tony Stark way. He is stupid and arrogant, but somehow his enthusiasm makes him very likable. He acts how he majority of us would probably act with superpowers. He has great powers and no responsibility. Killface is also not the typical villain, especially in season two when he runs for president. Killface is bringing up a son, and also has to deal with paperwork and politics of being a bad guy. It isn't as easy as just being evil. The world is also filled with wonderful side characters that seem to each want their own moment in the sun. The writing is very quick and has some wonderful lines based on absurd premises. The series does become too reliable on a particularly one note character come the second season, and it's a shame the story never really continued. What we do get is a show that's easy to digest in short increments or a lengthy marathon session.
wandereramor Frisky Dingo is a weird, weird cartoon. Not even Adult Swim weird: it superficially fits into that structure but makes it crack at the seams and bow to its own ambitions. At time there seems to be a running bet as to how many plot lines they can squeeze into one eleven-minute episode, while still making every one of those minutes full of hilarious jokes.And the jokes are pretty great. There are some mighty one-liners, but even better than that is a gradual flow of jokes and counter-jokes between characters that only build on themselves. The characters themselves also lend themselves well to comedy, with the principal duo being every bit as ridiculous as more minor characters like Wendell the union thug or Artie the lovestruck crab mutant.As for the long-form narrative, it has a lot of funny twists, but it seems like more of a balancing act than an actual story, and there are times when you just wish they would let a character go for once. The animation is also about as basic as it gets, and I'm not sure the cheapo aesthetic entirely fits the feel of the show. Adam Reed's follow-up series Archer gets these elements a lot better, but Frisky Dingo is perhaps more purely funny. Each season is only a couple hours put together, and you could do a lot worse than spending those hours laughing your ass off.
TheEtherWalk Killface is an albino supervillain with plans to blast the earth into the sun with a weapon called "The Annhilatrix". Xander Crews is a chauvinistic, idiotic playboy leading a double life as a billionaire tycoon and a superhero "Awesome-X" with an army of armoured soldiers called "The Xtacles". Killface was once referred to as his "arch nemesis and secret buddy." Crews must stop his plans as they both deal with their personal issues and side characters in and around 'The Town', and struggle to become better businessmen.That's as close as I can get to describing the plot, since the way the show is presented needs to be seen to be believed. The humour is extremely random and demented, often gleefully obscene and outrageously violent. Characters are often killed without any warning, and the plot lines and dialogue are all very stream-of-consciousness. The show is so knee-slappingly funny and endlessly quotable that it will imprint itself on your mind. Soon "Kakow", "Boosh" and "We can never go back to Arizona!" will become part of your regular vocabulary.Almost every side character is awesomely hilarious. There's Mr. Ford, the double-entendre spewing judge, Ronnie the perverted Xtacle, Killface's gay (?) son Simon, Crew's girlfriend Grace Ryan who he treats like dirt and is also arch-villainess 'Ant-agony', some meth-addicted hooker, a lesbian wannabe assassin, a half-man/half-crab hybrid, a giant ant baby, and a giant ant baby machete squad. Come to think of it, Frisky Dingo is probably not for the easily offended or the pretentious...This show also features what is probably that greatest character in Adult Swim history: Wendell. A former agent of the department of labour, turned psychopathic killing machine, this guy is disgusting, weird and a total ass to everyone he meets, including his best friend who he framed for murder and then tried to have sex with his wife. This guy needs his own show big time.Unfortunately only two seasons of this series were made, and it ends with a big cliffhanger. The studio had financial issues as I understand. These two seasons though are an unparallelled work of comedy genius. That is, if you don't mind it being completely absurd and filled to the brim with epic, epic penis jokes. Mastah cylindahhhh!! Don't look over here at what I'm doing! You point at it! You celebrate yourself!!
paperballet I would like to exclaim my undying support to the boys and girls at Adult Swim for making fine 18-35 demographic television for smart, funny people who have an often times ironic lifestyle. this show is another shining example of why i call Adult Swim "Television's Candy"- because, well it so is. the characters are often confused and normal- concerned with Cobra insurance and HMOs but the social commentary, once again, makes Cartoon Network look even better by allowing off-color humor to become a valuable, if not indispensable, part of entertainment. i cannot get enough of Killface. his sexual ambiguity and the violence that are sometimes even absurd for his "villain-esque" character make me giggle with delight. my boyfriend and i quote this show on a regular basis. i am now simply waiting on the DVD and a new season. this, i hope, is the future of television for my age. a 30-something adult with existential googly eyes awaiting more absurd TV. the genius of this show is fast dialog and a nurturing of characters like only the makers of sea lab could provide. bravo guys.